Trailer Trash


Mondailies (Read 30 times)

    Marley and I skipped the morning run rather than drive on the ice to get to the trails.  Instead we slipped, slid, and stumbled once around the block.  We may possibly get out for a run later.


    Tallahassee, Florida






        6 weeks until my GC trip, so big push the next few weeks.  Hiking uphill on treadmill at lunch.  I'll do 5 at full incline.


        QITD:  February running totals?  Yes, we know Mandy beat Sue again.


        I hit 218 for the month, which is my biggest February in a long while.  Did over half of that with either screw shoes or micro-spikes (come on Spring).  Nothing like an early April adventure to make me jump up my totals.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


          Today is also a SRD for me.


          qotd: 151 miles.



            Probably take a day off today. I've been battling a cold and crudlike feeling now for the past 4 days and conditions don't look appealing to road or trail running today. I did get in several runs at French Creek this weekend. Didn't push any long runs, just 10 on Saturday and 8.5 yesterday. Yesterday's run was in the midst of another snow event. Just a pleasing little snow shower that later in the evening turned to ice. Probably an inch of accumulation during my run. Surprisingly saw 3 other trail runners out there which is sort of unusual. One gal had a British accent. She was running the same loop as me in the opposite direction. We met just at the entrance to the Buzzard's loop and again just before the finish at the top of the hill. In a funny haha turn of events she nearly caught me with my weenie out on our second encounter as I was taking a leak before finishing. Shrinkage I tell you.. the cold does that to you.


            QOTD: 218.. Wow AT. We should play the numbers today. Mostly screw shoe miles. This year is definitely a record for screw shoe miles.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Refurbished Hip

              Hey NorthernHarrier, go get yourself out to Blue Mounds and run the Holy Schist loop before the warm up happens.  It's in absolutely 100% perfect conditions -- no screw shoes needed.  I had a fantastic 7.3 mile trail run on packed snow yesterday.  Fat bikers are my new best friends. It's a SRD for me today.


              QOTD: 101 miles.  I wasn't expecting to break 100 with vacation and such, but getting, ummm, "lost" in Sabino Canyon helped.  Sue better get her butt moving!

              Running is dumb.

              Queen of Nothing


                Gonna head out soon and run 5 to 6 down the beach.  I am surronded by mountians here but don't really know how to get to them and if I did I might be a little scared so sticking to the beach.


                qOTD:  I am embarrassed.... And a wee bit ashamed....64 miles...well played Mandy!  In my head I still have until end of June.







                  SRD for me today.


                  qotd: 95 run, 18 climbing/hiking, 12k elevation.


                    QOTD: I got 100.3. My schedule was for 100. Yes; I am an over-achiever.



                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      Good Morning,


                      Finished work this morning with an achievement close to a new personal best, I haven't kept records to verify. See, LB2, I'm an over-achiever as well. Just don't ask me about my running miles... 

                      Just kidding.


                      Temps have actually dropped 10 degrees since early morning, so I guess I'll have to hurry to get outside for a run as long as it's still somewhat nice. Gusts and drifting snow, but sunny and temps in the 20's - which makes the question what to wear a but more difficult than usual. The only sure thing are the spikes.

                      Planning on 8, give or take.


                      QOTD: I don't know, haven't kept a log. I just wish it was more, as usual. MMT coming up, relentlessly. 

                      Run for fun.


                        Good morning all.  I'm back at work after a nice 5 day weekend to celebrate my 13th wedding anniversary.  I feel very rested and happy.  But, I didn't run at all during those 5 days, so I'm starting the week back to reality right: with my standard rest day on Monday.  I'll be back at it tomorrow.


                        QOTD:  I haven't added it up yet.  I'll edit my response later.


                        Nice mileage totals everyone!


                        Le professeur de trail

                          Weekend was mostly a wash out.  Got in a short run Saturday evening.  Yesterday was a mess.  I will get out tonight for some miles and smiles.


                          QOTD: 60.  Making progress.  Queen maybe you challenge me.  Might be a little easier...


                          Have a great day! (Spring is just around the corner)

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                            Hey NorthernHarrier, go get yourself out to Blue Mounds and run the Holy Schist loop before the warm up happens.  It's in absolutely 100% perfect conditions -- no screw shoes needed.  I had a fantastic 7.3 mile trail run on packed snow yesterday.  Fat bikers are my new best friends. It's a SRD for me today.




                            And I went for an easy run run at Donald and it it was pretty crappy.   I will get out to Blue Mounds this afternoon. They begged me to work today so I agreed to work a few hours to help them but I'll be getting done shortly. I'll take a headlamp along as I hope to do 8-10 and by the time I get out there....




                            Faster Than Your Couch!

                              9 miles over the mountain. The middle 6 miles were deep, loose snow - like sand, again. It was quite exhausting, but fun. Deep, fluffy snow, and bright sunshine always make me happy. Only downside was, I was not wearing sunglasses, and the brightness was almost a bit too much in some places!


                              sugnim: Happy anniversary!

                              Run for fun.


                              Refurbished Hip


                                And I went for an easy run run at Donald and it it was pretty crappy.   I will get out to Blue Mounds this afternoon. They begged me to work today so I agreed to work a few hours to help them but I'll be getting done shortly. I'll take a headlamp along as I hope to do 8-10 and by the time I get out there....




                                Don't try to run on anything but that loop.  The snowshoers and fat bikers have packed down it down to perfection.  It's seriously some of the best running I've done at Blue Mounds.  The rocks are gone, you have great traction and you can just motor along.  The downhills are like flying.  Have fun!!!


                                Sugnim, happy anniversary to you and your wife Smile

                                Running is dumb.
