Trailer Trash


Thursdaily (Read 12 times)


    This is the first day of the week that I have been out for a run. I ran the 2.3 mile loop this morning in 23 minutes. It was easy. Horseflies were absent, but a few deer flies showed up on the back of my head.


    Yesterday's QOTD: Yes. I forget what day of the week it is pretty often this time of year. Monday felt like Friday this week, and I treated it as such. LOL.


    QOTD: Any summer trips or adventures planned?


    Nothing really planned for this summer other than sitting around the pool.



      SRD today.


      LB2: yeah we are hitting black fly / deer fly season.  I was surrounded by a bunch last week and then didn't see them for a few days, early on they are timid and don't land/bite.  But then yesterday they were starting to bite, I got three of them while walking with my run bud.


      qotd: Not sure yet.  But DD and I are going to Idaho in 2 weeks for that 50 miler we're doing.



        Not sure of running plans today. Probably not, my legs feel pretty thrashed again. I guess all the walking around DC. We'll see how I feel later but I may just go play golf instead.


        Not much running in DC but tons of walking. I did get over to Rock Creek for a run in runtrail's territory for a short loop. It was nice, Baker needed a break from chasing pigeons on the mall. Yesterday on the way back we took a detour out to Great Falls along the Potomac for a short walk along the river and falls. Pretty impressive flow still given the spring has been relatively dry. Favorite part of DC trip was evening walk out to the monument and reflecting pool. I managed to time it pretty well as we made it to the Lincoln Memorial just as darkness fell. Baker did his usual posing for me. He is like our little kid.


        QOTD: Summer we tend to stay around home. Pool, good weather, take our trips in fall, winter, and spring.







        In dog beers, I've only had one.

          My favorite pics of Baker: The close up with the river/creek behind him.  He looks like he's giving you the stink eye.  And the one with him between the 2 guys.  They look surprised to see him there. 


          30 min run this a.m.  I made sure I actually turned my alarm off-off.  When it goes off, it you just hit the button once, it turns it off, but it stays on/ready to go off the next day.  Evidently, it went off at 4:00 a.m. every day I was gone this past week/weekend.  The Hub was none to pleased.  But did he call me and ask me how to turn the dang this completely off?  No.


          Had our 18-year old neighbor come and get the lowdown on taking care of the cats while we're gone.  Hopefully, we have a solid plan on capturing Sam in the house.  He's sketchy around people he doesn't know, but I'm banking on his love of food and treats to woo him.  Fingers crossed.


          QOTD: Just a few short 3 and 4-day trips.  We usually take vacation in October, so we need to figure out that out

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            Fattozig, yes the 2 guys one is my favorite. It was just a random thing I saw jogging him near the judiciary center. He really pulled that one off for me. This one may be even better. Looks like they are having a chat. LOL.


            In dog beers, I've only had one.