Trailer Trash


Short Rant Sundaily (Read 27 times)


running under the BigSky

    Morning Trailers!


    Got a very tough 12 mile run in yesterday.  Here's my short rant  our trail conditions suck! We've had above normal temps with no new snow- yesterday's run I encountered some of the worst trails I've ever run on- still a fair bit of ice (but not enough to really justify microspikes), slush, mud, soft-slippery snow, deep snow (post holing deep), but the worst- deep pocked snow/ice- it's pocked with both elk and human tracks that have sunk deeply in, but then froze- think thawed and then frozen cow pasture.


    But on the bright side, it's better than running on the road or treadmill! 


    will get in 8-ish today (and probably throw my micro spikes in)


    qotd: short rant about anything? see mine above



    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      At work, quite cold. This morning was about 3-4 degrees. Probably the coldest we've had this year at my house.  I'll get off at 6 pm but no time for a run. Have to head home and get ready for vacation.


      QOTD: Supposed to be on a flight tomorrow morning to head out on vacation. Was hoping for a easy day today.  One of the part timers was going to come in early for me then the other full time medic called off so the part timer had to cover that. On top of that we were already short a EMT which leaves us with one ambulance less than what we should have.  As if that's not bad enough one of the neighboring  services didn't have a crew and we are covering their area as well as ours.  Now, according to Accuweather, we are supposed to get some bad weather tomorrow morning that is supposed to hit just before we are scheduled to take off .   I'll be a nervous wreck until be get into and out of Atlanta tomorrow. Really don't feel like dealing with delays.


      Faster Than Your Couch!

        At work, too.


        Zero degrees this morning and wind, so I made sure the bird feeder was filled.

        Hoping for a snowy run after work in the evening.


        warden: I hear you, these are some very tough conditions. Very exhausting, and makes for slow travel. I always feel like throwing myself on the ground screaming on such trails, but then, that won't help, either. Nice miles for you! Account for it as strength training.


        DD1: We had the call off game yesterday. Makes for some busy hours. Hope you'll get off well tomorrow, safe travel!


        QOTD: Just some not very well thought out "Dear Employee" postings at work. E.g. we are allowed to wear  our best business attire, but "Have to wear uniform pants in addition. No exceptions!!" Same posting for "Jeans Day". I wondered whether the uniform pants would go on top or underneath that attire and asked the store management this question - got scolded for being an instigator. 😳  Oh right, the "we care" line again, I get it. Just about themselves...

        Run for fun.



          DW and I had a Valentine's run on the snowy AT and some logging roads. Think we got around 10 miles.  Was 5 degrees and blowing in our face on the way out and felt 15 degrees warmer with the tailwind on the return.


          Big problem with this winter has been the inconsistency of the weather. Acclimatization just hasn't happened.  I was running in short sleeved shirt and vest one day last week and since the I've had 2 runs where I could barely stay warm with the wind.  Still beats any TM run.


          Jamie - you're right. Surprised how deep the snow was on our AT section. Thought we'd have an easier go at it.  Run felt longer.


          Dd1 - Good luck getting out. Hoping for no weather delays.


          QOTD:  News coverage!!!  Amazing how some stores get less or more coverage based on who / what they seem to be pushing. I miss the old days of the news, where they reported the facts and stayed away from editorializing. When they did an editorial, they always labeled the segment as such.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            10 miles on the TM this morning - 0 degrees, -29 wind chill when I woke up, and the car felt like it didn't want to start.  Stuck in the gym this weekend, but I got to watch the Olympic marathon trials during my run yesterday and some Premier league soccer today, so no complaints.


            QOTD:  my small rant is against the immediate reaction by many Republican leaders following Scalia's death that the Senate shouldn't confirm anyone Obama nominates.  He's our elected president for the next 11 months, entitled and obligated to fill Supreme Court vacancies - if you don't want to do your job as a Senator, just resign.


              haha - love the rant QOTD: Umm pretty much same conditions here, it's snowed twice in town this winter and each time it stays snow for about 72 hours then it turns to pocked ice for a week or two, then thaws out. It isn't too much of a concern anymore. When I was trying to run on it weeks ago I quickly learned it would sprain my ankles so I gave up on that. I'll run on the cemetery dirt road where there are no dozen footprints. I actually think all the corpses somehow warm up the ground!


              Running for me this week has been like a taper week almost, 23 miles total with 3 of those miles at or under 6:00 mile pace.

              Legs feel fine and caught up on sleep too with no less than 8 hours per night for the last 5 days in a row.


              Spring can't come sooner!


                No running for me, but just got back from the gym-- 30 min on the elliptical and 30 min strength.   Felt colder today, now waiting on the snow/sleet/rain to start.


                Bagge-- just saw a FB post from 2 years ago, skiing in central VT.  It was right after a couple of good snowstorms and excellent skiing.  Not this year, unfortunately.


                Qotd:  My thoughts exactly.  grrrr

                QOTD:  my small rant is against the immediate reaction by many Republican leaders following Scalia's death that the Senate shouldn't confirm anyone Obama nominates.  He's our elected president for the next 11 months, entitled and obligated to fill Supreme Court vacancies - if you don't want to do your job as a Senator, just resign.


                  14 miles estatoe & norhslope trails. COLD. qotd Kimper ins was a real pain in the ass over DD wreck hitting dear. I will change after over 20 years. They never had any problem taking my premiums.

                    SRD for me today (Mon.) I'm liking it too, last week I bounced up to 60 miles  :-)


                    qotd: when I first read the qotd, I immediately had two things come to mind - first was the Republican reaction to Justice Scalia's death to fight/delay a President Obama nomination.....  and the second was Korean drivers.  I thought I should stay away from politics, but then read DigDug's reply ....


                    ....  Republican leaders following Scalia's death that the Senate shouldn't confirm anyone Obama nominates.  He's our elected president for the next 11 months, entitled and obligated to fill Supreme Court vacancies ....  


                    Exactly my rant !!!!!  Plus, just imagine what the Republicans would be saying if there was a Republican in the White house right now (It'd be just as interesting to see what the Democrats would be saying.... ).   Politics.


                    Politics.....  I guess that is my rant.  I'll just have to save my rant about driving in Korea for another day.



                    Le professeur de trail

                      4 hill miles on the TM with some stairs and weights at the gym.  My ankles or something in my lower legs was sore after yesterday's "run".   Felt strong today though.


                      I caught some cool pictures on my run yesterday but need to figure out how to get them off my phone.  Just got a new laptop and windows 10 is funky.  Maybe I'll post them tomorrow.



                      QOTD: My rant is all those people who brag about their wonderful, endless, beautiful, glorious miles of exotic trail practically in their backyards and never having to run on a road or a treadmill!! 


                      Have a great night!

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                        mr jamie move. I lived in east tx for 10 years. There was not much to rest your eyes on.


                           but the worst- deep pocked snow/ice- it's pocked with both elk and human tracks that have sunk deeply in, but then froze- think thawed and then frozen cow pasture.



                          That is just like going across a cow pasture that has deep cow tracks in mud and the mud has hardened. It wreaks havoc on your feet.
