Trailer Trash

To move, or not to move! That is the question! (Read 531 times)

Occasional Runner

    I don't really care what happens, I just don't want to step on any toes in the process. 


    And according to the reports, there are 116 of us here.


    Damn LURKERS! 

    Uh oh... now what?

      I don't really care what happens, I just don't want to step on any toes in the process. 


      And according to the reports, there are 116 of us here.



       " Unless you just want the same group of 10 people talking to each other (which is fine), combining the two not-busy groups might be cool."


      a highly reliable source says there is only ten of us and we are not active (see "not-busy").  I simply do not understand some of the posts regarding us--the credentials stuff, the dailies some sort of evil thing (although the current RA trailers has started a weekly sort of thing), and stuff like I just quoted.  How does the Trailer Trash presence arouse senseless statements like the above?  What is the criteria for being busy rather than "not-busy"?

      Occasional Runner

        Credentials? Interesting....


          Credentials? Interesting....



          I'll only vouch for some of you, all the rest well I'll need to see Id


          Thread killer ..

            Yes I am lurker and most of the time don't have anything of value to contribute so I just read the forum every couple days . This was my MO at RW too so I am most comfortable lurking around the people I lurked around there . That said I can lurk anywhere and not contribute to the conversation on any forum . I think there are plenty of people like me here , I tell myself that anyway , so there are probably more than 10 people reading this .







             " Unless you just want the same group of 10 people talking to each other (which is fine), combining the two not-busy groups might be cool."


            a highly reliable source says there is only ten of us and we are not active (see "not-busy").  I simply do not understand some of the posts regarding us--the credentials stuff, the dailies some sort of evil thing (although the current RA trailers has started a weekly sort of thing), and stuff like I just quoted.  How does the Trailer Trash presence arouse senseless statements like the above?  What is the criteria for being busy rather than "not-busy"?


            Refurbished Hip

              This is the "busiest" we've been in ages.  I like it.

              Running is dumb.


              Computer Geek

                I say keep this group the way it is!   



                and what is this mention of a FB group?


                  I should bring the old picture back, but I really like how green this picture is.  This new pic is from my finish of the Half Wit Half Marathon in 2010 (my first trail half).

                   Or use your noggin, like I did.




                     " Unless you just want the same group of 10 people talking to each other (which is fine), combining the two not-busy groups might be cool."


                    a highly reliable source says there is only ten of us and we are not active (see "not-busy").  I simply do not understand some of the posts regarding us--the credentials stuff, the dailies some sort of evil thing (although the current RA trailers has started a weekly sort of thing), and stuff like I just quoted.  How does the Trailer Trash presence arouse senseless statements like the above?  What is the criteria for being busy rather than "not-busy"?


                    Oh for pete's sake. Come on.


                    You perhaps missed the important part of my point.  Which is that you have two not-big groups of people talking about the exact same stuff.  The. Exact. Same. Stuff.


                    You didn't "arouse a senseless statement", it was a point for discussion.  There's no need to get all pissed off about it.


                    The criteria isn't busy vs not busy... the criteria is that the two groups are FOR THE EXACT SAME THING.  Maybe, you know, get some of them to cross pollinate here?  That would meet the same need. 


                    I based that statement based on lurking your group on RWOL for about a month.  It really wasn't a lot of you and there weren't a lot of threads. 


                    Incidentally, this group currently has 118 members.  Pretty cool.  That's something RWOL would not tell you.  I'd be all for shelving the other trail group.  Or... and this is the important point... posting in both because it is really pretty easy.   Here is what the same person quoted above said in the "Forums vs Groups" thread in the Tech Support area:


                    I don't really understand the need for two different-but-pretty-much identical trail running areas.  Sure, it allows for different views and flavors, but it may (hold that thought) reduce cross-pollination of opinions and information.  Seems like different views and flavors could be tolerated in the same group.


                    Why I said "may", though, and why this isn't really a (not real) battle I think needs to be fought... on the other hand, it just ain't tough to look in both groups.  That's cool.  I've been looking in trail running and ultra running for years, and they overlap (but are not the same).



                    Apologies for making some folks including John bristle.  I seemed to do that on RWOL sometimes as well.  Nobody is trying to make you feel unwelcome here.  In fact, the opposite is true.  It is awesome; we love you.  But the question "why are there two identical groups" is a fair one... and one answer that makes it meaningful is "there is a small core group of folks that likes to talk to each other".  Not the only reason to have a second group, but certainly ONE reason that makes some damn sense.


                    Apologies for writing the number TEN and using any phraseology whatsoever that makes it seem like you aren't a thriving community.  Those?  Were not the important parts of the point I was trying to make.






                        Why merge at all? so what if there's another group discussing the same thing? 

                        I have a little analogy. I used to work for a little mining company (as a contractor) out in Eastern Arizona. (It's initials were PD). Another mining company came along and decided to buy out/merge with this mining company. You know what happened? They got to big to care. New company nickname is McMoron. Are some people happy with it? sure. Are there about the same number of people who hate everything about the new place? absolutely. 

                        The point is any time you change anything, you upset people and you please people. the ratio is 1 to 1. 


                        I think it's fun over here. I check stuff out over there too. 

                        I simply try not to let forums on the intra-web get me too worked up. 


                        In the immortal words of the beatles 


                        "let it be, let it be"

                          Yikes -- looks like I brought up a can o' worms!  If the consensus is to keep it the way it is, I'm down with that.  I don't mind checking in with both forums.


                            I thought I was participating in a discussion.  I didn't think I was going to get interpreted the way I did.


                            I guess I should not have said anything.  Would have been better.


                            The weird thing is that it was interpreted as though RA people were handing something down and perhaps being unwelcoming.  I could say the reverse.


                            (and neither would be true.  Not really.)



                              Actually, one last thing because I am pissed.


                              Here is the full quote, which John chose intentionally not to include:




                              My vote is one group.  But I really don't care that much.   Interestingly, the voting might slant differently here than there, but voting is overrated anyway.  Unless you just want the same group of 10 people talking to each other (which is fine), combining the two not-busy groups might be cool.



                              Note, smiley.

                              Note, "I really don't care that much".

                              Note, fact - you guys discussed here and made the call.  The other group kind of didn't.

                              Note, there was never really a vote anyway.  And "voting is overrated" because stuff is fine.


                              Important note: that thing that John cherrypicked to be inflammatory, was written just as much to be about the OTHER group.  For real and all.


                              The point was supposed to be about synergy of two not-big groups discussing the exact same topics.



                              flashlight and sidewalk

                                Deep breaths


                                **Ask me about streaking**