Trailer Trash


Working Wednesdaily (Read 20 times)


running under the BigSky

    Morning Trailers!


    almost half way into my 16 hour shift, will be damn glad when it’s all over  Smile


    plenty of time to kill so did a few rounds of push-ups/pull-ups and squats; I’m going to force myself to not crash when I get home and plan to take Tiny Elvis out for a few miles


    qotd: if you had to live in another country, what would it be?  I’m leaning Switzerland, near the Alps


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √




      Easy run over lunch today. Not sure how much time I'll have, so distance TBD.  Probably run the horse trails on battlefields as the roads are getting busy.


      Warden - does your 16hr day count as you only 2 days to work this week?


      QOTD:  Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland.  Have relatives still there and we haven't been back in 5-6 years now. Love the pace of life in Ireland.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Did 5 mi this morning, pretty much the same route as yesterday.  It was warm and humid at 5:45am, even worse than Houston (at least at this time).  It was 84 deg and very humid.  A sufferfest.


        mt - Hope you make it through the sift ok.  I am suffering through my meetings over there, it's especially difficult in the afternoon here when my body thinks it's 3 or 4 am.  I really start fading.


        qord: I don't know maybe New Zealand or Norway.



        Are we there, yet?

          Planning on an easy 5 or so this afternoon.  Time to start heat acclimation and it's been getting into the 70s.


          qotd:  several countries, like New Zealand and Sweden, I haven't visited yet, so hard to decide.  Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland are high on the list, and surprisingly Costa Rica.  Being indecisive, I have a hard time choosing one above the others.


          MTA: Might as well throw in Scotland and Ireland, too.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          running under the BigSky



            Warden - does your 16hr day count as you only 2 days to work this week?


            No- I had to work Monday- Wednesday, the midnight shift is special duty and pays straight overtime regardless of how many hours you work- so I volunteered. On a high note, today is my Friday Smile


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √




              No- I had to work Monday- Wednesday, the midnight shift is special duty and pays straight overtime regardless of how many hours you work- so I volunteered. On a high note, today is my Friday Smile


              Hope you have a good weekend!  



              George - Good luck at D3.  Give Laurie Dymond a big hug "from Tim and Jess".  Tell her I said to Smile when she feels bad.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                Morning all.  Did 3 on the TM at the gym using the incline and decline function to get hill intervals in.  At home I used the rower trying to build up to 30 min....only at 5 right now.  Meeting the personal trainer tonight.  We have a lunch meeting with our 401k provider so that will be interesting.


                MT you're a game warden, correct?  What do you do overnight?  It sounds like a fascinating job but dangerous possibly.  Growing up in FL there was one killed nearby by poachers...gators at the time were illegal to take and she came upon some poachers who shot her.  It was an area my friend and I liked to ride our horses and I remember once a rifle shot going past nearby...could have been pot fields too.


                George good luck at the D3.


                qotd: I lived in Germany for 5 years and liked it there but I visited Spain and really liked the beaches and the fact it was warm.  Not sure I'd like Europe right now.  Never been to Costa Rica but that sounds lovely living on the beach.  New Zealand sounds good too but I've never been there either.  The trend here is nice warm places.


                Weather is so weird...Monday's high was 83...Thur will be 62.  I have no idea how to prepare for Possum's Revenge...will it be hot?  rainy?  cool?  Just in case at home I'm wearing as much as possible to get heat acclimated.  Nothing I can do for cold as no matter what I hate it.  Good thing I'm driving down, I'm bring a little of everything 


                  I will get out for a run this evening with the Lady at a TTBD. I am thinking the lake or Warwick Park. Take a break from the big hills at Coventry Woods. Cool and grey today after a pleasant warm day yesterday. I ran at lunch yesterday, Tuesday tempo I suppose. Time pressed so ran my loopy loopy ~ 6 mile route up at the local trail in a smidgen over 49 minutes. Good run with a nice sweat.


                  QOTD: Honestly I don't know. I've been to Iceland, it was fun, very clean and scenic but I doubt I would handle the long dark winters very well. Costa Rica was nice but almost too humid and I did not see a lot of golf courses for my retirement years. Most of my other travels have been in the Caribbean and would not want to live on an island in the hurricane zone. I guess I need to travel to more places.

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.


                    When the cat's away the mouse will play . DW went to work so I'll take the new MTB out for a shakeout ride.  Probably will only be about 20-22 miles but it will be on the intermediate level trails that I used to run a lot. Gonna be a lot of playing around with adjustments and stuff.


                    Warden - Not liking the 16 hour shifts, eh. To tell you the truth I don't blame you, 24 hour shifts rule .   Never could understand why people actually like 8 hour shifts. That means ya gotta go in 5 days a week .


                    DHuff - Was that 5 years when you were in the army?  DS has always wanted to get stationed at Ramstein, but since he went in the Air Guard side of things that will never happen.  I would have went there to visit him in a heart beat.


                    QOTD:  Well my family history shows that we came from a area of the would called Old Swabia.  As I understand it that would have included a area in the southern part of Germany, Switzerland and some of Austria.  In other words all mountains.  If I ever travel further abroad that is where I will go and most likely where I would choose to live if not in the country.


                    Hmmmmm................This makes me want to start planning a vacation in that area. Touring all the old castles by bicycle.



                      DD yes my 4 years in the Army and then a year as a civilian.  I lived in a smaller town called Bad Kreuznach...about 50k east of Frankfurt.  My mom is from Welschbillig not far from Ramstein.  My dad was stationed there when he was in the AF and met her there.  You'd think being 1/2 german I'd like to live there but damn the winters get cold.  While I was in I traveled all over western Europe but never made it to eastern Europe.  I'd love to go and visit some of those places.


                      DH was in the AF and stationed in Naples.  He loves Italy and would live there in a heartbeat.  I wouldn't mind if it was the Florence area which is beautiful.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        6  miles this morning...nothing much to add to that!


                        QOTD:  Canada?  So beautiful but so cold.  hmmm can I have two one for summer and one for winter?  I did some googling and maybe Spain?  Peru?  Norway?  Italy?


                        Warden:  Please one 16 hour shift and your crying like a baby!    I thought DD would have been harder on you in his comments since he is always working long crazy shifts.


                        DD:  If we had 4/10 here I would probably work longer.  Can't stand how the job eats up 5 days a week.!








                        running under the BigSky

                          dhuffman- was a game warden (24 years), retired from that and now still wear a badge & gun, but wear a suit and tie vs a Stetson and Wranglers 


                          sue- pathetic isn’t it Smile


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √





                            QOTD:  Canada?  So beautiful but so cold.  hmmm can I have two one for summer and one for winter?  I did some googling and maybe Spain?  Peru?  Norway?  Italy?




                            Using you time on the job for you last 2 weeks well.   As you said, they can't fire you now.

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                            running under the BigSky

                              Sue- when you get your house sold, what’s the plan?


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                              Queen of Nothing


                                Get in the trailer and go...somewhere..

                                Sue- when you get your house sold, what’s the plan?






