Trailer Trash


Weekender!! (Read 19 times)

    Squeaking in to post before the end of the weekend.  21 miles today, sort of a slog because I didn't eat enough and it was too hot (well, hot for us, 80).


    WC, congrats on the GD's marriage.


    AT, ugh on the attack of the bees, how frustrating.  Some things you just can't train for...


    Moonlight, yikes on the tooth problem.  Tooth aches are the worst.


    DHuff, nice mileage this week!  I'm off tomorrow too.


    Hi to everyone that I missed.


    QOTD: "Did you win?" (when I mention that I did a race)

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


    I lost my rama

      AT - Yikes about the bee stings!  Hope you're recovering well today.  How did Mrs. AT do?


      WC - Congrats on your granddaughter!


      GC - Any update on Steamtown?


      dhuffman - Nice week!  Enjoy the taper.


      Gatsby - Nice run, especially when it's that warm.


      I got almost 22 on Friday evening, rest Sat, then another 12 on Sunday.  At the cabin for a bit over the weekend.  Definitely fall is in the air, despite it still being warmer than normal.  Rainy and a bit gloomy though.  The leaves are falling off one of the big maples next to the cabin....







      Along the trail during Sunday morning's run....




      With all the rain and wet weather we've had this year, the fall colors will probably not be as brilliant, but it's still nice to see the change.  Plus, I like to sit by the fire.

      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



        GC - Any update on Steamtown?


        It sucked. I suck. Running sucks. Running is dumb and stupid and I'm never running again.


              Yup.......   we've all been there.

