The Postfontaine Project


Runner's Digest 2/3 - 2/9 (F#$%ing-A its cold edition) (Read 3 times)

Jirafe Blanco

    As the title suggests, the cold weather has crushed me. Hope y'all are doing better.


    a little over four for me. I think the temperature was about the same.

    "Hills are the shortcut to success"

      after putting together a 10 day running streak, think I've decided to do at least a mile every day in february


        Did speed work yesterday- it was fun to go fast! I used this one guy to pace my intervals... no shame that someone's regular pace is my sprint, I have short stumpy legs!


        5 min warm up


        5 min cool down


        Next time I do intervals, I will do my recoveries as equal time instead of distance. For now I'm babying myself until I get a base and some confidence back.

        5K: 29:39

        10K: 63:13

        HM: 2:16:51

        FM: respectable time TBD

          I hit double digit miles on a run today! And I enjoyed every bit of the sunshine run


            Since doing speedwork I did a frustrating 1.5 miler on the treadmill Wednesday and then tried to squeak out 3 more on Friday. I did two on the treadmill and one off. I'm so slow on the treadmill it's really annoying- my mile I ran on the track was a lot faster and more enjoyable.


            Then yesterday was beautiful outside- 19 degrees and sunny! Whoo hoo! So I ran seven miles. Long runs build my confidence more than anything else and now I really feel like my training is back on track. I recalculated my entire training plan for the marathon/ragnar last week- what I had planned was unsafe for the amount of running I've been doing. I feel much better- it's way more attainable and realistic. I may need to reexamine my 1200 for the year goal though...


            81 days until the marathon- 115 until Ragnar!

            5K: 29:39

            10K: 63:13

            HM: 2:16:51

            FM: respectable time TBD