Pickens County Y Race Team


Asheville bids for an Ironman (Read 15 times)


    How many loops around Hilton Head would you have to make to get in 112 miles?

     - itri - 


      From Hilton Head they would probably send you back over the 278 bridge and then have you return to the island after a nice ride through the low-country. Hilton Head would be a great venue


        Looks like Asheville is making a strong effort to get the vemue.




          I really hope asheville gets it...thats my first choice.  My gut tells me that with Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head in the mix, those spots would be a logical choice for IM.  I'd be tickled pink if it goes to asheville.

          Regarding the Asheville video, at least they could have made sure they had the emblem correct...Swim, bike, run.  Instead they  have it as bike, run, swim.  Duh!  I would think if youre submitting a huge proposal/bid, you'd make sure the little things like that are correct.


            I have heard that WTC contacted the Asheville folks and asked them if it would be possible to make the bike course easier by removing some of the climbs.  Asheville said it was not possible to do.

            The same people have also said that they understand Chattanooga is becoming very favorable in the eyes of WTC, and with Asheville not being able to come up with an easier course has elevated Chattanooga's standing.

            This info is second-hand to me but is suppose to be from a very reliable source. Who knows.

            That said, an announcement is expected very soon.  I'm still hoping for Asheville.  MB and HH are still in the mix, as well as about 5-6 other cities, including Raleigh and the whole triad area of NC, and a city or two in Virginia (mainly Williamsburg). It'll probably end up being a city that no one has even suggested.



                I don't say this as fact so take it for what its worth, but I have heard that it is NOT gonna happen in Asheville.  Matter of fact, the person who is saying this is saying that its going to be Myrtle Beach.  I believe the person is credible (same one as above post mentioned), but who knows... we'll see.  The announcement should be coming soon...it was actually expected to be last week.  He says that 3 cities, including Asheville, are left in the mix - the other two believed to be MB and HH.  Chattanooga was supposedly removed for consideration.




                  I didn't think Chattanooga was going to work anyway. I saw some comments where the locals didn't like the Pro Cycling circuit clogging up the roads. IM would have been even worse.


                  Myrtle Beach would be a nice location but the logistic will be a nightmare.


                    The disappointment for me is that it probably won't be Asheville.  Myrtle Beach has zero appeal to me - it will be the equivalent of Ironman Florida,  and if it does wind up being the location, then I will probably head back to Louisville next year.  Not saying I won't ever do MB, but it doesn't excite me.  It makes sense from a business standpoint though...IM Florida sells out online within minutes every year because everyone wants the flatness and the "easiest" IM they can find and MB would be a duplicate of that.  HH would be the same.  However, both of these locations will be much warmer, windier, and much higher humidity in September as opposed to Panama City Beach in November.  Also, if its going to be an ocean swim, the Atlantic Coast is a lot worse than the Gulf - not to mention it being right in the middle of peak hurricane season, which can disrupt the entire event obviously.


                      I think they would use the inland waterway in MB so they can have a current driven race. 2.4 mile in the ocean with the rip currents and waves would be a very tough swim. With all of the concerns about drownings, I just couldn't imagine the ocean swim

                        swimming with a current will be a huge draw.  and Randy Park's beach house is also a bonus.  We can all stay at Randy's and save hundreds of dollars.  Peter, when registration opens, please sign me up.  i will pay you back.


                          I think they will do whatever they can to eliminate a current being a factor.  I don't know of any IM branded races that have a current - and Louisville is the only one that's done in a river.  Cozumel had a slight current, but part of it was against the current as well.  If there is a current like in Louisville, part of the swim is against the current to compensate...and again as in Louisville, its a wash out.  Most everyone you speak with will tell you that their swim time is exactly the same as a normal swim.


                          On another note, Asheville must be beginning to see the writing on the wall, but still holding out hope as per the attached article - to me, it reads like they have lost confidence in getting the race:


                            unrelated to ironman but Eric, do you know if your wife ever had issues with the bike changing gears (front) for example switching from the smallest to the middle?  I have had the chain come off several times / or it gets stuck and wont switch either way.  It seems to be only on hills, so it may just be me.  I had it tuned up (at bike street) and they said that had there been any issues that they would have told me.   By the way I love the bike!




                              unrelated to ironman but Eric, do you know if your wife ever had issues with the bike changing gears (front) for example switching from the smallest to the middle?  I have had the chain come off several times / or it gets stuck and wont switch either way.  It seems to be only on hills, so it may just be me.  I had it tuned up (at bike street) and they said that had there been any issues that they would have told me.   By the way I love the bike!




                              Lori, you should feel very fortunate that the gears are the only problem.  I'm sure Eric showed you this picture before you purchased the bike, but this is what it looked like a few months ago after it flew off the back of Eric's truck on I-85:



                                He failed to mention that detail no wonder he charged only 300$ that may be the problem

