complaint (Read 985 times)


Hold the Mayo

    Complaint: Weathermen who can't predict accurately. If what we got in snow last night was 2-4 inches, I feel sorry for his wife.

    Lazy idiot

      Complaint: Weathermen who can't predict accurately. If what we got in snow last night was 2-4 inches, I feel sorry for his wife.
      that. is. awesome. We got every bit of that 2-4 inches. (that's what she said)

      Tick tock

        My throat is all scratchy and I'm tired. Don't feel like running. Somebody help me. Thanks.



        Oh Mighty Wing

          My throat is all scratchy and I'm tired. Don't feel like running. Somebody help me. Thanks.
          GO RUN!!!!! Angry When you get back take a spoonful of honey and lemon.
            My throat is all scratchy and I'm tired. Don't feel like running. Somebody help me. Thanks.
            Why do you need your throat to run?



              Why do you need your throat to run?
              Thanks. I'm on my way out the door.




              Good Bad & The Monkey

              Oh Mighty Wing

                aaahhhh i want to go run!!! I still have 1.5 hours... I need a run so bad it's sick!!
                  Speaking of sick: Complaint--chest congestion and hacking cough that scares the cats. Otherwise, no temp. or any other problems. Run or not?




                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    For real? Or are you being sarcastical-like?



                    The Thunder

                      Up yours...heh. Well played Tanya.

                      1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                        Tanya is not a Person of Coddle.


                          Tanya is not a Person of Coddle.
                          Well, at this minute I'd like to be. Would someone please tell me that it is better not to run when in the midst of contracting Black Lung?



                          Lazy idiot

                            Well, at this minute I'd like to be. Would someone please tell me that it is better not to run when in the midst of contracting Black Lung?
                            Like I need a reason not to run, lately. Jeebus, I need someone to drive up here and kick my ass.

                            Tick tock