complaint (Read 985 times)

    Like I need a reason not to run, lately. Jeebus, I need someone to drive up here and kick my ass.
    Drew, even I have more miles this week than you do. There, that ought to do it.


    Lazy idiot

      Drew, even I have more miles this week than you do. There, that ought to do it.
      Way to save on airfare, Amy!

      Tick tock



          Drew, even I have more miles this week than you do. There, that ought to do it.
          GOOD GOD! Dragon has run 4 days in a row, with one of the days being a 10k race. Right now, I've only run 4.5 more miles than she has this week. Talk about "up yours." Geez Louise. mta: Okay, my #s were off. Even so, way to go Dragon!



          The Thunder

            Like I need a reason not to run, lately. Jeebus, I need someone to drive up here and kick my ass.
            Huh...I think I see the "Thunder Signal" in the sky.

            1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

              mta: Okay, my #s were off. Even so, way to go Dragon!
              Thanks. Smile So far, so good. Hey, I guess you are a Person of Coddle.


              Lazy idiot

                Huh...I think I see the "Thunder Signal" in the sky.
                Oh, damn! That thing is like the antithesis of the boobie horn. OKAY, I ran. Modified to change tense. Thanks, everyone.

                Tick tock

                  Thanks to no one dissuading me, I'm off for a run. I know you all are just jealous of my speed in my advanced years and are trying to kill me.



                    Complaint: I broke my car by slamming it into another car. I broke that car too. And I hit my head. Now my head hurts and i'm driving a spaceship.



                    Why is it sideways?

                      Complaint: I broke my car by slamming it into another car. I broke that car too. And I hit my head. Now my head hurts and i'm driving a spaceship.
                      Damn, Candice. Hope you're okay. And glad you didn't hurt your legs.

                      A Saucy Wench

                        Complaint: I broke my car by slamming it into another car. I broke that car too. And I hit my head. Now my head hurts and i'm driving a spaceship.
                        OOoooh Candice that sucks.

                        I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                        "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                          Sad I'm sorry to hear that, Candice.


                          Lazy idiot

                            Sorry, Candice. I hope everyone is okay as okay can be.

                            Tick tock


                            Good Bad & The Monkey

                              Complaint: I broke my car by slamming it into another car. I broke that car too. And I hit my head. Now my head hurts and i'm driving a spaceship.
                              Yikes. Are you okay? Will I still see you in the morn?
                                And glad you didn't hurt your legs.
                                This was my second thought after finding out that I didn't kill or injure the guy I hit. I totaled his car, but he was driving a state vehicle so he didn't really care... he was just really shaken up, as was I. Not sure on the damage of my car yet, they won't tell me anything until my insurance looks at it. The whole front end is smashed. I'm just thankful that he didn't have anyone in the passenger seat. They would definitely be in the hospital or worse. The whole side of his car was smashed from front to back. He was going pretty fast when I hit him, and so was I.