Spring Race Calendar (Read 1657 times)

    YAY for Shan!!! Good luck. Smile


      You'll do it, Shan. And we're not all just blowing sunshine up your fanny!



      The Thunder

        1/24 - Zoo Run 5k Nashville 2/14 Pred's Fantastic 5k Nashville OR 2/14 Frostbite 1/2 Marathon Lebannon (Tied 1/2 marathon PR, 4th overall) 2/28 Race Judicata 5k/10k PWP (Good workout, nice double on tired legs) 3/7 Fall Creek Thaw 15k, Pikeville (Took it out too hard and blew up) 3/14 Tom King 1/2 Marathon Nashville (Ka-Boom 1/2 PR 1:20:09) 3/28 Running to Beat the Blues 5k Nashville 3/28 Knoxville Marathon 4/25 CMM Nashville

        1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

        Why is it sideways?

          March 14 Tom King HM (1:12's) -- 1:12:51. Check. (Wish it was more like 1:12:30, but hey) March 28 Rock Creek River Gorge 10 mile Trail Race (goal: win) Apr 4 Mule Day Kick 5k (15's) Apr 11 Purity 10k (low 33's, high 32's) Apr 25 CMM Half (1:30 pacer) May 3 Ave of the Giants (low 2:30's)

          Meh, $5 is $5...

            Running to Beat the Blues for me.

              2/21 PWP 11.2 Team Race (if it happens) - Race didn't happen 3/14 Tom King 5K (tied 5K PR - 19:49) 3/28 Running to Beat the Blues 5K (19:57, disappointed I didn't PR...) 3/28 Running to Beat the Blues 1 Mile (5:45 - PR) 4/11 Purity 10K 4/25 CM Half (Hoping to follow Jeff to 1:30 bliss) 5/25 GJCC Triathlon
              In today's RBB 5K, I had a 2mi PR, but I actually got a side stitch in mile 3! That knocked me off PR pace because I slowed down and ran mile 3 in 6:42. Dead I guess it's time to add core work back in the mix.

              The Thunder

                In today's RBB 5K, I had a 2mi PR, but I actually got a side stitch in mile 3! That knocked me off PR pace because I slowed down and ran mile 3 in 6:42. Dead I guess it's time to add core work back in the mix.
                Stitch doesn't have anything to do with core work.

                1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                  I feel like mine did. It felt like a muscle cramp from weak abdominal and diaphragm muscles. I had problems like that a year or so ago, and it was fixed right up with several weeks of focused core work. I've gotten a little faster since then, and I feel like my legs now outpace my ability to breathe late in a 5K. I need to rectify this strength imbalance to keep getting faster. This is just (literally) my gut feeling, but I'm certainly open to other suggestions about how to deal with a side stitch (other than stop or slow down).

                  The Thunder

                    I feel like mine did. It felt like a muscle cramp from weak abdominal and diaphragm muscles. I had problems like that a year or so ago, and it was fixed right up with several weeks of focused core work. I've gotten a little faster since then, and I feel like my legs now outpace my ability to breathe late in a 5K. I need to rectify this strength imbalance to keep getting faster. This is just (literally) my gut feeling, but I'm certainly open to other suggestions about how to deal with a side stitch (other than stop or slow down).
                    I would guess your legs are ahead of your cardiovascular system. I would recommend more miles, and more easy running. Build your base! Improve your aerobic capacity! I couldn't even tell you what a stitch feels like anymore, and my core is WEAK! MTA: I look at your log and see easy runs at 7:20 pace?! Dude, I do my easy runs at about 8 Min pace. Run 50's instead of 30's and do 85% of your miles at about 8:30-9:00 Min pace. You'll get a LOT faster.

                    1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                      I would guess your legs are ahead of your cardiovascular system. I would recommend more miles, and more easy running. Build your base! Improve your aerobic capacity! I couldn't even tell you what a stitch feels like anymore, and my core is WEAK!
                      Yep. Menees. Run more.

                        Some days 7:20 does feel easy. Some days it doesn't. For 2009 my average pace per mile is 8:14. Trent's is 9:24; Thunder's is 7:42. Basically, I limit myself to around 30 miles a week because that's what I can run without getting injured in the time I'm willing to invest per week. In 2009, our average time investments per week are: Bill - 04:17:43, Trent - 08:26:45, Thunder - 09:10:59. I enjoy the time I spend running, but it's not the only thing I want to do. I certainly don't want to double the time I spend running. I want to get the most out of the miles I do run though, so I try to find the best mix of techniques that work for me from a variety of non-LSD training programs: Run Less, Run Faster - Run Fast - Running Fast and Injury Free - Programmed To Run - I'm willing to run barefoot, in water shoes, up hills, on trails, or whatever seems to help. But I can't run 50+ miles a week in the time I'm willing to invest.

                        Good Bad & The Monkey

                          Dang. I sure do waste a lot of time.

                          The Thunder

                            Some days 7:20 does feel easy. Some days it doesn't. For 2009 my average pace per mile is 8:14. Trent's is 9:24; Thunder's is 7:42. Basically, I limit myself to around 30 miles a week because that's what I can run without getting injured in the time I'm willing to invest per week. In 2009, our average time investments per week are: Bill - 04:17:43, Trent - 08:26:45, Thunder - 09:10:59. I enjoy the time I spend running, but it's not the only thing I want to do. I certainly don't want to double the time I spend running. I want to get the most out of the miles I do run though, so I try to find the best mix of techniques that work for me from a variety of non-LSD training programs: Run Less, Run Faster - Run Fast - Running Fast and Injury Free - Programmed To Run - I'm willing to run barefoot, in water shoes, up hills, on trails, or whatever seems to help. But I can't run 50+ miles a week in the time I'm willing to invest.
                            #1. 5:55 felt easy for me during the first mile of Tom King...that doesn't make it my 'easy' pace. #2. Fair enough...I understand what you're saying. But know'd be every bit as fast as me if you put in more miles. If you KNOW that, and choose to run less because of other commitments, that's cool. But don't fool yourself into thinking your 'quality' is more effective then 'quantity'. #3. No matter what, you're doing a great job with your running! Keep up the good work and I'm sure those PR's are gonna keep coming.

                            1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                            Why is it sideways?

                              Hey Bill, sorry about the stitch. The only time I ever get a stitch is when I eat or drink something too close to the start of the race. Or when I'm hella out of shape. You might wanna check your pre-race routine. Cool to see you'll be running with me to 1:30. Sweet.

                              Why is it sideways?
