Masters Running


Friday, May 9th.....Daily run and fun (Read 510 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    They are the most painful and difficult race for me, it's like a 5K race that never ends. Tall
    You got that right if you run it hard...which I know you will Big grin Tim

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Off to prepare for a job interview, too bad I can not take my butterfly wings with me to give me comfort Undecided. Oh well, I guess I will consider this interview like a marathon, one question/mile at the time.
      I'm sending {{{soothing, calming}}} hugs to you today, dear lady, but I know that you will knock their socks off.... Smile DG - knees are a bit stiff, but not bad, thanks. How is your garden coming? Roch - what a fine young man you have there - a proud moment, for sure!

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Mornin' all, Made it back from Chicago last night even with thunderstorms, funnel clouds and the like...I had some good travel Karma. The rain that surrounded me yesterday arrived in the last few miles of today's run. It made the earth smell great and I played chase the rain drops. 10.8 miles in 1:26:39 a dyno/fartlek run 1x10 (60) 2x5 (30) 3x4 (20) 4x2 (15) 5 x1 (10) 1x8 (30) 1x5 (60) 10x1 (10). Felt good and followed it up with sit ups, push ups, planks, and squats. Speedy might want to adjust your fast paced runs for this faster speed you have. Just be sure to do your longer runs at a relaxed and easy pace, but your tempo pace may now be in the 7:45 range. My heart goes out to you nonoruns. Hugs to you and all who are dealing with "stuff" right now--whether it's family related or injuries or the ups and downs that appear without warning or plan. Holly, hope all goes well today. Bill, have a great trip and you know how to recover from a marathon the right way! What great dog and puppy photos yesterday. I was grinning while reading the daily. I hope you know how to knit Spareribs. Our late sheltie-german shepherd mix (looked like a little fuzzy german shepherd with a sheltie face) "Chester" produced enough fur for several sweaters and rugs. What a darling pup and your boy will be thrilled. Good news on the ankle Bob! Congratulations to all the graduates out there. Mr. CNYrunner is adding to the alphabet behind his name and will receive his doctorate this weekend. He even wants to march. I have been working on a masters degree a course at a time. Our pacing is a bit different! Good runs and workouts to all. I am beyond happy that the weekend is here soon. Hi Tim, I am hoping another cold isn't lurking. Thanks for the wise words vista. CNYrunner Hugs to Mariposai too!

          We made it (almost) through another week! TGIF, gang! Sarge- stretch and ice, before YOU go to the dogs! Keep us posted Sarge. nonoruns- any updates on your Mom? Hope all is well. eliz- sounds like you found a nice new place to run! Don't worry about your pace, just worry about staying in the game. JJJ- Congrats, you maniac! That number is PERFECT for you! I'm sure it would fetch a handsome price on Ebay if you ever decide to give it up. Wink wildchild- I always pass on the well wishes from everyone on this forum to Amy and her mom. You guys reach farther than you think with your support, and everyone appreciates it! evanflein- are you up to your eyeballs in babies yet? Wow, your son's team is on fire, thanks in large part to your son! Speaking of on fire, that run you took! You were smoking! vista- I know when you start us off, you really set the tone for the rest of the daily. Thanks. And good luck with your 4 hours of heaven this weekend. Mazda Miyata (subliminal message here) Breger- can your life get any better? Wow! Enjoy! Holly- good luck wrapping things up today! What a relief that will be to get this over with! hopeful4ever- best of luck to "Willie", and best of luck to YOU with your race tomorrow! Keep us posted on all accounts! biketm- you're really trying to do yourself in, aren't you Tim? Wink Running in the rain while sick, past baby geese so that you'll get chased. What's next on your crazy list? dg- holy crap! What time did you get your day going? I'll bet those lilacs smell wonderful! Smile SueT- you want two days in a row of sleeping past dawn? Slacker! Wink If you run outside today, don't float or blow away. tomwhite- there's something you don't expect, a special ops marine turned artist. Do you have any more info, or a link to his stuff? It sounds interesting. Enjoy, and watch your back! perch- many people don't realize how heat effects your running. Your heart has to beat faster as it pumps more blood around in an effort to keep you cooler. I know you know this, I'm just pointing it out for others. Mariposai- as long as your butterfly wings are in your mind, they will comfort you. Good luck today, please let us know how things go. You will be dynamite, I'm sure. Peter- what should I bring to the pool party? Wink Rochrunner- Great picture! There is a lot of pride in both of your faces, and rightly so! Nice run for you today, and yes, you will get there eventually. Keep at it. Tall- no doubt you will be awesome tomorrow. As with most races, don't start off too fast! Amazing how much of a difference that key point makes. Get us a report ASAP! CNY- I got exhausted just reading about your workout this AM. I too love that early morning "just rained" smell outside. Congrats to Mr. CNY with his longer name, and aren't you already a master? Wink SteveP- we're missing you in the dailies! Craneium- how are you? Thank you for the well wishes and the words of encouragement and warning everyone. I'm listening! Lotsa rain and wind this morning, so I bugged out of my walk. Like Ribs said the other day, when you aren't really training for anything, it's easy to skip heading out in this weather. Did some core work and PPV exercises instead. I'll head over to the gym at lunchtime for some elliptical work and stretching. The ankle continues to amaze me, this morning I added some heel walking into my PPV routine. I could never do those before, it was too painful on the tendon. I only did about 10 feet worth, and could tell that was enough for now. There is some swelling still in the area, which is nothing new, and I noticed what looks like fresh blood seeping through the bandages. And it itches! Just what I need, another itch that I can't scratch. I called the surgeon and he said that stuff was to be expected. The follow up appointment is still 11 days away. Wishing everyone here a great day. As Vista said, you only get one chance at today. How will you spend it?

          Marathon Maniac #957

            I have been working on a masters degree a course at a time. Our pacing is a bit different!
            Good golly, Karin! You travel all the time maintaining your very busy career, manage to run mega-miles and run incredible marathons, visit your grandmother regularly, are very involved with your fine son and all his activities, and now I find that you are ALSO finding time to work on a Master's Degree? You are amazing! Smile

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              5 miles with T this morning...7:45 pace I sure like running in the daylight at 5:30 in the morning!!!
              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                Thanks Holly! It's not all bright and shiny Mother's day approaches, I am weighed down pretty heavily by the fractured relationship I have with my own mother. I am still feeling badly that I disagreed with her about taking my brother in--he's back in jail now. I know I did the right thing, but I am haunted by it all. Then there is my messy house that must be attacked this weekend, my neglected friends, the weeds that ate Massachusetts in my garden, and so on and so forth. The accomplishments of everyone on this board are about you Ms. Maniac?! ahem! Thanks for the props though....can't wait to see you next week! Karin

                  So many great runs and post already today. CNY: My work paid for my masters and my salary while in school (I was awarded a unique scholarship for my agency)and I did not have to report to work for 2 years. Mine was cushy compared to many and it was still hard for me. I am not the sharpest pencil in the box and book learning is a struggle for me (but I will graduate with a 3.8 GPA, ok I just had to throw that in there Big grin). My hat is off to all who get their degree while working and raising a family at the same time. The many j's: congrats on your wonderful maniac number. It suits you. BTB: that mile must of felt heavenly. I will come to LI someday just to run with you and hear the peepers once again. Holly: one of these days I am gonna come and run them hills with you (well, at least with you there, you are much faster than I) Hope your settled into your new digs soon. As for me and my ailments, I went for the MAT appointment yesterday. I don't know what the dude did except for twist me like a pretzel, announce some mumbo jumbo about body parts and then proceed to press in all the right and wrong places. When it was done, I felt better. I am suspicious of things like this, so I reserve my judgment on success or failure of such things for a bit of time. I slept for nine hours and woke up feeling no creakiness in my body parts. The usual achy suspects are not around. So, I would pony up the numerous Lincoln's to have this guy poke me again. My foot feels better and he spent some time making sure my dorsiflexors (or some such thing) matched??. I am hopeful that my garmie and ipod will be joining me soon for timed fitness walks....

                  Trails Rock!

                    PJH, that sounds like a neat mentoring/running program you are involved with. Evan nice 5K for your son. btb, you had a nice workout yesterday complete with mile run. It sounds like the ankle is progressing well. nono, I'm sorry to hear of your mother's stroke. jjj, congrats on becoming a marathon maniac, and with a neat number. Evan, that was a speedy 6 you did yesterday, half a minute per mile better than your goal. vista, congrats to your daughter in law on her nursing degree. hopeful, that's quite a bunch of new puppies you've got. roch, thanks for the graduation picture of you and your son. CNY, congrats to mrCNY on his doctorate. Nice long runs for wildchild, biketm, and CNY (with speedwork). On my last couple of runs, the little discomforts I mentioned the end of last week seemed better. Maybe I'd feel it a little when I started out but it would go away in the first hundred yards or so. This morning, I planned on my weekly 12 mile run. My right knee made itself known and it didn't get better as I went along. After about a mile, I decided it would be wise to not do 12 miles and started thinking in the order of 4 or 5. After 3 or so, it started to feel better but then my right hamstring started to feel a little funny. I assume I was altering my gait a bit to compensate for the knee. At any rate, I called it quits at 5 miles. It took me about 49:30 for a 9:54 pace. A little later, when I rode my bike into town for a paper, everything felt fine. Hopefully, taking it easy today will have me back to normal tomorrow or the next day. A good day and good runs for all. TomS


                      Thanks guy, Nice Pic Roch. Congrats to all our graduating families. GL Tall and MariP Your Emergency Maniac jjj
                      Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                      King of PhotoShop

                        So much to comment on when you post later in the day and today I didn't make any notes. Roch, congrats to your son, and CNY, congrats to your husband. Nice workout you did after a long trip. You are tough. Here is what I have noticed about one's daily run. If you have a plan for the run, say X miles at Y pace, generally speaking you will nail it, but if you have no plan you will run as you feel, and while I am recovering and trying to build mileage I am doing all runs just by feel with no intention of pace at all. Maybe some of you run that way. You go out for a few miles and never say, "Well, today I am going to go at such and such a pace." But I do notice that when I have no plan like that, i can tell within the first 50 yards I run just how fast I am going to go that day. Today I needed 4.4 and after just a few seconds I said, "Uh oh! Today will be a slow one!" And it was. But tomorrow is a 3.3 and that will be 30 for the week, my first. Spareribs

                        One day at a time

                          Doug, thanks for posting the great photo of you and your son. It DOES help to hear that these kids will grow up eventually! It is a long road - wonderful but exhausting. CNY, congrats to your husband! That's exciting. I always thought I would get a PhD, but after my master's I'd had enough. The thought of an engineering oral exam terrified me! Rest day for me, since my 5k race is Sunday. A good day to catch up on work in the office. Have a great weekend! Teresa
                            btb - you skipped your walk because of a little wind and rain, and you called ME a slacker??? I just did 5.25 hilly miles in that wind and rain. Of course, I couldn't feel my hands by the time I finished....... Good to hear your ankle is coming along. Doug - congratulations and very nice graduation photo! Gordon - I concur with you - it is so nice to do those early morning runs in broad daylight. Liz - good to hear the therapy was helpful. Teresa - best of luck with your 5K! {{{{{{{{TomS's knee}}}}}}}}}}}}

                            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                              Hi everyone, happy Friday! Thanks btb. You're right, I need a party break this weekend. I hope I remember how to play foosball. Congrats JJJ on being Marathon Maniac #911! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who gets numb feet on the elliptical. XT day for me.
                                Hi Folks, I did a 6.17 mile run today at 11:00 pace, but I took a lot of walk breaks since I still feel tired. I think tomorrow I will do some XT just to get a break from this running thing. It gets old pretty quick when I am always running slow. It finally sunk into today that I ran a marathon last Sunday. And it finally sunk in (during my sluggish run today) that I did the best job I could on Sunday and I should feel proud. I guess the pictures they sent helped. Here is one before the bonk. Good runs all!

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
