Trailer Trash


Thursday (Read 9 times)


    Hungry Thursday at that. Finally ran this morning-4.5 miles. Started in the dark and the sky was just starting to show light at the end. Chowder doesn’t like running in the dark and several points tried to turn towards home. And lots of smells to sniff, too


    qotd- favorite lunch? Soup- a hearty stew or chili li in the colder months are my favorite. Now, if going out to a good deli, I cannot pass up a Reuben

      Runtrail - How's your DH feeling today?  I had someone swerve toward me this morning on my walk.  I need to carry a bag of ping pong balls with me that I can throw at vehicles when they do that.  It won't do any damage, but it might freak them out a bit.


      Yesterday, I got the green light to go back to my regular core/ST routine while paying attention to how everything's feeling, so I dove in head first after work yesterday.  I was mindful that I hadn't been doing a whole lot the last month, so I'm not completely sore today, but I can tell I did some stuff.  My hamstring/shoulder PT guy was 20 min late for my appt yesterday and sorta tried to rush me through it and wasn't going to address my shoulder, but I made him address it anyway.  The level of tightness I'm still experiencing with some behind the back movements is not acceptable.  It wasn't there before my fall and I'm not going to just live with it.


      This a.m. I got in an hour and 4.25 miles of power walking with some very short stints of running.  He said so long as over the next 24 hrs the irritation level stays at or below a 3, then I'm good to continue with working the running in little by little.  I'm still foam rolling, using the massage gun, stretching, etc.  Cripes, I feel like during my waking hours I'm constantly doing some sort of PT work.


      QOTD: Don't really have a favorite lunch since I usually just eat whatever was left over from dinner the night before or whatever I can scrounge up.  But it's definitely soup/stew/chili season, and The Hub loves to make all of those, so the crockpot is in heavy use this time of year.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        No run today. I did kill another deer this morning. I guess I'll run tomorrow; I don't want to burn out on the hunting before it gets really good. Although, I have been twice and killed one each time; I don't know how it gets any better than that.


        QOTD: BLT.



          Ran 3 last night on my hood loop. First run of the season with skull cap and gloves. Might do the same today. I will soak in the hot tub this evening watching the stars and Jupiter rise with a cold beer or two.


          QOTD: Grilled cheese, tomato soup for the cold months. Though this week I sauteed up a small chunk of salmon, well seasoned, and served over a salad. That was quick easy and tasty.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Got up early and did 5 miles, felt really good. It was 35°!!!!! 


            qotd: ham & swiss sandwich.
