Masters Running


40/40 Thread for Week Ending 5/25/08 (Read 437 times)


    Filt it best to cut back some this week for the challenging course in CT next weekend. 34.2 miles this week.

    MM #7877

      Holly - BG is short for Buzzards Glory, which was the villages name prior to becoming Coldwater. Coldwater is less than an hour NW of Dayton. M - 9 M. T - 10 M. (TM incline workout) W - 5 M. T - 9.2 M. F - 0 S - 11.5 M. S - 9.5 M. Total - 54.2 M. Consecutive 40 miles weeks - 25 weeks. Leaving on vacation next Saturday and will be hiking the TN mountains, so I may disappear for 2 weeks.

      Philippians 4:13.

        Oops - gotta get this in quick! Monday: X-Train, 30 minutes weights Tuesday: 8 miles at 10:14 pace Wednesday: 8 miles at 9:49 pace Thursday: 9.0 miles at 10:02 pace Friday: X-train, 30 minutes weights Saturday: 6.1 miles at 9:51 pace Sunday: 12.1 miles at 10:11 pace Total: 43.2 miles Got ahead of that 2000 mile pace bunny!

        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

          Better late than never......
          Sunday rest rest
          Monday7-8 easy8.5 easy
          Tuesday10-12 long10 long
          Wednesday7-8 easy 7.5 easy
          Thursday rest rest
          Friday8.5 intervals 8.5 easy
          Saturday7-8 easy 8.5 easy
          Total40+/- 43