Trailer Trash


Life is Good Friday (Read 16 times)


    Weather is horrible this morning. I won't run unless things improve, but they are not supposed to do that until Sunday. I did get out yesterday afternoon and finally killed a big tom. He was a rare bird with a band on his leg and a gps monitor on his back. It was one of the best hunts I have ever had. I guess I'll start running more now.


    QOTD: Weekend plans?


    I'll try to squeeze a run in tomorrow morning. I may go hunting again on Sunday morning, but I may just run. I have sort of self-imposed a one bird limit on myself here at home. We can kill two, but I have killed enough over the last 41 years to be totally satisfied with one, and sometimes none. Although, none rarely satisfies me.



      I had one of those "how the hell did that happen" runs last night. 5 miles up the big hill along the ridge, a little loop down and back up, and back the same way. I've been slogging as of late, running it in about an hour give or take due to cranky left leg aches (ITB, nerve related). Last night... nothing. 49 minutes and change for the loop. Real running. Hey, even it's just one run I will take it.


      Wogged the dogs this morning. One of the neighbors, regular dog walker has covid but was out walking her dog. Masked up. I was nowhere near her, across the street, 20 feet or so. Weird. I had a feeling as the other day I saw her masked up from a distance as well.

      Today. Probably 5 later out at the lake. I will try to keep my hopes up for a good run. Seemed my form was better last night so I will keep that in mind.


      QOTD: Mow, weed whack, pull weeds, edge beds, replace a few outdoor outlets, see if we can fix indoor pool controller. Maybe 9 holes of golf.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        Ended up with 5 miles along the creek with a friend and chowder. by mid afternoon, things were looking shaky for getting out for a respectable run, but then got a text and that motivation. It's been a week. Cousin's husband is still on a vent and this weekend will be 3 weeks, so things are getting critical and he's only making very slight improvements. Oh, get the vaccine people!  He could have at least been partially vaccinated by the time of his infection, so this is heartbreaking (and frustrating since they/he refused the vaccine when he qualified)


        Fingers crossed.


        qotd: and for the weekend, building a grape arbor now that I have finally finished the wall planter box along our house. .

          I've been tapering off my HRT medication since January.  Last night - ugh!  I had hot flashes all night.  It sucked!  I'll continue the taper, but I'm gonna have to find something OTC/homeopathic to help with this because I refuse to go back to being miserable.


          Anyway, lack of sleep kept me in bed, which means twice this week I haven't done my core/ST exercises - a habit I can't afford to continue.


          Vaccines - My SIL/BIL are refusing to get it and they both had CV.  He ended up with double pneumonia.  They're reasoning? They have the antibodies.  And even if they don't, they're not sure they want the vaccine.  Obviously, it's their call, but I just shake my head.  They travel all over the place, which I think puts them at higher risk.  But - not my call, none of my business.


          QOTD: 10-mile trail run tomorrow, then some house work, and transcription.  The Hub hasn't said anything yet, but there may be a beach visit-agate hunt on Sunday.  We'll see.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            5 mi after work today. Got it in just before all hell broke lose with the rain and lightning.  Stayed in the dirt along the bayou and checked out the new Hokas. So far so good.


            qotd: run and then some house cleaning. We’re actually having 4 friends over for dinner on Saturday.  Everyone has been vaccinated and we’ll still stay apart but it will seem sort of strange for sure.
