Trailer Trash


Fun Friday (Read 19 times)


    Hi trailers. Just got back from 4 miles in rock creek. Muddy, and the trail has been wrecked in many places due to our recent weather, but it was a beautiful run. Managed to get back before the winds picked up.  It is supposed to be 20+ mph soon and with deeply saturated soils, more trees may come down.


    qotf: Any fun plans for the weekend? It should be quiet in my house, no swim meets and a decent weather forecast for the first weekend in a while.  I just want to get outside in the sunshine. and start planning a spring trip to Arizona to visit DH (adn the grand canyon, canyon de chelly, etc.)





      SRD today.  10 miler tomorrow and a 20 on Sunday is in planning stages. Might have to do the 20 on the C&O unless things dry out with the wind. If we have to do C&O, I might head to Brunswick area and run the part that the JFK uses.


      QOTD:  Gettysburg Rocks is this weekend. 140 bands play all over town for 1 hour sets to raise $ for the Four Diamond Fund (Penn State U's children's cancer fund). DS's band is playing tomorrow night at 10:00pm.  Tonight we're going to a Brew Pub to listen to some blue grass / classic rock bands.  This is one of our favorite weekends since we love live music. If there's a bad group, you just have to wait an hour and the next one starts.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

      Queen of Nothing



        6 miles along the beach today. These pictures are from the run....cut and pasting with my finger is a little difficult for me.....still don’t understand hiw I have the ability to save a pucture in my finger


        qotd: my sister arrives on Sunday and more of below











          Bagged the run after work yesterday... too pooped.  5 miles this morning instead.  Rain is starting up again!


          QOTD: Going up to Auburn for the WS training run tomorrow, about 20 miles.  Going to be cold and wet... low of 34, high of 42, rain all day.  Puerta Vallarta is looking pretty good right now, right Queen?

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



   going to go visit DD and DGD on Saturday and going to a German restaurant for lunch.  That's my fun for the weekend.  Still sore from chiro but my bones feel great.  Going again on the 14th.  I'm doing the trail marathon at the Outlaw but also joined a 100 mile relay team...I'm last so I can rest in between and we have 36 hours.  Weather looks good so far 40/60, partly cloudy, 4 mph winds.  Perfect.


            Good luck to everyone this weekend.  The bands sound like fun.


            running under the BigSky

              we haven't seen the plus side of zero for 6 days now  and sadly not an end in sight- funny no news trucks roaming around, getting cold in Montana isn't much for news I guess


              on the plus side, I do feel at least half alive today, stomach bugs suck!!!!!


              qotd: going to be too cold for any outdoor activities, so we've resigned ourselves for a deep cleaning of the house- probably a good choice since I'm sure there is Norovirus lurking around every corner 


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                Belted out a nice run this morning. I'm really starting to wear down quite a trail through the woods since they have been so wet.


                QOTD: I think we are planting some shrubs tomorrow. And I need to cut a little grass, just some edges where it is growing. Mild winters are a real pain the butt. Hahaha.



                Le professeur de trail

                  Hi there! Walked a mile.  Felt pretty good.    I'm going to attempt to attend my kids b-ball games tomorrow.  Hope I don't regret that.


                  Looks like it's a bands and beach weekend.  Have fun!


                  QOTD: See above.  Otherwise, I might do my taxes.  Lay around.  Try and not overdo it.


                  Have a great weekend!

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                    Managed to get out to the trails last night with the Lady getting in 5 miles just before darkness fell. That's after 5:30pm now here. Yippee! It was another one of those slow plodding runs. Sometimes I think I should give up this trail running stuff as I suck at it most days now, but then again what the hell else am I gonna' do. At least I am able to manage my 100k pace. Ha.


                    No run today. Mild but super windy now, plus I've slogged about 6 or 7 days in a row so a day off is in order So it was just gym stuff for me and dog walking later.


                    QOTD: No big special plans. Drink, eat, be merry and lazy. A couple of runs too. No work so that will be the fun part. Need to plan a trip somewhere warm, but it's tough now with the aging SirB.

                    In dog beers, I've only had one.


                      I am here.  I've just been really busy at work these past few days.  We've got some Brexit crap that could bite us, I'm arranging a visit by a delegation from an African national administration, one of my guys is out sick, it never ends - - blaa, blaa, blaa.  So that affected my running, too tired so I slept in, staying too late at work to do a late run, would rather eat, etc, etc...   so I took a few days off running.  Actually I'm feeling pretty good, maybe a few days off is good.   I will run after work today.  After 80 deg on Wed, today it's kinda cold and we had some freezing rain, should be a good run.


                      qotd: I think my fun plans include more cleaning out of the garage, changing an electrical switch in the house, and my DD is looking for a wedding dress (not sure but I think I might be excused from that last one).  I do plan to run both mornings.





                        qotd: I think my fun plans include more cleaning out of the garage, changing an electrical switch in the house, and my DD is looking for a wedding dress (not sure but I think I might be excused from that last one).  I do plan to run both mornings.


                        They'll just need your Credit Card.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                        Queen of Nothing


                           Good obe!



                          They'll just need your Credit Card.







                          Queen of Nothing


                            Never give up on the trails XT!!!  That’s who we are!!  Better to plot along slowly in the we

                            oods than hit the pavement!  Sorry about SirB, it’s hard when they get old.  My last dog I wanted the DH to find a jogging stroller with the big wheels so we coukd take our old dog hiking.


                            Managed to get out to the trails last night with the Lady getting in 5 miles just before darkness fell. That's after 5:30pm now here. Yippee! It was another one of those slow plodding runs. Sometimes I think I should give up this trail running stuff as I suck at it most days now, but then again what the hell else am I gonna' do. At least I am able to manage my 100k pace. Ha.


                            No run today. Mild but super windy now, plus I've slogged about 6 or 7 days in a row so a day off is in order So it was just gym stuff for me and dog walking later.


                            QOTD: No big special plans. Drink, eat, be merry and lazy. A couple of runs too. No work so that will be the fun part. Need to plan a trip somewhere warm, but it's tough now with the aging SirB.







                            Queen of Nothing


                              There’s trouble in Trailer Trash workd when Sandy isn’t consistently running! 


                              I am here.  I've just been really busy at work these past few days.  We've got some Brexit crap that could bite us, I'm arranging a visit by a delegation from an African national administration, one of my guys is out sick, it never ends - - blaa, blaa, blaa.  So that affected my running, too tired so I slept in, staying too late at work to do a late run, would rather eat, etc, etc...   so I took a few days off running.  Actually I'm feeling pretty good, maybe a few days off is good.   I will run after work today.  After 80 deg on Wed, today it's kinda cold and we had some freezing rain, should be a good run.


                              qotd: I think my fun plans include more cleaning out of the garage, changing an electrical switch in the house, and my DD is looking for a wedding dress (not sure but I think I might be excused from that last one).  I do plan to run both mornings.








                                 They'll just need your Credit Card.

