Trailer Trash


Southwest Adventure - Grand Circle Trailfest (Read 31 times)



    Long trip, so long RR, sorry.


    Southern Utah has always been on my list of places to see, so when I saw a FB post about the Grand Circle Trailfest, I started considering the possibilities of travelling.  Jess and I were going to celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary on September 6th, and we were planning a trip anyway, so waiting until October to do some sightseeing and run the race seems like a great way to celebrate our past 30 years.


    So, I stated looking at how to fit in as much sightseeing as possible and settled in on flying into Las Vegas and heading out form there while taking in as much natural scenery as we could.


    Vegas -

    Saturday, we flew into Vegas and picked up our rental car to head to the “Strip”.  We had a place booked at the Mandalay Bay and we wanted to get in a show and see the Bellagio fountains. We had no other real interest in Vegas, and after arriving, it was obvious that this was not our kind of town. Vegas is extremely difficult to navigate by foot, as it seems all pathways lead you into another casino and off the street.  We stopped for some lunch and an adult beverage and Jess scored some nice tickets to see Beatles “Love”.  The show was awesome and, for us, the only reason to go to Vegas.





    We woke up the next morning early and headed towards Sedona, AZ for 2 nights.  On the way, we stopped at Hoover Dam and took a great underground tour and walked around for several miles taking in the sights. The drive to Sedona was very pretty and Jess’ first time seeing the AZ desert scenery.  We got 2 runs in while at Sedona and ate some great SW food and did some shopping.

    Jess, with her pose for the week. Even the clouds lined up for her.


    South Rim GC-

    Tuesday Moring, we were up before dawn and made our way to the Grand Canyon.  We pulled into the Visitor’s Center and walked out to the rim for Jess’ first ever view of the “big ditch”.  She was amazed at the sight and kept saying “this is unreal”.  We changed clothes at the car and ran along the Rim Trail towards South Kaibab Trail.


    A very nice run with great views over the rim as we winded our way closer to dropping below the rim.  At the SK Trailhead, there were scores of people lined up for views and hiking and most looked totally unprepared for a hike.  Jess and I took our poles out and hiked down to Ooh Aah Point passing people along the way.  The Point was packed with people so we decided to keep heading down towards Cedar Ridge (3 miles below the rim).  At Cedar Ridge we found less people and sat and took out our lunch.  After that we made our way back up and Jess had her first realization of what my friend Mark and I did last year on our R2R2R.  We passed many slow-going hikers on the way up and had a nice hike before we ran the 2.5 miles back to the Visitors Center.  After getting our car and checking into El Tovar we walked around the Village and then later hiked a mile down Bright Angel Trail.  Nice day in the Canyon.

    Wednesday morning, we woke up and Saw the sunrise in the Canyon. It was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen.  The canyon literally woke up before our eyes and we hated to leave but we had to push in.


    Kanab, UT-

    We left the GC and had a beautiful drive to Antelope Canyon where we toured the Lower Antelope Canyon with our Navajo guide.  It was a nice tour with incredible colors at every turn.  I took over 50 pictures in 90 minutes of walking.


    Next we made a short diversion to Horseshoe Bend to see the turn of the Colorado.  Had to hike out ¾ miles to the point but well worth the walk.  So much for resting the days before a race.


    We crossed over into Utah, immediately lost an hour, with the time change, and made it to Kanab at 4:00 just as check in was starting.  Easy check in for the race and as we pulled up got a text from Sue that they had just pulled in. After a big hug, we found some convenient tens that were near food, the car and bathroom and set up our stuff.


    The Race

    Day 1 – Bryce Canyon 13 miles

    Early morning wake up to be in the car by 5:45 to drive to a lot near the finish.   Bryce race was mostly above 8000’ and it was 30 degrees at the start, so we dressed warm with layers to peel off along the way.


    Pre-Race Selfie.  Sue, Some Old Guy, Nicole (Sue's car mate) and Jess (DW with eyes shut)


    After a shuttle ride to the starting line we milled around trying to keep warm waiting for our wave to start.  The race stared with 3-4 miles of roller coaster hills through trees and then BAM right into red rocks and the Hoodoo’s.


    I was feeling the altitude for the first few miles and the climbs were hurting me way more than I expected.  Sue and I ran together for the first mile or so, so she got to hear ne gasping for air.  After I got to the spectacular views, my breathing seemed to get better and I was running better.  I started to pass a good number of people who didn’t seem to have trail legs and the trail kept snaking up and down some awesome rock formations as we could reach out and touch hoodoo’s.  Around mile 10 there was a mile climb ascending almost 1000’.  At the top, I recovered quickly and ran 2 very fast miles passing many people to the finish.  I ended in 2:42 for 75th place out of around 400.


    After the race, we drove to Bryce NP and toured and walked a bit.  We saw a good number of racers and even a few still wearing their race numbers (WTF).  That night we had fun around the fire pits as we ate and had a few adult beverages and watched a Trail Movie.


    Zion – 12 Miles

    Day 2 we were once again up early and in our vehicle to drive to the start finish area of the Gooseberry Mesa Trail just outside Zion.  We were warned that the last 9 miles were all on dirt and that the road was tough.  They were wrong, the road wasn’t there in parts and I bottomed out my rental car on several occasions as we made it to the staging area. Jess and I lined up and saw Sue and her crew just getting to the bathrooms before the start. The race stared and unlike day 1, we had vistas and beautiful views right away as we ran right along the edge of the mesa with 1000’ drops to the side.


    My breathing felt much better, and someone next to me joked how much easier running at 7000’ was compared to 8000’.  The course ran across several slick rock sections where you had to pick a line and jump or step down making your way across the “moonscape”.  I was having a blast and picking a lot of high lines with bigger gaps to jump over and felt like I was moving very well.





    We hit an AS at mile 4.5 and then had an out and back section to a beautiful vista where they marked your bib and you returned to the same AS.  2 people in front of me went left at the first AS and missed to vista (and about .75 miles).  I saw Sue on the way back to the AS and she said she had just passed Jess.  I didn’t see Jess before reaching the AS, and thought maybe Sue had passed her earlier then she thought.  I put this out of my mind and settled in with a group to 2 other guys and we were running very well and having fun pushing each other.  Around mile 8, I passed Jess. She had been directed to the wrong side of the AS and missed the turn around.  She was very upset and I told her to talk to the timer at the end and see what time adjustment they might make since many people were in the same boat.  I left her and caught my 2 running mates and we finished strong at 2:13. I ended up 71st out of close to 400 and was much happier with my run since my breathing felt great.  Jess came in and went to the timer and we were surprised when he said “don’t worry about it”.  She said “no that’s not right” so they agreed that she should run the extra distance and come back through the finish.  Jess went out and ran a mile and finished AGAIN, but they still listed her first finish time, so she beat Sue and that made for a nice joke the rest of the time, as in “Oh right you missed that Vista, I forgot”.  Jess just didn’t want a DNF or DQ since she was pointed in the direction that she went by race volunteers.  It all worked out.


    After he race Sue jumped in with Jess and I and we toured around Zion NP stopping for many pictures along the way.  By this time, we were feeling like we’d know Sue for years and having a great time together.



    We got back to Kanab and ate and drank and listened to an awesome band from Provo, UT called “The National Parks”.


    Day 3 – North Rim GC – 20 miles

    Saturday was extra early rising for a 4:45 shuttle ride to the stat on Rainbow Rim Trail. Jess and I got to the shuttle area early and were on the 3rd van out.  After an hour, we stopped at a rest area for all the vans to get caught up before driving the dirt roads.  The shuttle company manager came to our van and asked our driver how much gas he had, He said ½ tank and we were told to get out of line and fill up.  By the time we left, we no longer saw the other vans, and ended up being 2nd to last at the start.  We pulled in went to the bathroom just at the race was going off.  Not worrying too much, we took our time and dropped off our bags and Jess and I started by ourselves almost 7 minutes late. We had gone maybe 300 yards when a spectator running back to the start area on the trail turned right in front of me and I tripped and went down. I yelled at him something like “you never run the wrong way at the runners” and he said “oops sorry dude”.


    I got up and tried to control any adrenaline and ran ahead.  Soon I was into conga lines of the slower runners / walkers and took my time not to pass too quickly.  I caught up to Sue around miles 5 and we ran together for a mile or so.  After one of the far too few views of the North Rim, I found myself totally alone for a while, and it was great.


    All alone in the Aspen trees along NR.

    One of the vistas looking south from North Rim of GC

    Just after AS


    I decided I didn’t want anyone to pass me and made my way to the only AS at mile 9.5.  I was in and out of the AS too quickly as I should have topped off my bladder, but was happy to get out before a big group hit the single-track section.  Once again I was alone and I started to feel strong and glad for the slower conga line start that I had.  Around miles 13 I started to regularly catch some people and if I was a bit slower on the uphill’s, I’d move well past them on the downhills.  I passed 2 sisters around mile 14 and both were wearing so much perfume that I almost gagged.  Perfume and running do not mix!  My Garmin had been off the while race series, and after a climb someone at the top said “only a mile and a half left”.  I didn’t believe him (ended up he was right) so I didn’t pick it up yet.  At this pint 2 guys passed me and I was a bit mad but I still wasn’t sure if I had 2.5 or 1.5 miles to go.  I caught up to a young woman and asked her what her watch said and she said a little more than a mile left.  I said “let’s finish strong” and we pushed each other towards the finish.  The actual finish though was a 200’ climb in 2/10 of a mile and we had to power hike the first part until we saw the finish banner and then ran in.   I finished in 3:37 and was 67th overall.  I had done a 4-minute negative split on the second half of the race and was very pleased with that.


    For the whole series, I was 62nd overall and was 7th in AG pout of 40.


    Jess on last climb, still some vert before the finish.


    Closing –

    The race organization, for a first year, was outstanding. The tent village was not a problem, although one of Sue’s friends seemed to think nylon walls can muffle snoring and flatulence sounds (thank you ear plugs).  The event was trying to be 0% waste and had composting toilets and recycle bags everywhere.  We sorted all our trash for days and used the toilets that, by the end, smelled much better than a typical port-a-pot.



    Meeting Sue was a great experience and I feel like Jess and I gained a lifelong friend. Her beautiful spirit was matched only by her beautiful eyes and we talked about other adventures together and hope a Trailer Trash Montana Trip works out next year.


    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Looks like a great trip. There is just something about running on a trail covered in aspen leaves that makes me happy.



        Great photos!!!  Looks like a really fun time.




          Looks like you guys had an awesome time.

          You people have issues 



            Looks like a great trip. There is just something about running on a trail covered in aspen leaves that makes me happy.

            Agree. It reminded us of running in th he Tetons. Most leaves were down and blown away but that section was nice.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Le professeur de trail

              Great pictures.  Maybe by the time we get to 30 years of marriage I can convince DW to do something like that.  Probably not but a guy can dream...


              Did you guys catch up with Kelly and Jo at all?

              My favorite day of the week is RUNday




              Are we there, yet?

                I can't begin to tell you how much I was second guessing myself about registering for MDI after I found out about the Trailfest. Considering how great a time I had at MDI, that did turn out to be the right decision for me, but I'm hoping I can work in the Trailfest or the Montana get together next year so I can meet all of you.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                running under the BigSky

                  Thanks for the report and congrats on the nice finish (finishes).  You guys did a great job of cramming in a ton of sights in a pretty short time!  You have some great photos- the Southwest is really a magical place no doubt about it.


                  Sounds like you guys really had a good time, wish I could have been there 


                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                    Thanks for sharing (and what great pictures)!


                      Great report and pictures. Truly a beautiful area.




                        Did you guys catch up with Kelly and Jo at all?


                        No, Kelly was travelling for work and got in Thursday. They were going to come for 2 days but stayed home.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        Refurbished Hip

                          Awesome!  Love all the photos and I'm super jealous of the FE too! 

                          Running is dumb.



                            Awesome!  Love all the photos and I'm super jealous of the FE too! 

                            FE ?

                            - friend encounter

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                            Refurbished Hip

                              FE ?

                              - friend encounter


                              Ha, I suppose that's a super outdated term these days.  Back in the old RWOL days, FE = forum encounter.  That's what everyone called the meet ups.

                              Running is dumb.




                                Ha, I suppose that's a super outdated term these days.  Back in the old RWOL days, FE = forum encounter.  That's what everyone called the meet ups.

                                Haha, got it. I was thinking Friend or FaceBook.  Now I do remember seeing it before (and I probably used it). 


                                Yes it was nice to meet up with Sue.  Sorry Kelly and Jo bailed, but we've met them several time and probably would have run out of beer.

                                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 
