Masters Running


Go to Suggestions Forum and Voice your Thoughts (Read 717 times)

Head Procrastinator

    Now is the time to decide if we want a Masters Community on the main forums page. Eric is willing to do it if we want one. Or do you want to leave it a user group, making it more private. Not that anyone can't join, they just have to look a little further. There is a thread there about it, go voice your vote.
    ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
      I like the groups. Keep the main page uncluttered. This and all other groups is the second community page. Keep bumping the thread on main, so others will find the group.


      —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

        Hally, I think "Masters Running" should be listed as a subhead under "All About Running," just as "Running 101" and "Crosstraining" are listed as subheads. Then we could create all our favorite threads under "Masters Running," such as the Daily Thread, Crosstraining thread, 40/40 thread, 50-Plus thread, etc. That's the rational structured way to handle this matter, in my opinion. I have posted my opinion on the Suggestions forum as you asked. Dark Horse
        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
          I like it as a separate group. There are a lot of good groups which could potentially be on the main page. I don't see any reason this one should be there rather than others.

          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


            Separate comes up straight-away on my home page on the side.
            Run like you are on fire! 5K goal 24:00 or less (PR 24:34) 10K goal 50:00 or less (PR 52:45) HM goal 1:55:00 or less (PR 2:03:02) Marathon Goal...Less than my PR (PR 4:33:23)
              I like it as a separate group. There are a lot of good groups which could potentially be on the main page. I don't see any reason this one should be there rather than others.
              With respect, Masters Running is more than a separate group. It is a major running category. That's why I see it on the main page. Just as it was at Cool Running. Dark Horse
              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

              Head Procrastinator

                I agree with DH (did I just say that? ) But it IS a major category and deserves front page status. That's how we all became a part of our now broken up community.
                ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
                  It is a major running category.
                  If one has a vested interest in any group/style etc, etc, to them it is a major category. The main page is a broad spectrum of topics where anyone, any age can find/post topics. Sub-categories of runners are numerous, thus we have "groups" for our likes and to congregate. Most have stated how much they like the cleanliness of RA. I do very much. Like a very neat, clean, efficient office with it's contents kept in order/filed away. No clutter. Let's keep it that way. Just like it IS on RA!


                  —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

                    pRED, Masters Running is a major category, like it or not. All racers know this. I agree with you that organization and lack of clutter are good. That's why I favor a main page that lists all the major categories--like Masters Running--so people can easily find the major categories and then drill down to the threads within that category. That is exactly how the Cool Running forums worked: very obvious, very intuitive, very clearly organized. Those of us who are refugees from Cool Running are used to that kind of structure. By comparison, even though the page layout here is very nice, very clean, very attractive, the organization of forums/groups/threads looks haphazard compared to what many of us are used to. Dark Horse
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                      Those of us who are refugees from Cool Running are used to that kind of structure.
                      I went for a look at CR cause I'd never been there. It's still there and working. Organization? My eyes were pulled in a hundred directions. No thank you! And just skimming the surface, I detected the notion that reversals of the change may have been implemented to not lose or run you guys off. By all means, your welcome here at RA. But DH, you can check-out anytime you like. Wink


                      —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

                        I went for a look at CR cause I'd never been there. It's still there and working. SNIP By all means, your welcome here at RA. But DH, you can check-out anytime you like.
                        pRED, Well, no, it's not still there and working. The CR forums were migrated to, which has changed the look, feel, and functionality. That said, it's a hopeful sign if, as you say, the folks are trying to make things better. Thanks for making me welcome here at RA. Smile Dark Horse
                        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                          Cool Running had a drill-down structure, from the general topic to the specific threads relating to that topic. This place is a hybrid: there's a main page for major topics, but there are also these randomly created user groups, which are a different animal altogether and are not organized under the major topics. Masters Running is certainly a major topic, and therefore should be listed on the main page, not relegated to the user groups along with minor groups which would have merited no more than a thread on Cool Running. If someone visits this website for the first time, he or she will see a list of major topics which does not include Masters Running. Is this a good thing? I don't think so. Even if the visitor knows there is a masters group somewhere on the website, why hide it and make it difficult to find? Why not put it out in plain view? I don't understand how anyone could disagree with this point of view. Maybe I'm missing something: it's been known to happen. Smile To me, this website is a bit confusing. I like to know where to find things, and I like the places where I find things to be predictable and rational. I also happen to think that websites which are organized logically are more effective and just plain work better for their users. Dark Horse
                          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                            I like the main page as a page where every runner can find the general info important to them. I would say a major catagory of runners is "beer drinking runner" and would not need to see that as a sub heading. Or women runners (another MAJOR group). But the main page ought to be maintained for all runners. Again as a personal aside, I have room for 4-5 user groups that I maintain a full time interest in and a number of groups that I start and leave sort of randomly. My groups are easily accessed on my side panel. If the main page is too cluttered I will definitely stay clear of posting and stick to my usergroups. But it is simple...only a handful of general catagories and I know pretty much where to post something.
                            Run like you are on fire! 5K goal 24:00 or less (PR 24:34) 10K goal 50:00 or less (PR 52:45) HM goal 1:55:00 or less (PR 2:03:02) Marathon Goal...Less than my PR (PR 4:33:23)
                              I would say a major catagory of runners is "beer drinking runner" and would not need to see that as a sub heading.
                              Crabby, This is just silly. If you are equating Masters Runners with "Beer Drinking Runners," we are no longer having a serious discussion. I can be as silly as anyone, but there is a time and place for it, and I don't think this discussion is the place. I do agree with you that Women Runners is a major category, but in my experience, most women runners would not want to be segregated as a separate discussion group. You as a woman may know better than I. Dark Horse
                              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                                I am new here at RA and I think the older, established RA folks should be making this decision more than me. Yes, I think Master's Running is a major category but I am also happy keeping it in with the groups. It seemed like I found it on my own quickly enough. I guess my main point I and the other CR refugees are still too new. I don't want to be alienating the long established RA crowd. John


                                In the beginning, the universe was created.This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

                                --- Douglas Adams, in "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"
