Masters Running

Here or KR? Let's talk. (Read 1274 times)

    Good idea check with the people at KR in regards to how they all feel As has been suggested, maybe the smart thing will be for us to go where we feel most comfortable, some will frequent BOTH (or is that all three?) areas, and everyone can make the casual cross over visit for old times. Nice umm....picture ......ilene. It does remind me that the pictures seem small. So are the terms like...."boomer goddesses" a feature of only the CR threads?.....or do they carry over to here?.....or did the KR gang take the rights to those handles? many questions. Kimber.....welcome by the way. I hope you do feel comfortable posting in here. That is quite the story you shared about your history of running. etc. I do like the fact that this Eric really is on top of things. Yowzers......DH is right about good customer service.
      Sorry, Evanflein, it is my butt. Walking back to the car from Pacific Shoreline race last February. Smile
      That reminds me. PDR needs an avatar now. Hmm...

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |



        Hi Folks! It is starting to look like most folks are wanting to go with RA. With tabbed browsing, I could probably keep up with KR and RA as it would still be 10 times faster than CR. Illene's avatar reminds me of the lady at Las Vegas where she had a tee shirt on that said, "why pass me when you can follow this" and below an error pointing towards her butt. Good Runs All, Larry
        "If you see a man running up a mountain trail with a fly pole attached to his back, you are probably lost"ldd


          Yeah, thus far, I'm happy here and was totally turned off by the whole shake up at I miss the sense of community at Boomers and Beyond yet feel as though this forum may be able to match the sense of home that I felt at B and B. Chris


            Recently turned 40...and a refugee from CR.I like it here too. Mind if I join you folks at the big table?

            San Francisco - 7/29/12

            Warrior Dash Ohio II - 8/26/12

            Chicago - 10/7/12


              Welcome runner67, you can sit at the big table now. Smile


              Runners run



                This place is starting to feel like home already - lots of familiar boomers, and some nice new folks too. I tried KR a few times but it just never "took". My running log is here now too. I'm definitely NOT going back to active/CR because of what they did to our site. So for the time being, this is it. Carolyn

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                King of PhotoShop

                  It seems that the folks with strong opinions about recent issues have sorted themselves into a few segments. One is that the CR/Active site is just so broken they can't stand it any more and/or they just don't like the "big bad corporation" approach of Active. Tramps seems to be very much in this camp. Then there is the group who just loves this clean look of RA and the familiar faces here and have vowed that this is now the place to be. I know that DH is in this group and seems to be enjoying the influx of familiar faces. I know I really like the look and feel of this site also and I sure see his point of view. There is another group who have said that they are not biased for or against any site, but will keep all three options open, post where they feel like and see how things go. I am mostly in this group, as I am pretty loyal to the 50+ thread which for now is on Active. The Pro has posted similarly, and I see several people who are on all three. There is also a smaller group who have tried KR as an alternative to CR, but just didn't feel all that welcomed, and now like it here at RA. To be fair, Rich and Sierra were kind and accommodating to all and I know they will continue to be so, but unfortunately there is a small group at KR who I think would like to rename the site CliqueRunners (and keep it at "20 to 30 people"). I will still post on KR, because I don't have to concern myself with people there who don't care for me thanks to their lovely "Ignore" button! Most of the people there are good people, and I admire the ownership/management there. I also admire the small but loyal group who are staying at Active, such as JPGarland. They have my utmost respect and I like them all. I will continue to post there, particularly on the 50+ if Fred keeps it there. One lesson I have learned over the last few months of angst over all this, is that it is much more enjoyable to find what is good in the various sites, now that we have options, and we spend a lot of negative, needless energy running down the sites we don't like. I vow to not do it any more, having done so in the past. Let's go where we feel comfortable, let others go where they feel comfortable, and just enjoy the holidays. We can all be together on any site we choose and we know we are welcome on any of them. Spareribs
                    Ribs, I agree with everything you just said. I have tried not to run down any site; they are all providing free services to runners, and I am grateful. For purely selfish reasons, I wish everyone we know would come here, because it is more fun with more people, and I will miss anyone who doesn't decide to come here. Yes, I could divide my time among three running sites, but that way lies madness, for me at least. Others may be able to handle jumping around. Dark Horse
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                      I also admire the small but loyal group who are staying at Active, such as JPGarland. They have my utmost respect and I like them all. I will continue to post there, particularly on the 50+ if Fred keeps it there.
                      I thought Fred put his 50+ thread on KR, although someone else also started one on Active. I'm a big fred urie fan and will visit whichever site he is on, but just for that one thread. Maybe we can get him over here.

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                        One is that the CR/Active site is just so broken they can't stand it any more and/or they just don't like the "big bad corporation" approach of Active. Tramps seems to be very much in this camp.
                        I pretty much agree with what you posted but just to be clear...I've got nothing against corporations per se; that would be silly. Heck, I get paid by a big one and I'll talk your ear off about how much I love Netflix , for example. But I do like the DIY spirit and like to support such efforts when I can. I've been very happy to learn that both RA and KR are such nice places. I wish Fred would bring his 50+ thread here, though. I'll miss lurking there. Couldn't you and DH go kidnap him or something?

                        Be safe. Be kind.


                        One day at a time

                          I'm new to RA (tried CR a couple of times, but didn't stick around) and really like it. You all seem like nice folks, so I hope you'll make RA your home, too! I like knowing I'm not the only boomer out there running races. Sometimes I'm surprised how few women (comparatively) enter the races I do.

                            I wish Fred would bring his 50+ thread here, though. I'll miss lurking there. Couldn't you and DH go kidnap him or something?
                            I'm heading down to Windsor over the holidays to see DD. Maybe I should cruise over to the University of Windsor, see if I can see Fred and try and convince him to join here. Could probably get the women's hockey team to help me! PJ
                              Teresapdf. That must be a Maine thing because down here in Virginia there are PLENTY of our age women running in the races. I originally came from Maine but definitely was not running back in those days.

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Tramps, thanks for adding that clarification. I was trying to picture it as honestly and completely as I could. No one could accuse you of not understanding or respecting big business. Like you, I make my money from big businesses, and I am almost a Gordon Gekko devotee. I work hard to help my clients make lots of money and am a diehard capitalist. Also, I thought your research and analysis on Active's history, acquisitions, and probable business intentions was quite well done. Since there seems to be some interest in recruiting Fred, let's all get busy on it. I'll start on him tomorrow. But we have to do it with kid gloves, let him see the need. It won't work if we post the link in there and tell him to come over. Fred sort of has to be massaged into it. Spareribs