Trailer Trash


Throwdown Thursday (Read 15 times)


    5 miles of running/hiking this morning. I was going to cut it short, but the Bear Grease podcast kept me focused on listening this morning. Holt Collier was the topic, and Part I was a fascinating story. I have heard of him before, but I never knew he was a slave who also fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War. He later went on to be friends with Teddy Roosevelt. He was his bear guide in Mississippi, and he is a central part of the Teddy Bear story.


    QOTD: We do pretty good here about keeping things apolitical, but yesterday, almost every conversation I ended up involving the $10,000 student debt forgiveness thing. Did you have student loans and how do you feel about the debt relief?


    I only took one $1000 student loan. I used it to buy a new shotgun and some hunting gear. I paid it off pretty quickly, but I know a lot of people who had a whole lot of student loan debt. I don't have strong feelings one way or the other on the debt relief. I just can't seem to make myself be concerned about it.




      qotd: I go back and forth on this.  I did have student loans for my MBA that I used exclusively for my degree and paid mine off.  I know of other people who used their loans for spring break and the like and those I can't support if they don't pay theirs off.  The ones who truly need the help I can get behind.  What concerns me is it'll be like the PPP loan program and turn into a free for all cutting out the truly needed.  There are politicians dissing this who got those loans and got the forgiveness who truly didn't need it.


        A 2 mile jog out at the lake on the spin cycle loop in the cedar forest. Baker joined me for the run. He seems to like this loop as it was his only run last week. Probably out to the lake tonight for a 5 mile loop. Warming up again here.


        QOTD: No student loans here but I only have an associates degree and picked that up on the cheap at a community college in CA. I've read a few articles where I shake my head and wonder why the person feels the government should bail them out for bad choices. There are such things as community colleges where you can start down the path at a more reasonable expense before committing to a major university.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.



          QOTD: No student loans here but I only have an associates degree and picked that up on the cheap at a community college in CA. I've read a few articles where I shake my head and wonder why the person feels the government should bail them out for bad choices. There are such things as community colleges where you can start down the path at a more reasonable expense before committing to a major university.


          That is the main reason I work at a community college. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. In fact, my nephew just graduated from high school and was over here on July 4th. He was just totally stressed out about going to the university in the fall. I talked to them about options we have, and he is starting in September for a lot less money, and it is closer.




            XT I did exactly that and when I worked on my BS I used my Army tuition assistance.  I feel everyone should either join the military or work in some community service for 2 years and then go to college.  But I also don't think 11th and especial 12th grade is necessary: In 11th grade they should pick, go to work, go to trade school, or go to college.  I also think that too many kids go to college without a firm understanding on the economic costs, too many grow up not knowing how to budget, the cost of loans, and other life skills their parents neglected to teach them.


            running under the BigSky

              5 miles (800') with DW and Tiny Elvis this morning (6 yesterday).  Got some much needed rain last night and this will be the second day now of sub 90 degree weather!


              qotd: My student loans were pretty modest.  I did err when I was in the military and suspended paying on them- I easily could have afforded it and was just kicking the can down the road.  When I got out of the service, the paid most of my remaining college.  I also went to a community college my first two year- don't think I missed anything not going right to a four year school.




              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                40 min of core/ST, followed by about 5 min of AT and calf stretching.  It's so muggy and damp, after I got out of the shower, I felt like I spent half my time in front of the fan trying to cool off even though I ended the shower with cold water.  I specifically don't live in the south because of this type of summer weather. 


                QOTD: This is a hot topic for me.  I agree with XT and a lot of what dhuff says.  The Hub and I busted our butts and scrimped and went without to pay off student loans, so the thought of people getting them forgiven makes my blood boil.


                I think people put too much emphasis on a college education when there are so many amazing trade jobs out there.  Go to a trade school - less debt and jobs for the taking if you're willing to move and work hard.


                So many students would benefit more going to community college first.  Get your gen ed classes out of the way for a lot less $$.  See if college actually fits you.  See if your French and fine arts degrees are going to actually get you a job, let alone a job that pays a decent wage.


                If the government thinks people have too much federal loan debt quit giving out loans.


                Somebody has to pay for the $300 billion+ this is going to cost.  Guess who that'll be?


                Okay - I'll stop.

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