Masters Running


Saturday meeting of the Bioguy Fan Club 11/20/21 (Read 39 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    He just went through mile18 at just under a 12 minute pace.  He’s doing great!

      GO JOE!!!      "Steve - nice going. I think you are now the only one of us who's been quicklier than MikeE in anything."  Post of the day, Tet.

      Steve- nice pancakes and pictures from yesterday's thread.


      13.15 miles for me this morning.  Supposedly a group run but no one looped the park (1 mile loop) to start like we usually do- except me- and I lost contact at the starting line!  Saw some of them when they turned around out on the route.  Not sure why I did this, but I pushed my pace.  I wanted to make up for not getting to run the Monkey Half last Sunday.  Fortunately, this route was a lot flatter.  It was 33 to start and got up to about 43.  The wind is picking up now, so glad I'm finished.


      GO JOE (and all my friends running Rock n Roll Nashville today). 

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        The course finishes south of Halfway. I’m confused.


        Mike E

        MM #5615

          He went through mile 20 and running at just under a 14 minute pace!  I was wrong about the 12 minute pace earlier.  Still doing great, though!  Go Joe!  I mean Bioguy…


            Mile 23 at 15:15 MM.


            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Yeah… for some reason, I’m not reading his overall pace correctly… too much other stuff going on around me.  But he’s almost halfway done!  Its going to get really “fun” now.  I remember the VT50… I was around the 30 mile mark and I was done.  The thought of running 20 more miles was killing me.  In fact, I remember wishing I would die just to put me out of my misery.  Hopefully, he’ll feel better than that.

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                Okay—he’s halfway through and going at a 15 minute pace… I’m sure of it.


                  Aren't there big hills and trails in the beginning, dirt road flats in the middle, and rolling paved bumps to finish? Taking the first part slowly would be a prudent move. A race like this is waaaaay out of my league, but I' think I would rather finish strong than risk crashing and burning.


                  8K today at a moderate (for me) pace.

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Taking the first part slowly would be a prudent move. A race like this is waaaaay out of my league, but I' think I would rather finish strong than risk crashing and burning.

                    Oh, sure… if you want to do it the easy way…


                      Oh, sure… if you want to do it the easy way…


                      Having never run further than a HM, running 50 miles would be a matter of survival for me 


                      Oh, and I would change the word ‘slowly’ to ‘conservatively’.


                        This is crazy exciting.


                          bioguy's dot is still trekking along! He looks good. Well, to be honest, I have no idea if he looks good. His dot looks good. What bioguy looks like, well, waiting for pics.


                          I ran 5 today. That is a mile longer than last week's runs. The good news is that means I can make it for Thursday's Turkey Trot. The bad news is I am pathetically slow.  As my DW noted, when you have to suspend running while on the DL, your body resets to couch potato.

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                            Looks like he's just bouncing down the trail now.

                            Is that good?

                            Be safe. Be kind.


                              Bioguy is doing great! Last few splits pretty consistent in the 13:30 minute/mile range. Earlier he had some quicker splits (several sub 12:00) but one 27+ minute mile that added a lot to his average pace. I am in awe...


                              I had a super busy week at work, so no time to check in (again). Lots of great discussion in the dailies, sorry I couldn't join in. One thing really struck me was the discussion about MMIW. I learned of it a few years ago from the same episode of This American Life that Leslie posted, As Steve said, there are no words.


                              Ran 5 days again this week, probably too much. But still feeling good so...

                              Got about 6.7 done today. Not sure of the exact distance, since my Garmin died. Tbh I was a little relieved since I was tired and wanted to walk more than usual. Funny how liberating it is to feel like my watch isn't judging me.



                                Looks like he's just bouncing down the trail now.

                                Is that good?

                                Yea, that’s simply taking a short cut of the side of the mountain.

