The Postfontaine Project


Runner's Digest 4.14-4.20 (Read 3 times)

Jirafe Blanco

    Hi. I ran today. My legs are starting to get some of the old pains again. I guess that means I'm bumping up against my new limit. I'm okay with that.


    Got my 10k on the 26th and I'm super excited. Think I'm going to cut down a bit over the next week and a half so I don't hurt myself. Then ramp up again for Ragnar training.


    I hope everyone's training is going well. Ragnar is slowly creeping up on us (or Milwaukee Marathon for others).

    "Hills are the shortcut to success"


      Did 4.6 today- kinda slow but i'm still breaking in my new shoes. it was cold and miserable.


      17 days til marathon! yikes!!!!


      gotta do a 19 miler on Saturday or Sunday... then it's taper time

      5K: 29:39

      10K: 63:13

      HM: 2:16:51

      FM: respectable time TBD

        finally to the only enjoyable marathon training portion, the taper. This week isn't much of a decline but the next two weeks I'll cut way back. Probably running about 33 miles this week. buncha 5 milers and then a 12-14 mile weekend run.


        Then right after the marathon time to ramp up the training back for the ragnar. thinking about doing a mini one may 16-17. Like 3 10 mile runs on friday/saturday. we'll see


        most importantly, I'll be on the lookout for some flannel to cut some sleeves off of.

        Jirafe Blanco

          Whoo! Whooooo! Just got done with my last 10k workout. 4x2k with 60s rest. At my goal pace (4:00/km). Finished with a quarter mile sprint up a hill. Totally killed it. Feelin good. FEELING GOOD.


          Now I'm going home to eat candy and run with Jordy.

          "Hills are the shortcut to success"


            Ran 5 miles this morning. At first this run was destined for disaster. Left 20 minutes after I meant to and when I tried to start my audiobook my phone was acting all wonky. At least Runkeeper was still working but uhhhhhh this was gonna suck.


            Then I thought back to a conversation I had with a colleague last week in Florida. He said he never runs with music because he can pay attention to how his body feels and just think to himself. I decided maybe this rebellious phone was a blessing in disguise.


            About a half mile in I realized I was cruisin, and felt great. About 1.5 in I was still cruisin and didn't feel the usual battle with my body to get warmed up. Usually my first two miles absolutely suck and it takes a lot of willpower not to just turn around and go home. At about 3 miles my knee started to feel a little weird so I backed off a bit and would pick back up when it felt better. I really wanted to make sure I finished under a 10:30 pace and when I got to a stop light about .5 from our house my avg pace was 10:31. OH HELL NO.


            So I ran real fast all the way home... finished with a 10:16 avg pace for the run.


            I realize that a 10:30 pace is super slow by the rest of the team's standards- but this is the best I've felt on a run in ages so I'm happy with it 


            Bring on the marathon- mama wants some cheese!


            Wow that was weird. Definitely not feeling that catch phrase....


            15 DAYS!!!!!

            5K: 29:39

            10K: 63:13

            HM: 2:16:51

            FM: respectable time TBD

              ran 3 this morning, it sucked. Not a fan of this notion of waking up at 5:45 to run. Running 5 more after work tonight. Tapering is kinda boring, and I'm ready for the marathon to be here. Plus I finished game of thrones and need to find a new audiobook.


              Hopefully this run tonight isn't as shitty, mama wants some cheese.

                Tapering is fun. we should do it all the time.

                Jirafe Blanco

                  I hurt myself today
                  To see if I still feel
                  I focus on the pain
                  The only thing that's real
                  The needle tears a hole
                  The old familiar sting
                  Try to kill it all away
                  But I remember everything


                  I have shin splints. Just needed an emo way to tell you all.

                  "Hills are the shortcut to success"


                    had the worst long run of my life on sunday. i blame easter.


                    my pattern of having alternating good long runs has worked out perfectly- my next long run is the marathon!


                    also my sherpa was kinda a jerk-a and made me break my "elevation climb" record according to RunKeeper. Booooooooo

                    5K: 29:39

                    10K: 63:13

                    HM: 2:16:51

                    FM: respectable time TBD