Trailer Trash


Stinky Tuesdays (Read 19 times)



    Holy crap what an awful day already....woke up to a god awful smell, thought there was an electrical fire and that I was late to work...turns out one of our stupid dogs found a skunk.  DH was up cleaning up and bathing that dog....have a cash count this morning so up early anyway but have to wait for my co worker who is always late.  Then my 2nd monitor isn't working probably due to all the lightening we had last night.  It's not even 8 am and a shitty day.


    Refurbished Hip

      Good morning!  That sucks, Diane.  Having a dog get skunked is the worst.  It only happened once to Bella, but everything reeked like skunk for weeks...especially my car.


      I'm probably going to break out the rollerblades after work.  My time is limited here - the leaves will start to fall soon.

      Running is dumb.


        Oh bummer. The Lady was just recently skunked. Of course it was at night, just before we were heading to bed. So it caused quite a stir and lots of scrambling to get her cleaned up the best we could. We nicknamed her stink girl for a few days. What a headache.


        This weather here is fantastic. Feels like fall already. Windows open and the sounds and smells are end of summer/fall like whatever that means. It sort of reminds me of my early days of running, when I spent the summer training through the heat getting ready for a fall race and all of a sudden the weather breaks and you can fly. Nowadays, well it should still feel nice but not so much flying.


        No run yet today, walked the Lady on our morning loop. The school buses are out now. Chilly, broke out a sweatshirt. Ha. Plan to run after work, 6-7 miles out at the lake or the local trail.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.


        running under the BigSky

          West Yellowstone, Montana was 28 this morning Smile mid 40’s here, but supposed to get into the 80’s- always amazes me how wide a swing in temps we can make


          4 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis yesterday evening, something similar this evening


          if anyone has Netflix and they haven’t watched it yet, check out Mind Hunters- late 70’s, the very start of the FBI’s Behavioral Unit. This was pre folks even using the word serial killer- it’s a drama, but pretty factual with lots of real cases/killers highlighted throughout


          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          Refurbished Hip

            West Yellowstone, Montana was 28 this morning Smile


            Nooooooo!  I know autumn is rapidly approaching, but I'm pretending that it's not yet!

            Running is dumb.


              SRD. Still resting the calf, it twinges every once in a while but I feel like it's improving.


              Still hotter than hell around here.  You know it's bad when the cicadas are buzzing at 6am.


              dhuff: Sorry about the skunk + .  By the way, what's a 2nd monitor? Or a 1st one for that matter?


              MM: Careful one of my coworkers just fell on her roller blades and busted her wrist in a few places.  She has to have an operation to put things back together. So now you need a helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, hip pads, etc......


              XT: You're killing me with the cool weather... and talk of a sweatshirt???


              mt: please send some of that cool air down here!!!!!


                I saw a skunk on an early morning run recently. And gave him/her wide berth. Skunk always gets the right of way.


                Kettlebellls this morning. Tapering continues...

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                Are we there, yet?

                  All the miles and consistent running are really paying off.  7.2 miles and the last 6.2 were faster than my best official 10K since I turned 70 a few years ago.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  Are we there, yet?

                    The Beginners and Beyond group sees raccoons and coyotes. We see skunks.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    Le professeur de trail

                      Got in 5 last night in perfect weather. if there is a temp/weather pattern that is perfect for running and most other things, that was it.  Mid 50's to low 60's with a slight breeze. Got the swing set up finally.  It's a wee bit tall.  It is sitting 9ft+ tall.   Oh well.


                      dhuff - it's got to get better, right?

                      Mandy - embrace the cold!

                      warden - I watched the first season of Mindhunter when it came and now I am watching season two.  It's very interesting.  Season 1 had much more sex than season 2 does. Wondering why they shifted from that.  I am only on episode 4 from season 2.  Another good show on NF is The Sinner.  Two seasons - only 8 episodes here.  Super good psychological thriller.


                      Have a great day!

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                        9.5 miles this morning with my running friend. We had a hard time deciding on a route. He wanted to run in rock creek, but on a hilly section that I (uncharacteristically) wanted to avoid. There's also the fact that he is almost 78 and has a history of falling on that trail. We settled for a paved trail running north, plus some other good long hills.  I'm on slate for another 3-4 tonight with the brewery group and I promised another friend that I would be there. This is my attempt at working in a double once a week.


                        XT- any news about the GSP?

                        Mandy- DH wears a helmet kiting. On the water.  And his fellow kiters used to laugh at him, but DH pointed out the large trees and other bits of dangerous debris that would float by in the Bay, especially after storms. Now, most of the other kiters are wearing helmets (at least the ones with families )


                        XT: You're killing me with the cool weather... and talk of a sweatshirt???



                        And I say, BRING IT ON!! The last few days have been in the 70s. And it has been glorious.



                          LOL first "monitor" is the screen on my laptop...there's a splitter and I have a large screen monitor as my 2nd screen.  I can put up source documents on it and then use the laptop to enter data into a spreadsheet.  Please tell me you were kidding.


                          Dr Jamie, one can only hope.  I am getting my hair cut finally tonight, it's gotten long for me and as much sweating as I've done lately it's gross.


                          I've done a fair amount of walking already but would love to get in at least 3 tonight.  I might be having some issues with the 0 drop Altras and may need to find some 4 or 5 mm shoes.  I'd like them to be neutral and cushioned.  Sigh.


                          Are we there, yet?

                            Anyone heard from Bert lately?  He was initially scheduled to run at A Race For the Ages this weekend, but I assume that's off now.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                            Refurbished Hip

                              Anyone heard from Bert lately?  He was initially scheduled to run at A Race For the Ages this weekend, but I assume that's off now.


                              I haven't seen him around.  I was hoping climbing photos would lure him out.    Maybe Tim has an update.

                              Running is dumb.


                                LOL first "monitor" is the screen on my laptop...there's a splitter and I have a large screen monitor as my 2nd screen.  I can put up source documents on it and then use the laptop to enter data into a spreadsheet.  Please tell me you were kidding.


                                Ha, no I wasn't kidding.  But I didn't know you were talking about computer monitors.  Actually I thought it had something to do with monitoring your property or barn since you mentioned lightening. LOL.  Years ago up in NJ we had a nearby lightening strike that knocked out our well, we had to live without water for a bit, so I know how the jolts can travel.  Hope your 2nd monitor isn't too fried and you can get it back working (or a new one) soon.

