Trailer Trash


Dilly Dilly Wednesdaily (Read 22 times)



    Just wanted to type that title, it has nothing to do with today. 


    Have my clothes and SHOES for a run at lunch on Battlefield.  We got about 4" of fresh powder and schools are out, so hopefully not much traffic on the road.


    Valerie - congratulations on your 12 hour race.

    Moon -  congratulations on grand baby. Now you'll never get that RR done.

    Couch - Hope you are feeling better.


    QOTD:  Injury / Illness check in time.  How's your current injuries/health?  My right knee and I have come to terms that I'll not push my pace, and I'm fine with that (for now).  On health side, gained some weight that I thought was from cutting back mileage, but new blood work shoes time to up my thyroid meds.  My numbers (T4 and TSH) were terrible, and endocrinologist said with those numbers,  if I wasn't a runner I probably wouldn't be have enough energy to get off the couch. So I can't blame all the weight on cookies.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Ended up getting just shy of 5 miles on mostly trails last night, before dusk. I was excited about the 40* out there, until I hit the trails and saw  the trail conditions. A thin and slippery layer of mud on top of frozen ground. Slow going in parts, but a great run overall. Saw a bluebird, a hawk, a woman walking her old beagle and cat (both off leash). The latter trio I see occasionally as I'm heading out from the pool. Never fails to make me smile. Apparently the beagle and cat are inseparable and the cat insists on coming along.


      Moon-- congrats on the new grandbaby!


      qotd: Feeling good.


      Refurbished Hip

        Well, someone's been watching too much TV.    (Okay, okay, admittedly I still laugh at a few of those damn commercials.)


        Moonlight - I'm so sorry to hear about your DNF at the Frozen Otter.  Those trails are tough in good conditions; I can't imagine doing that much mileage in the middle of winter!  But great job going out there and giving it your all.  And congrats on the new grandbaby too!  (Still looking forward to the RR if you have time.)


        I see FTYC popped in.  Hi Marie!


        QOTD: Well, I'm going on month 19 of hamstring pain.  It's maybe made a little improvement in the last few months and I've decided to run twice a week because that doesn't seem to make it worse (or better), so I guess no change is better than deterioration?


        As for the rest of me, my hips are hanging in there.  No big changes there.  My weight is slowly coming down from the holidays - should be back to normal soon. My hands are getting ripped to shreds from climbing.  I guess this is just part of being a noob while you wait for your skin to toughen up.  Definitely getting stronger from climbing and I'm really enjoying myself.  I'm hoping to feel good and strong by early summer.

        Running is dumb.


        Le professeur de trail

          I got last night for a nice 3.5 in the falling snow on my creek side trail.  I love running in fresh snow and the reflection of my headlamp on the falling snow was magical.  I even saw my foxy friend whose eyes were glowing in the beam of my headlamp.  She didn't stick around for too long though.  It was a good run until I hit a patch of ice under the snow and went down hard.  I was close enough to the creek that I almost fell in.  I didn't fall in thankfully but my left knee took the brunt of the fall.  It is sore today - to the point that I have a noticeable limp.  I think it's just a bruise and hopefully a day or two will suffice to heal it up.  So today is likely a rest day unless I get antsy and go to the gym later.


          Moonlight - congrats


          QOTD: see above.


          Have a great day!

          My favorite day of the week is RUNday




            My SRD week continues, but it is getting harder not to run. Could it be withdrawal symptoms?


            We are part of the ‘frozen south’, the office is closed for the 2nd day so I’m working from home again today. Two of our neighbor’s pipes are frozen but we’re ok.  Funny thing my next door neighbor wrapped his pipes better than I did, but his still froze.  As you can imagine the south isn’t really prepared for temps in the teens.


            dc, I like your story about the lady, dog and cat. Something similar, on one of my runs a few weeks ago I ‘finally’ stopped to talk to an older woman who I have been seeing for years.  She is one of the running/walking bunch that I see often and always say ‘hi’ to, just kindred souls I guess, some sort of connection.  Anyway I wasn’t in a hurry that day and so I stopped.  She used to walk with another woman, turned out to be her sister, and a little dog.  Both the sister and dog are gone now, but she keeps walking, she said she tries to do 2 miles a day.  She must be in her upper 80s or early 90s. Now when I say ‘hi’ I use her name.


            qotd: I’m a bit ‘over done’ from my recent races, and a little muscle sore and joint creaky in spots, but it’s the ‘good’ kind of soreness.  Hence the week off this week.  I figure it’s a way to avoid injury.  Other than that I’m feeling pretty good.  I’m going to pace my DD at RR100 on Feb 3rd, so I’m resting up for that.


            Queen of Nothing


              Heading out soon for 6 ish...  took the day off work... after run head down the hill for some shopping...retirment appointment...and need to hit the gym later.


              Qotd:  The foot is still a problem but not as painful as it was before Hoka's.  I was thinking of doing a 100 this year for first time but I don't think my foot can handle it.  I have until 02/01/18 to decide.


              Dilly, dilly where is that from?

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






              Queen of Nothing


                It's snowing in Louisiana !

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                running under the BigSky

                  gave Tiny Elvis yesterday evening off; I got in a good hill workout- close to 2000’ gain in 4.5 miles


                  plan on hitting the trails with TE and DW this evening- small heat wave, should be approaching 30 degrees


                  qotd: healthy as a horse- knock on wood 


                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  Refurbished Hip

                    Dilly, dilly where is that from?


                    You're clearly not a football fan, Sue.  (It's from a series of Bud Light commercials that are played endlessly during football games.  And probably at other times too, but that's the only time I watch live TV.)

                    Running is dumb.



                      It's snowing in Louisiana !


                      LB apparently learned the "Warden Selfie Smile".

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        Snow here today, but just 2 or 3 inches. Nothing major. It's stopped now and the world is just a white winter landscape.  With any luck I will have a quiet late afternoon and get the Lady out for a short snow run. Shoveling is done, and I will some yoga/stretching later.


                        QOTD: Hard to say on my injuries and health. Weight is stable so that's a good thing. Left whonky knee is doing better since the synvisc injection, though it's not perfect. I've had a few 30+ mile weeks and a streak of 9 days of running with no ill effects. I am just running short distances though at the moment. Might try a double digit run soon.


                        ValerieNV - Congrats on the 12 hour. Burying the mini-report in an old daily is poor form though!


                        Moon - Phew. Crazy run with a grand baby on the way. Glad all turned out ok. Congrats!


                        Couch - Hey, good to "see" you again.


                        RunTrail - Funny about the dog and cat walking pals. When I met my wife she had a cat that liked to walk on leash. Tons of fun walking the cat.


                        Queen - Happy retirement! Dilly Dilly is from a beer commercial for bad beer (bud light).

                        In dog beers, I've only had one.

                        Queen of Nothing


                          Now I remember my nephew was telling me about them... they watch a lot of sports.


                          You're clearly not a football fan, Sue.  (It's from a series of Bud Light commercials that are played endlessly during football games.  And probably at other times too, but that's the only time I watch live TV.)

                           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄









                            ValerieNV - Congrats on the 12 hour. Burying the mini-report in an old daily is poor form though!


                            Couch - Hey, good to "see" you again.


                            Queen -  Dilly Dilly is from a beer commercial for bad beer (bud light).




                            + 1000

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                            Gator eye

                              6 on the treadmill, i didn't feel like putting all the clothes on to run in -8 temps we had this morning. I draw the line at  5 below. Come on May!!


                              QOtd: foot still talks to me every morning amd sometimes at the end of a long day. I haven't tried anything long in quite awhile. At this point Im just happy to be able to run.


                              running under the BigSky


                                LB apparently learned the "Warden Selfie Smile".


                                it’s not that easy to pull off- LB has it 


                                2024 goal 2024 miles

                                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                                2021 goal- 2021 miles √

