The Postfontaine Project


Runner's Digest 6/23/14-6/29/14 (Read 4 times)


    Went for a 3 miler yesterday with SuperBoldt. One poop break and one squirrel chase. Other than that he was really good on the run. We are just not NSync at all pace wise. When I decide to back off a bit he wants to speed up. And then when I'm ready to push the pace he decides to lag behind me.



    MAJOR SHOUTOUT TO JIRAFE for showing me that deshedding comb for the pup. It works wonders.


    Anyways back to running... Felt good on the run. Today I've got speed work with Team Paws and then a few easy runs the rest of the week leading up to a 10 miler on Saturday.

    5K: 29:39

    10K: 63:13

    HM: 2:16:51

    FM: respectable time TBD

      So i finally remembered how to not run slow yesterday. 7 miles at a 7:40 pace and almost every mile was faster than the previous one. Thought process on this last tempo run: oh wow that warm up was too fast but i feel good i guess i'll go fast because now im going down hill oh now im going uphill so if i run fast it'll be over quicker oh yay downhill again quake beneath my massive strides you mere mortals oh hey it's a 6th grade soccer practice jogging around that field and they are ALL going faster than me even the goalie better go faster well now I have to poop better sprint to the starbucks and hope it's still open ok that was a good rest time to sprint these last 2 miles. sushi.


      doing a slower recovery run today to steal some more miles. cutting it close, but I should be able to pass 120 monthly miles for the first time ever. Also at 599.4 miles in 2014, which puts me juuuuuuuuuuuuust short of being halfway to my 1200 goal this year which i think i can easily achieve by november when it'll be cold and i'll stop running for 7 months.


      Dont think I'll have much of a taper for this 50k, mainly because I refuse to believe the taper does anything. I always feel out of shape for the actual race.

      Jirafe Blanco

        Oh man. I'm tired right now. I did 6 on Sunday, then 8.5 on Monday with hill repeats (I parked further away than I intended...) and today was supposed to be an easy 6 with the running group. But the only person who showed up was this 2:40 marathoner/army guy who's easy run is my tempo. He said we did the last two miles at 6:30/6:40 pace. I probably won't run again until Friday. Hopefully put up another 15 miler + 8/10 on the next day.


        I signed up for a 10k on the 4th of July and I am going to try and set a PR leading into the 50k. So that will be fun.

        "Hills are the shortcut to success"

        Jirafe Blanco

          Holy buckets, I am tired. Yesterday I could barely bike up the hill on my commute home. Just did an easy 4 miler and it was hell.


          Hopefully I ran it slow enough that I can actually do my long run tomorrow.


          It turns out I am not quite ready to do a long run, hill workout and a tempo run in a week's span. I remember saying earlier I was only doing easy runs until the 50k. I am going back to that plan.

          "Hills are the shortcut to success"

            in Janesville from Wednesday until Sunday so that means long straight boring flat runs. They're great. did 7 yesterday and had a goal of a long run of 14-16 miles. Hit 14.1 and was done. It's 87 degrees here. So humid. Felt like I was breathing through scuba gear. I think a part of me died on that run. Gotta do 7 more before Tuesday to hit my 120 mile goal. I should do that tonight if you count mileage done while chasing 8 little kids around all day.


              Well that was interesting.


              Started off that 7 miler and it was hot as hell. Then I got to the turn around and it was suddenly overcast and felt like I was near a tornado. Then for the last mile it was a downpour. I'm actually kind of cold right now 0.o


              I'll try and do a long run tomorrow. I also don't have work next Friday or Monday so I'll try and get some good miles in that weekend and take tues-fri before the race off.

              5K: 20:37 (5/115 overall)

              10K: 42:08 (32/1,048 overall)

              HM: 1:34:20 (69/1,659 overall)

              FM: 3:28:35


                Sooo I wasn't on the forum because I was busy RUNNING A LOT LAST WEEK Smile


                I did a little over 27 miles which is a lot for me for a non- marthon/Ragnar week.


                Speed work with Team Paws kicked my butt. We did a 400, 800, 1200, 1600 ladder and then since the rest of the greek gods I run with still weren't tired they forced me to do 4 x 100 at the end too. If Sarah McCalvy wasn't there heckling me the whole time I probably would have quit. I have officially branded myself the team caboose- I am the slowest one on the team by far...


                I took Wednesday off because my hammies were wrecked after speed work, then ran 6 miles with Erika on Thursday and 3 with Mary Kay on Friday. I didn't want to look like a tank in front of the in-laws so I ran pretty fast even though those were both supposed to be easy runs. The result? Shin splints. Fuck.


                That meant I had to push my long run from Saturday to Sunday. I did 10 miles and felt really great on my run. Kept my pace under 12:00 and got to see the beautiful Janesville countryside and river (may have been a little delirious due to the heat, so don't quote me on that whole "beautiful" part). After my run my stomach did that thing where it didn't want food, but still needed food, so Dan and I went to Culvers and ordered Chicken Noodle Soup. When it was 90 degrees outside. They thought we were cray.



                5K: 29:39

                10K: 63:13

                HM: 2:16:51

                FM: respectable time TBD