Trailer Trash


This is the end of the Tuesdaily (Read 22 times)


    Not much going on here for me. Just walking and planet of fitness for me.


    I've given up running for now, though will return when certain things feel right. I've quit going to PT as well as they just seem puzzled with all my issues and it seemed every visit was a new therapist. Stop running they say. Sure but what else... what is actually going on with my swollen quad? I will continue with some of the exercises but for now am getting assistance from my chiro. He suspect some of my muscles are out of whack, particularly the Sartorius and we have that ktaped for now, and are doing some laser therapy for the tissue. So we will see how that goes in the coming weeks. I had some really bad nerve pain in the lower leg last Friday that made it nearly impossible to walk so I sought him out. At least that has gone away.


    QOTD: RW is shutting down their forums for good, moving to FB groups. Did you ever post there and if so when did you start and what forum? Have you posted there recently?


    For me, I started to post in RW forum around 2003, in the marathon forum. I met a lot of people there, both virtually and eventually in life as well. Since all the forum switches I rarely posted there but from time to time would check in on the ultra running forum there. They had sort of a weird thread that ran on and on all year instead of dailies like here, so it was pretty compartmentalized. I'd never post to that but would sometimes chime in on training or race report threads.



    LB2 - Missed posting yesterday, and well it was a taper question so I have to respond. Right now I find myself in need of a forum name change to permanent taper! Seriously, I like a good taper, typically 3 weeks, though that first week is sort of busy still in terms of running volume, just no super long runs. I've noticed a few times hitting taper time feeling energized and on edge, and have had nice races when I get that feeling.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.


      Maybe this should be the 'no running' forum? No run yesterday and today is doubtful. Yes, I know I could force myself out there and log a few miles, just to say I ran, but I won't. Still sick and actually worse, so I think rest is a better idea. I will go to an XC meet later, so I will be amongst runners.


      XT- sorry to hear about the quad not healing (or even getting a definitive diagnosis). I hope the break does it's magic.


      qotd: Not since we moved over here. And I think I never posted in the RW version of this group, just lurked. Interesting that RW is discontinuing their forums. Maybe too hard to administrate/monitor? FB groups are fine, but I think there are good uses/space for list-serves as well. Call me old fashioned..... And hey, kid!! get off my lawn!


        Another early morning 5 mile run for me. I'll do that again tomorrow, and I have my longest run of this training block Thursday night. It will be an all nighter. I'll call in on Friday. I'll take a nap and maybe drink a beer or two after the kids and wife get off to school.


        QOTD: I did post on there. I started around 09 or 10; I think. It was in the trail running forum, but I would sometimes post in the ultra marathon section. I learned a great deal from John Morelock and others. I got to meet and talk with John a few times over the years. I was so happy that he was at one of the last aid stations at Rocky Racoon when I finished my first 100 mile race. He was the first one to congratulate me at Damnation AS, in bound on the last loop at mile 92.73. That was probably the highlight of my running career, so far. He meant a lot to me, and I miss him.



        running under the BigSky

          got 5-ish miles in yesterday evening with Tiny Elvis- glorious evening- low 50's and sunny. Tiny got to see his first elk (a young bull).


          qotd: I started posting there about 6-8 months (guessing) before the move to RA; honestly don't remember a lot about it; RA is like home 



          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          running under the BigSky

            XT get better soon; I have a buddy with a toe issue that they can't seem to figure out- first thought it was gout (and could still be), then stress fracture(s)- it's been a long time and he's getting pretty frustrated


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            Queen of Nothing


              Me and the mutts got in a wee bit over 4 this morning.  One tumble ..  Gym at lunch.


              QOTD:  Started posting on RW in 2008.  I think I strolled the women's forum at firs and probably weight loss.  I still remember on the Woman's Forum a girl saying running gave her organisms.  I have never been able to reach that status.  Then of course I got on the Trail forum...which include lots of Ultra folks...thus the bug was planted.  I did go back occasionally but not much was going on.



              XT: So sorry to hear your thigh issues are not getting have always been such a consistent runner.  I bet this is driving you and Lady B crazy. 

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                Back from vacation into a shit storm .  We have the GM card which is now being administered through Capital One. While we were gone they changed their site around and said I have to transfer my information or re enroll or something like that. Followed the link and it linked me up with my on line savings account but no CC info is there. Tech support just keeps running me in circles having me change passwords. On top of that they can't really speak understandable English so I'm sure it's an off shore call center. Apparently they are experiencing heavy call volumes , go figure.   Has anyone else had any changes to a Capital One account recently? Any tips?


                Probably going to try to run about 5-6 miles today. The scale said OK things this morning when I climbed on, not good things but not too bad either but I can tell my fitness has dropped off despite walking so much up there. I'm expecting the run to be a little rough.



                XT - The only words of wisdom I might have for you is to not push the running too soon. It's possible that something is torn, stressed, strained or something like that and extended rest may be the best thing.  Unfortunately your experience with PT is what I've come to expect.  Everyone, well most anyways,  in the medical field just want to give a cursory glance and if the problem is not obvious they shrug their shoulders and move on. So few are inquisitive anymore and like to solve difficult problems.


                QOTD: I was on the biking forums for quite a few years, maybe started in the early 2000's. Didn't post a lot but read a lot. When I started running more I switched to the running forums (2012??) and found the trail running forum. Posted more there then on the biking site. When the miserable "thing" banned a bunch from the site I moved along over here. I looked back over there a couple of months ago and it was dead. Really sad as I remember some good conversations over there.  Seemed like the trail forum never recovered after the exodus.


                  Back from vacation into a shit storm .  We have the GM card which is now being administered through Capital One. While we were gone they changed their site around and said I have to transfer my information or re enroll or something like that. Followed the link and it linked me up with my on line savings account but no CC info is there. Tech support just keeps running me in circles having me change passwords. On top of that they can't really speak understandable English so I'm sure it's an off shore call center. Apparently they are experiencing heavy call volumes , go figure.   Has anyone else had any changes to a Capital One account recently? Any tips?



                  I don't have enough time or room to write my thoughts down about Capital One. They suck when it comes to customer service. I had to do some loan stuff with them, and part of that process was filing a document that put the loan sort of in limbo until we were able to roll it over into a new loan. I sent them the information back, but they said I didn't... Long story short, it took months to get my credit rating back up enough to purchase my house. All this happened in the middle of trying to get the house. Anyway, it all worked out, and I got my credit rating back up to where it should be. But they were no help at all. They are too big to care. Anyway, good luck dealing with them. Oh, oh, oh... Then, they tried to say that I should have had flood insurance all along and demanded that I purchase it. I told them I was not required to have flood insurance because I don't live in a flood zone. They referenced the new FEMA maps. I told him, I had every FEMA map that has ever been made of the Town of Greensburg, Louisiana at my fingertips, and my house has never been in a flood zone. Plus, we had just gone through a long process with FEMA where we worked with them on the new flood plane. We went back and forth. I won that battle after about an hour. He said he found a newer map. Horseshit, I said. I don't think he was ever looking at a map. He must have assumed that since I was in Louisiana I must be in a flood zone. Well, I just got pissed off all over again.




                    Short 3 miles. I'm trying to be good, and knee is cooperating more if I'm good.  Ortho said it could take 6 months when i first saw him, and it's been 4 so far, so can't wait for November!


                    XT - sorry about slow recovery. I feel your pain.


                    QOTD:  I go back to the early days, not sure of the year but made the switch from Ultralist and remember John-PNW (John M), Gazelle and some of the other early posters.  I was Gettyrunner for a while in marathon group and then changed e-mails and could't reset my password, so became AT-runner. In the wee early days, you could post as Anonymous, and I did that a lot, too.  Never went back much after the panty raid (I was never banned).


                    Warden and I were talking about John last week.  He was a great guy and a huge inspiration to me making the jump from marathoner to ultras. We shared a lot of e-mails and FB messages.  DW never did the forums, but she and John hit it off on FB.  He always commented on her posts, especially her garden pictures, as flowers were one of he and Kathy's hobbies.


                    I didn't do the daily's until the end in RWOL.  No reason why, but just used ask and answer questions and read and write RR's.

                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                      Did 5 mi at lunch today. It was hot but I still had to make myself go slow.  I feel really good, but this taper is gonna kill me.


                      XT - damn that sucks.  I really hope that things start to improve soon, but I agree with the other comments, take it slow.


                      DD1 - I don't have Capital One, sounds like a suckfest.  I was ID'ed as being one caught in that Equifax breach so I did a credit freeze on all three the credit rating sites.  We figured that we won't be applying for credit any time soon and if we do we can unfreeze it.  But it was still a pita so I feel your pain.


                      qotd: I was over at the RWOL forum for a long time, mostly in the trail running area but also in ultra area as well. Known as Slowdown in those days (actually I think I should go back to that name now...  )  Somehow I didn't get kicked off during the big fiasco, but I migrated over to here to RA anyway.  I haven't been back to RWOL in years, but I do miss the dancing bananas.



                      running under the BigSky

                        DD- no experience with Capital One, just insure you utilize some caution with all the scams going on


                        2024 goal 2024 miles

                        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                        2021 goal- 2021 miles √





                          qotd: I was over at the RWOL forum for a long time, mostly in the trail running area but also in ultra area as well. Known as Slowdown in those days (actually I think I should go back to that name now...  )  Somehow I didn't get kicked off during the big fiasco, but I migrated over to here to RA anyway.  I haven't been back to RWOL in years, but I do miss the dancing bananas.


                          I can't remember why people got banned? Do you? Or does anyone else?



                            5 miles on the mountain. Nursing a bad ankle.

                            Qotd  I used rw for years. L &  O got banned for bad behavior. I wasn't banned but left anyway.


                            Are we there, yet?

                              3.3 today in the heat including an attempt at 10:00 at tempo pace, 3.2 yesterday late at night


                              yesterday on tapering: I taper for all goal races. Length of taper dependent on how hard I've been training and race distance. I always maintain intensity with reduced volume. Typically do a 2 week taper for marathons and ultras, but still as much as a week for middle distance races and 5Ks.

                              today on RW: I've been maintaining a presence there even after the big migration about 5 years ago after the spam meltdown. I posted in multiple forums, but primarily Starting Line, Beginners, and Ultrarunning. Some of the others from Ultrarunning are moving here and may revive the Ultra Runners user group.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.







                                I can't remember why people got banned? Do you? Or does anyone else?


                                Kelly and some others went to barefoot forum and trolled it with some topics. The moderator (Sanguine Sole) wasn't happy and banned a bunch of people. John-PNW became John-M to get back on.


                                That's my recollection. I think Jamie might know more.

                                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 
