Trailer Trash


JohnM's words of wisdom (Read 65 times)


Refurbished Hip

    This is bookmarked on Runner's World for me, but seeing as it's going to be deleted any day now, I figured it was worth a post here.  I have this printed and taped to the top of my tote that gets lugged around to races with me.




    Believe in yourself--nothing else will get you to the finish line.

    Decide before you start what will stop you--if that doesn't happen, you continue to run.

    Are you racing or running?  Time goal (sub-24, big buckle, age group) or running to finish.  Don't let the initial goal be etched in stone.   Something may go wrong out there--adjustments will need to be made.  Make them and keep going.

    Run your plan.  Stay within your realm.  Don't feel bad if someone passes you.  Don't chortle with glee if you pass someone.  Keep a sense of what your are about.  Keep pressing on, maybe it is one of those good days when you pick it up and keep on picking it up.

    Have faith in walking.  Walk when you need to or when you want to, but walk with survival shuffle...keep a good mindset.

    Be sure your crew (if you have one, a crew is not a necessity) understands that you might go through a transition from nice person to "not so nice" person.  Have a talk with them about the need to kick your butt back out on the course.  Sympathy may exist, but not to the extent of shortchanging the runner.

    Problems.  Is it a problem or just an inconvenience?  Decide which.  Find a solution for the problem.  Block out the inconvenience.

    Food.  Stick with the safest food there is at the aid stations. Use as much of your own stuff as you can, but don't be inflexible about things not being just perfect.  Be flexible as you go.

    Equipment.  If some equipment change comes into your head--is it a need or a want. If it is a need, solve it at the next crew or drop bag point.  If it is a want and can't be fixed fairly easily, drop the thought--keep going.

    Throwing up, vomiting, coughing the may happen even if it has never happened before.  It is not fatal.  It is an inconvenience.  You might need more water between the point it happens and the next aid station (it can dehydrate).  Drink more. Stay at the next aid station long enough to drink and eat more.  Your body is now low on fuel and water. You must pay attention to eating more.  You can retore the liquids fairly quickly, but you must eat every chance you get.  Try not to throw up on anyone.

    Don't stop.  Keep moving.  Low points will come, continued movement will bring you back around.  Don't sit in those chairs unless you really need to--you will not really need to until somewhere past 80 miles.

    Be encouraging to others.  Smiles and laughter will be helpful to others. Helping others will be helpful to yourself.

    Smile and joke with the aid station folks and say thank you to the volunteers.  They will help you all through the day and night
    good to them.  They are a great source of energy and inspiration donating all that time to get us through our little escapade.

    No externalizing of negatives.  No, "Hot out here, ain't it?" No, "This is a long hill, eh?"  Just believe in yourself, all that training, all those folks you ran with throughout the winter, spring, and summer that got you so strong.

    It's all there...yours for the taking.

    Run gently out there

    Running is dumb.



      Thanks for saving this, Mandy.  I remember reading, and replying to that post.  looks like it is gone now as I get the dreaded 404 error.


      Always loved this one - "Don't feel bad if someone passes you.  Don't chortle with glee if you pass someone."

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Refurbished Hip

        Try the link again...I think I got it this time Smile

        Running is dumb.


        Computer Geek

          Good stuff


            So very glad you saved it.

              Where is the LIKE Button?


              I shared those words with a bunch of trail runners, and gave you credit.  Well done.




                All excellent advice, couple comments:



                Run your plan.  Stay within your realm.  Don't feel bad if someone passes you.  Don't chortle with glee if you pass someone.  Keep a sense of what your are about.  Keep pressing on, maybe it is one of those good days when you pick it up and keep on picking it up.


                Ok to internally chortle with glee?

                Have faith in walking.  Walk when you need to or when you want to, but walk with survival shuffle...keep a good mindset.



                Be sure your crew (if you have one, a crew is not a necessity) understands that you might go through a transition from nice person to "not so nice" person.  Have a talk with them about the need to kick your butt back out on the course.  Sympathy may exist, but not to the extent of shortchanging the runner.


                My first 50 miler, my DW yelled at me as soon as I came into the aid station "GET BACK OUT THERE", "I'm just filling up my water bottle, dear". The aid workers were horrified, it was priceless.


                My first 100, the 30 mile aid station I started screaming "WHERE'S MT TOWEL, I NEED MY TOWEL"  wife: "your sitting on it".

                 Try not to throw up on anyone.


                Also try not to throw up into the wind

                Add: don't expect hikers to give you an accurate distance to some point or your place in the race. Also take distances given to you by aid workers with a grain of salt, If you really must know, memorize the distances  between aid stations in advance.

                Uh oh... now what?

                  Thank you Mandy, and everyone else.

                  That thing has been around a while.

                  Good comments--like running, things evolve.


                    Right On!

                    Irish Luck

                      This is awesome!  Thank you John for your words, and Mandy for reposting them.

                      BT survivor since 2003. Trail runner since 2009.

                      I think brain surgery stimulated my running nerve and made me into a trail runner. I'm grateful for both.