Tattoos (Read 885 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    Freakin sweet Shan. Niiiice.
    hahahaha thank you!! I had to take so many pictures because I'm so pasty white and you could barely see the tattoo!
      Wow, did you just get that today?! Very nice. Smile


        Very nice is right -- sweet! Yeah, that was my first one.

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Lazy idiot

          Nice, Shan! Modified for decency. Wink

          Tick tock

          Oh Mighty Wing


            Lazy idiot

              The tattoo is SWEET! Did you know there was a backside in your picture, too?

              Tick tock

              The Greatest of All Time

                The tattoo is SWEET! Did you know there was a backside in your picture, too?
                Dude. I just noticed that. Sa-weet.
                all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                Lazy idiot

                  Big grin

                  Tick tock

                  The Greatest of All Time

                    Ass shots in the mini-swamp. All is good on the Trenternet.
                    That is damn near a crotch shot.
                    all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                    Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                      Now that this is permanently inked on your flesh, can you tell me the inspiration for the monkey's tail?

                      Oh Mighty Wing

                        The tattoo is SWEET! Did you know there was a backside in your picture, too?
                        Fuck - can you please take that one out... seriously, i'm very embarrassed.

                        Oh Mighty Wing

                          Now that this is permanently inked on your flesh, can you tell me the inspiration for the monkey's tail?
                          not at all. Can you so I know for others who ask?

                          Hoodoo Guru

                            not at all. Can you so I know for others who ask?
                            It's part of the course, although I forget which part. There were several times I was running the race when I would look up and say, "That's it." Is it around mile 21 of the Monkey course?

                            The tangents are moot.





                            Good Bad & The Monkey

                              Look at the map of 3 mile hill, between marathon miles 9 and 10...

                              Oh Mighty Wing

                                ahhh... So Dallas and Thunder - where's your pictures???