Trailer Trash


Cool Mondaily (Read 19 times)


running under the BigSky

    we’ve been on almost a week of cool weather and looks like another week still; not complaining- upper 30’s for lows upper 40’s for highs


    back to back 11 milers Sat/Sun, one with Tiny E, one w/o


    what surprises me is I’ve been running very little (but hiking a lot) and my time from Sunday is right at the median for that run, maybe even a little above median; I’ve noticed that a couple of different times the last couple of years- I guess fast hiking isn’t that bad on my running performance????


    probably hit the gym after work


    qotd: legalize marijuana nationwide?  I say yes. before we know it half the states will already have done it


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √




      Well GOT's is over with.  Spoiler alert, the one who did the least is the new King.  Kind of like congress.


      SRD today.  We got in 10 miles yesterday and it was pretty warm and muggy when we were done. I passed a water pump with 2 miles to go and tried to drown myself with cold water. it revived me a bit.  Haven't had many hot run yet, so the first few are always difficult.


      2" of rain last night with 2 really strong storms and we were in tornado warning for both storms.  4 miles away hardly got a drop.


      QOTD:  I don't see the federal government ever agreeing on it, but yes.  Problem I have is testing for it for work screenings and after a job injury.  Habitual users can test positive for weeks, and lose a job or their workers comp case.  Test does not show current level, only "recent" usage.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Le professeur de trail

        I got in a nice but hard 2.5 mile run on Saturday.  So far so good.  DW on the other hand ran 13 miles on Sunday.  I was shocked.  This from someone who never really liked running.  Still not sure she likes it but ...


        QOTD: Our states are so different - just take what Alabama and others are voting on versus what NY made legal in the arena of abortion.  Personally I think marijuana is such a small issue in the world on substance use but we are still making such a huge deal of it.  It will be interesting to see what this country has made legal or illegal in 10 years from now.


        Have a great day!

        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




          9.5 miles with the training group yesterday. Hot and muggy so it felt much harder and farther, but oh well.  Today is a rest day, probably the gym or some walking later.


          qotd: Same answers as AT and Jamie.


          I lost my rama

            As usual warden is in backwards land compared to us East Coasters.   It will be in the 80's this afternoon, and I don't recall if I brought bug spray with me or not.  Either way, 4-6 on trail for tonight.


            warden - I think doing things a bit differently may better prepare you for what's to come.  Doing the same thing over and over again just lulls the muscle memory, IMO.


            AT - DW and I will need to watch GOT from the very beginning so we'll be like "huh?" to anything, hehe.  Glad you got decent miles in yesterday.  And yes, those first few days of hot weather running are pretty brutal, but you do get past them.


            QOTD:  Mixed feelings on this.  I don't do pot, but I probably should.  Still don't know why I don't though.  I have smoked in the past plenty of times, but it never "took".


            In hindsight, I don't think I was completely open with my "condition" or as I call them my "demons" with the group.  Tim and Jamie are much more aware, as they have been helping me tremendously through this process, but there are also some aspects they too may not know.


            First, I said that I suffer from depression, but it's more than that.  I am bipolar and have been since a teenager.  For the past 20+ years, I have not been on any doctor prescribed medication, so I self-medicated with running and alcohol.  Strange, but it worked... until it didn't.  I always thought I was bipolar type 2, but I was recently tagged as bipolar type 1 (might explain my ultra-running patterns..... y'all might want to get yourself checked out ).  In any case, a bipolar person is 60% likelihood to be addicted to alcohol, or pot, cocaine, opioids, religion, or cats.... etc.....


            Second, I'm an adult child of an abusive alcoholic parent.  That carries about a 40% chance of being an alcoholic yourself.  And finally, I'm adopted and of an ethnic minority (in case  you didn't notice ), which doubles the chances of addiction.


            Add it all up.... will someone just please pass me a joint???  j/k.  In any case, I was pretty much fucked from the start.  But I still run.  Again, mixed feelings on this.  Those of us who are predispositioned to addiction will do anything to get it, but it shouldn't be that easy either.

            3/17 - NYC Half

            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours




              In hindsight, I don't think I was completely open with my "condition" or as I call them my "demons" with the group.  Tim and Jamie are much more aware, as they have been helping me tremendously through this process, but there are also some aspects they too may not know.



              Congratulations, Bert.  For those of you who don't know, this is a huge step for anyone who is bipolar or has an addiction.


              I'm happy to be on your team, and your team just got bigger.  As I've said, we're here for you and want you to feel better and if not, hopefully we'll make you laugh once in a while.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                I ran this morning. It was super muggy, but the run felt pretty good. The month of May has totally sucked balls for running because of insane storms. I was planning on squeezing in a run after cutting the grass on Friday afternoon until the spindle went out on my mower. Called Home Depot and the guy said they didn't have any. So, I ordered one from Amazon, and sat down to a bourbon and Sprite, two actually. Saturday morning I was preparing to run but the lightning started before I got out the door. Eventually, the lights went out, and we ended up going to Baton Rouge. I did pick up a sweet pair of running shorts for $12.99 at TJ Maxx and a six pack of socks for $5.99. I also bought my wife a dress. Sunday wasn't even going to happen because we were out the door picking up kids.


                QOTD: Yes. Maybe I can find a bong at TJ Maxx. In Louisiana, we have legalized medical marijuana, but it cannot be obtained (legally) in a form that can be inhaled. I have always thought that inhaling was the best method regardless of what you were using it for, recreational or medicinal. Turns out, there is research out there to suggest that I am correct. Right now, they are looking into the possibility of allowing it in an inhaler, like people with asthma use. I have never been a big weed smoker, but I have never really had any issues with it either. I think it should be legal, but I am sure that Louisiana would find a way to screw it up like no other state.



                Refurbished Hip


                  As I've said, we're here for you and want you to feel better and if not, hopefully we'll make you laugh once in a while.


                  Thanks for sharing, Berto.  We are definitely here for support!  Even if it's just the silly kind.  I have used these forums for support a lot in the past and am very thankful for you all.


                  Thank god GoT is finally over with.  What a slog of an last season.


                  Hey Sue, HAPPY MONDAY SATURDAY! 


                  I'm heading to the climbing gym tonight.  Going to stick to some juggy routes, since I'm unsure if my left ring finger is acting up again or not.  Trying to play it safe while still attempting to climb.


                  QOTD: Yep.

                  Running is dumb.


                  running under the BigSky

                    bert feel free to lean or whatever you need to do, you’re amongst friends


                    anyone ever hear of this?




                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                    Are we there, yet?

                      Short, easy intervals to try to get some life back into my legs, 8 x 200m, walk-jog recovery, 4.1 miles total, then I'll add 3+ miles this evening with the walking group at the LRS


                      qotd:  legalize it nationally, treat it like alcohol.  Both have some unpleasant side effects, but may also have some positive value under control and in moderation.  Just don't go as far as PA has with alcohol and sell it only in government run stores.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                        SRD.  I'm crazy-busy at work and exhausted from jetlag, not a good combination at all.  I was up watching TV at 3am this morning (if you think TV sucks, you should watch at 3am, it really sucks!!)  That's also when I answered moonlights question so I hope it makes sense.


                        Bert-o, hang in there and don't forget that we are here, lean away.


                        qotd: I agree with what others have said, I'm ok with it but I doubt I'd partake (did a million years ago, but never missed it once I gave it up).  I'd guess that Texas would be one of the last holdouts - against.




                          qotd:  legalize it nationally, treat it like alcohol.


                          I'm indifferent, but basically agree. I led hundreds of students on study-abroad trips. 100% of the bad problems we had were due to alcohol. If the students smoked weed, they just got lazy and didn't do their work, which isn't good, but I'd rather have that than the craziness fueled by alcohol.

                          Queen of Nothing


                            No but it sounds fun and right up your alley.


                            bert feel free to lean or whatever you need to do, you’re amongst friends


                            anyone ever hear of this?









                            Queen of Nothing


                              My long run turned into 7 miles... plan was to get 10 mikes done and take Jack back home and head out for another 5to 8.  Jack started lagging around 3 so I headed back.  A mile fun home his energy picked up ...but I just took him home and then quit  maybe I’ll run long tomorrow or maybe I will just skip it this week.


                              Qotd: yes...cigarettes are legal and they are pretty bad for you.


                              Berto: Takes a lot of courage to admit faults/weakness but them admitting them frees you from hiding them.  If you ask me, you have been very successful in life while dealing with these issues.  That is an accomplishment.  My niece is bipolar, 30 years old and has never had a job. And now it appears her daughter is also bipolar ...she is 12.  Hopefully she will cope with it better.








                              Are we there, yet?



                                Berto: Takes a lot of courage to admit faults/weakness but them admitting them frees you from hiding them.  If you ask me, you have been very successful in life while dealing with these issues.  That is an accomplishment.  My niece is bipolar, 30 years old and has never had a job. And now it appears her daughter is also bipolar ...she is 12.  Hopefully she will cope with it better.


                                My ex-niece is also bipolar, diagnosed as a teen.  She is now a certified recovery specialist and will hopefully be helping others.  One of the things she struggled with was the medication she was prescribed often adversely affected her creativity, and she's very talented in art and music.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles



