Masters Running


thursday july 31 runs and thoughts for spareribs (Read 545 times)

    Oh yes! I'm still waiting for that phone call or text but, I've been pressed into duty. The r.s. wants me to help him find some local seafood for tonight's supper. (There are 10 of us here at the beach. Lilmissrosie is still in Salamanca Spain, first family vacation without her) Take care of your hearts today, friends! Hug someone!
      THis is like deja vu --- DH's bypass was exactly 8 weeks ago, on Thursday, June 5. The hardest part was going into the ICU--they do hook the patient up to a lot of machines, including that blasted breathing tubeand the enormity of it all sinks in (ok, so maybe I'm thick and it took the visual to get to me.) Thanks Rose, for keeping us updated. I'm awfully distracted here. A.
      Masters 2000 miles

      Renee the dog

        Just back from 4 mi in 85F and 67% H. Felt like 105% H! Really! Just ground it out. I thought I needed to out to run to think about my Dad. Turns out all my brain wanted to think about was window treatments for my remaining open items: two sliding glass doors. Confused So, news on my Dad is not good. He says he doesn't know if he wants to go on. He's got a clot in his heart and his heart is also fibrillating. He's 80 and not in good health. Has a few days to decide if he wants to try some drug therapy along with considering a surgical procedure. I'll talk to him tonight to see if he has made any decisions. Hope we get some good SR news soon!

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


          Just dropped in to see what was going on after playing golf this afternoon...don't ask how I played. From what has been posted so far concerning Ribs, looks like everything's OK (?)...haven't seen anything negative. Bruce: Regarding the Navy...looks like we were in at about the same time...I was in from 67-71...stationed in Naples, Italy (actually worked for NATO intel) and then at a small intel communications station in Sidi Yahia, Morocco. And, like you, I'm from a Navy, lots of uncles, etc. After I was discharged, Navy paid for all my flying lessons. Tammy: You actually know Emilio Castillo? (See DickyG bowing in reverance). Yes...please post a link to your blog...I'm cueing up all my TOP stuff on my MP3 player as we speak. NoNo: Your dad...words cannot express. This is so tragic...80 ain't all that ancient anymore...please keep us informed. I'll check by later tonight... TowerOfG

            The latest from Rose: He is in the cardiac ICU. Still "totally out of it" They were going to do 2 by-passes but found another "area" and decided to do 3 by-passes while they were under the hood. He is sporting a new porcine valve. As The Saint just said, "Now the work is his." Hopefully he'll have a quiet night and begin the work tomorrow. The surgeon said that everything went very well. Yesssss! Yes

              yes, TowerofG - I even have his email and cell phone number! Cool Are you also a Little Feat fan? I have oodles of stories with them as well. Wink I'm trying to figure out this whole uploading video stuff - and I'm hoping to have a bit of time to update my blog with a few things - the concert, the relay, etc. if you wanna hang on to my blog addy and check in a few days there should be something worth reading on there:


                The latest from Rose: Hopefully he'll have a quiet night and begin the work tomorrow. The surgeon said that everything went very well. Yesssss! Yes
                Where's that dancing emoticon when I need it? He's a tough ol' geezer that Mr. Ribs. Whoopeee!
                Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33

                  Where's that dancing emoticon when I need it? He's a tough ol' geezer that Mr. Ribs. Whoopeee!


                    Good News!!!!
                      Wow a triple by-pass, Shocked that old curmudgeon was holding out on us! That really is great news that things went so well. I can't wait until he's able to get back on-line and of course up & running again. Well we were slammed by huge thunderstorms and torrential rain again...this forces me to take a rest day which Joel actually recommended anyways in preparation for the 10K on Saturday. Great runs all!
                        Just stopping in to check on Ribs, Sounds like a complete overhaul! Glad it all went well. Speedy recovery friend. Unplanned rest day for me. I have had a few extra aches and pains over the last couple days (right hammy and left heal) and contemplated all day wether to do my 4 mile hill run tonight. Finally I convinced myself that if I was thinking I should take a day off I must need one. I really want to have good runs this weekend I have 8 MP saturday and 16 long Sunday. So I am listening to my inner thoughts, Shocked That is a scary thing sometimes Big grin Larry

                        Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                          Great news for the Ribs family! And now a couple of shameless granddaughter pictures: I got her this Red Wings shirt but my daughter won't take her out in public with it on because she said it makes her look like a boy: The Great Grandparents first visit:



                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            (I just had to try that....) Dave - she's adorable! I never get tired of cute baby pictures....

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Thanks! These will do just fine... for you, Ribs!
                              Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33
                                Hiya! I have the DH here. He's never met Ribs, but has heard about my encounter with the Ribs family in Omaha at a Boomer Reunion and how totally remarkable is the Riblet (really, and I deal with lots of children--he is a class act, I only wish I could join him in a duet of "Chicago") and if only the Saint were closer, we would be such good friends and book club pals, and then on to my most lovely trip to Dallas and how wonderfully cared for I was by the Saint (and how I set Ribs straight on some essential cooking issues) and the Riblet allowed me the use of his room, how greyt was that??? So, remembering that it is exactly 8 weeks to the day since he had quadruple bypass surgery, he asked me if I could arrange for him to post a note to Ribs and the family and of course I said SURE! So, here he is.... Ribs -- I don't know when you'll be getting these messages, but I'm here to tell you that WILL SURVIVE this! If you're expecting a rough ride, then be sure you're going to get it. I've had surgeries before, but this one was about the least fun I've gone through. OTOH it didn't last as long as Army Basic Training, and within 2 days I was up walking the hallways (and, frankly, peeking into other people's rooms and seeing them lying there in apparently far worse states of health and comfort than in which I was finding myself. It's all relative, isn't it?) By my second night after surgery, I had a guy move into my semi-private (until then, wholly-private) room; he'd been with friends fishing about 90 minutes away and began experiencing chest pains about midnight or so. By the time they got him to the hospital, he was scared but a little cranky (he was about your age!) so I did my best to settle him down, to tell him what he could expect, and tried to get him to accept the situation he was in. I felt like such a graduate! And you will too, real soon. You'll be telling other people that it's not so bad. What I hated was the three IV sites they felt they needed to have, and they needed to keep them clean, and messing around with them just wasn't any fun. But if that's as bad as it gets, then it's not too bad, right? By Day Three we were ruing the day-shift charge nurse I had, and I was happy when 5 PM rolled around and the night nurse took over. I felt fragile,and I was coughing with a pillow held to my chest, but I could feel myself getting stronger every day! And I still do. There will be new and different challenges as you progress through this, and I'll be happy to check back in and share my recent experiences. I've been working steady every day for the past 2 weeks (not 100%, but pretty good). I truly hope that you will soon look back on this and say it wasn't so bad; what was the hardest marathon you've ever run? Aamos is off to San Francisco this weekend (me too!), and I'll be walking the high hills. They've got me jogging already, up to three-quarters of a mile at a time with license to increase it from there. Get good rest, and I hope to be checking in to hear your good progress. -- DanL
                                Masters 2000 miles