Masters Running

Here or KR? Let's talk. (Read 1274 times)


    Perhaps it would help if you added a photo of yourself in a frilly shirt and looking soulful, DH. Smile


    Runners run

      Perhaps it would help if you added a photo of yourself in a frilly shirt and looking soulful, DH. Smile
      Ilene, I have a couple of nice guayaberas. Would that be good enough? Dark Horse
      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
        Spanish is spoken in many countries around the world, so it would be a better practical choice. There is also a thriving modern literature.
        Thaks for the advice, DH. I started thinking about this when I was recently reading Cormac McCarthy's "Border Trilogy" novels. There are a considerable number of passages in them in Spanish, which he leaves untranslated, and I actually bought a small Spanish-English dictionary so I could figure out some of the words that were not familiar to me from Latin or Italian. Spanish seems fairly close to Italian (moreso than French), so I might try to tackle it eventually. There is a growing Mexican population in this area, too, which might make it useful someday.

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        King of PhotoShop

          I had a funny experience at the White Rock Marathon in Dallas a couple of weeks ago. I was working the ten mile water station for my club and one of my fellow clubmembers is a charming woman from France. I often will use French phrases with her and deliberately Americanize them and screw them up, which makes her laugh each time. With her was a young American girl, the daughter of one of our other members. French Lady: Say hi to Chris. She is working wiz me today as I am teaching her French. She is learning it in school. Me: Hi Chris. I'm Spareribs. I also speak fluent French. Chris: Say that to me in French. Me: Yo hablo magnus Franco. Chris: (looking at French Lady) Is he serious?
          Doctor Wu

            It seems that the folks with strong opinions about recent issues have sorted themselves into a few segments.... There is also a smaller group who have tried KR as an alternative to CR, but just didn't feel all that welcomed, and now like it here at RA. To be fair, Rich and Sierra were kind and accommodating to all and I know they will continue to be so, but unfortunately there is a small group at KR who I think would like to rename the site CliqueRunners (and keep it at "20 to 30 people"). One lesson I have learned over the last few months of angst over all this, is that it is much more enjoyable to find what is good in the various sites, now that we have options, and we spend a lot of negative, needless energy running down the sites we don't like. I vow to not do it any more, having done so in the past. Let's go where we feel comfortable, let others go where they feel comfortable, and just enjoy the holidays. We can all be together on any site we choose and we know we are welcome on any of them. Spareribs
            Sure, there's a core clique at Kickrunners but you guys had just as exclusive a clique at B&B at the old Cool Running. And it seems to me that to be a part of the B&B clique required a lot more constant posting than I had time for. If you weren't a constant poster you were usually overlooked. And you guys were usually just as sappy as What's wrong with occasionally telling it like it is? Now that has destroyed the Cool Running forums a splintering was a natural effect. I like It's founders and some regular posters were people I chatted with way back in 2000 when this kind of thing was first getting popular. So if Running Ahead is where the Boomers will settle, enjoy your little corner of the internet. I'm going to wait and see how things develop, hang out mostly at Kickrunners for the time being, and will probably check in here from time to time. Peace.
              Greetings of the season (& Merry Christmas to those so inclined) to all the old Boomers and to new RA Boomers I haven't "met" yet! grins, A
              Masters 2000 miles
                I see Doctor Wu is as tendentious as ever. Merry Christmas, you old grinch. Dark Horse
                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                  Sure, there's a core clique at Kickrunners but you guys had just as exclusive a clique at B&B at the old Cool Running. And it seems to me that to be a part of the B&B clique required a lot more constant posting than I had time for. If you weren't a constant poster you were usually overlooked. And you guys were usually just as sappy as What's wrong with occasionally telling it like it is? Now that has destroyed the Cool Running forums a splintering was a natural effect. I like It's founders and some regular posters were people I chatted with way back in 2000 when this kind of thing was first getting popular. So if Running Ahead is where the Boomers will settle, enjoy your little corner of the internet. I'm going to wait and see how things develop, hang out mostly at Kickrunners for the time being, and will probably check in here from time to time. Peace.
                  I never posted at CR much, but always felt as welcome as one could in a cyber community. And I felt that way from the first time I posted. I enjoy following along with those who post more often and hope to cross paths with at least a few of them some day. This is going to sound like I care, but I really don't, but when CR went down for the "upgrade" and I lurked over in KR it was quite clear that the regulars didn't want anyone new joining in so I was careful never to post, I eventually stopped looking, and then finally deleted the bookmark.



                    I suspect others are in the same boat of (a) having decided to leave Active but (b) being unsure of whether to come here or go to KR. I'm someone who will choose one site and stay; I just don't have time to bounce back and forth between multiple sites. I'm curious about what people think and why. Three things are of interest to me: 1) who will be here? I'm being selfish: I want to learn, have a sense of community, and have fun. 2) what is the interface like? Simple, clean is my preference. 3) is the site stable; will it be around for a while? What do you think
                    1) I have decided that I really, really like the log here, so will stay here and post here and only here. I may lurk at the other site(s), but this looks the best of all to me. Thank you to Eric for his work here. I really don't think that that many NEW Master runners will find us here, though. 2) The interface is just fine. I couldn't find the Masters running from the main page, but knew it was under FORUMS. That's just fine with me. Fewer birthday presents to send to everyone. 3) I love it! 4) Oh, there is no "4", but I really want this to be as close to CoolRunning as we can be. It will be great to have new members too. I am looking forward to that..... now to go figure out what the log did to my shoes, I can't figure that out right now.

                    “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                    The Jogger

                      Now, I would like to say, it just feels right here, I haven't even looked about it much, I am going on instinct, so I'm here to stay. Roy

                        This is going to sound like I care, but I really don't, but when CR went down for the "upgrade" and I lurked over in KR it was quite clear that the regulars didn't want anyone new joining in so I was careful never to post, I eventually stopped looking, and then finally deleted the bookmark.
                        Sorry that you felt unwelcome, Dave. As a regular at KR, I am happy to see new people join us there.
                          Now, I would like to say, it just feels right here, I haven't even looked about it much, I am going on instinct, so I'm here to stay. Roy
                          ~Starr in Minnesota <insert shirverry="" icecube=""></insert>

                          “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            it seems to me that to be a part of the B&B clique required a lot more constant posting than I had time for. If you weren't a constant poster you were usually overlooked.
                            I disagree. Even though I don't have time to respond or shout out to everyone, I almost always read the daily cover-to-cover, if not the same day than the next. and I notice even the rare posters. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Roy and Starr - hello, hello!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              ...A Christmas Wish//.......I hope we all settle down in one spot...........this bouncing all over the place is really getting to me..... how many times can you post the same run?? however, getting to look at ilene's butt is a rather pleasant feature over here........ (sorry ilene, I just HAD to say that)

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              Maniac 505

                                ...A Christmas Wish//.......I hope we all settle down in one spot...........this bouncing all over the place is really getting to me..... how many times can you post the same run?? however, getting to look at ilene's butt is a rather pleasant feature over here........ (sorry ilene, I just HAD to say that)
                                Tom: as they would have said in the clubhouse, 1