Trailer Trash


The Thursdaily! (Read 31 times)

    Going for about an hour after work in my new road shoes. Trail shoes last week and road shoes this week, it sure is nice to not be planning a wedding anymore .


    QOTD: I did not watch any of the world series. I'm a lot more into football than baseball now since I'm playing fantasy this year.


    ETA: I got Brooks Glycerins. They are SUPER cushioned and I'm looking forward to testing them out tonight.


      Actually ran this am after an all-nighter at work ... tired


      QOTD: My boys watched it with some friends (girls). The SF Giants are kind of a big deal around here, for better or for worse. I like the Giants team, a team very unlike the Yankee juggernauts of recent times. I loved that the Royals and the Giants were the wild card teams, so 9th and 10th out of 10 teams and they were playing for it all.


        So I  ran for an hour around the hood this morning. Still not quite feeling total as whatever bug waylayed me still lingers. But we carry on. Also after seeing my running improve after the last several weeks I feel dispirited with this time off. I know I have not lost anything but it just feels like it. So I am blowing off another entry fee for a 25k on Saturday and staying local to do long runs this weekend around the home front. KInda looking forward to that.


        QOTD--Well as I mentioned the other day I do read the sports page so I somewhat follow most things to a degree but I did not watch one pitch of the series. It's the NFL and Badger basketball for me.


        Faster Than Your Couch!

          Late, but better late than never.

          My ability to post here is significantly limited by my tablet refusing to connect to the WiFi at work and at home, so I always have to wait until all kids have finished their homework on the home PC. Modern times... 


          My running club had its appreciation celebration last night, and I was honored for finishing ES100. It was fun, and they had great food. BBQ ribs, pulled pork, roast beef, and after that, there was fudge ice cream with oreos, marshmallows and caramel swirls. Good thing I had done my run right before, so I could stock up on proteins and rehydrate with a nice beer.


          6 yesterday, no run today, as it was Trick-or-Treat night today, and I had to get the boys' costumes ready (Ninjas). And - DD is at a party tonight, too, and with her arm in the cast, she needed some help with her costume, too.

          I was watching the door tonight, while DH went with the boys through the neighborhood, and I was wearing a lion mask when I opened - a few kids ran away, screaming. Oops.


          QOTD: World Championship in what? Sorry, I'm clueless.

          Run for fun.

            Ran 5 easy miles after work.  SInce I'm usually a morning runner, it was odd for it to be getting dark instead of light as the run ended!


            QOTD: Woohoo!  Lifelong Giants fan here.  Yes, followed every game and tweet and post and interview and sports radio tirade.  Going to the parade downtown tomorrow, which conveniently starts 2 blocks from where I work.  A good series.  Not just saying that because my team prevailed either.

            5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              I did 5 miles after a hectic day of work.


              QOTD: Is that football?   ;-)


                I did 5 miles after a hectic day of work.


                QOTD: Is that football?   ;-)

                ahhh...I think maybe soccer.

                January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k
