Trailer Trash


Back to the heat Wednesday (Read 19 times)


    Cool-ish morning, but humid and the heat is returning. Got in 6 sweaty miles last night, and I'm long overdue for a gym visit today.


    Sandy-- Turkey Run is perfectly safe, but you may note random men sitting in cars, or 'hiking' the trails.. Just so you know.  And this reputation may no longer be the case, but it was for a long time. Again, safe for running and a really pretty section of park.  Algonkian (or Riverbend) might be good options. North Face Endurance races start and end at Algonkian and their course guides might help to get a better sense of the trails.  I don't get over there often (traffic), but you should get some nice hill work in.  I'd offer to join you, but I'll be 'tapering'  for MDI.


    Queen-- happy birthday. I hope it was a good one!


    qotd: Fall update? Any signs? It has been really dry here, so leaves are starting to show color due to stress, but mostly green. More importantly, Apples are coming in-- my favorite sign of fall.  Hoping to get some good, northern grown Mactinitosh when I head north next month (they do NOT taste the same in the Mid-Atlantic-- the texture and crispness are lost)


      Typical routine here this morning. 2 miles dog walk/jog with the beasts this morning. Weird schedule this week means I need to get a gym day in today. So that will be my midday exercise. Not sure of run plans this evening. Might just mow and walk the dogs or put off the mowing and run/hike the dogs. TBD.


      Sort of did a triple yesterday. LOL. Dog walk/jog in the morning (2 miles), a sort of regular paced run with Baker midday (2 miles), and then 3 miles run/jog with the dogs out at the lake. Only the midday run had much pace or effort on my part other than the effort uses to keep Baker from pulling too much.


      QOTD: Most of the signs here are of a tired garden. Perennials and annuals looking sad although the zinnias and cannas are still blooming in force. Started doing some cleanup last weekend. Need to do more of that. Trees have that dry green look and the floor of the woods are starting to "open up" so to speak.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.



        Should have time for a few miles over my lunch break.  Battlefield is nice this time of year. In a few weeks it will be full of busses coming to look at fall colors.


        DC - going to be 90° even here today. Yuck.


        XT - how's the dog training coming along?


        Sandy - if it's a Tuesday or Thursday, l might be able to come cover and meet you for a run. A few options to consider, and even that section of the C&O is nice (and flat).


        Who remembers exactly what they were doing 18 years ago today?  I sure do.


        QOTD:  Some leaves are down, and tomatoes are finishing up.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


          Easy little loop this morning, 2.5. It felt pretty nice this morning. The humidity was definitely there, but it was less oppressive than it has been lately.


          QOTD: Actually, this last week has brought us the hottest temperatures of the year. I found summer to be mostly mild here from what I could tell. No sign of fall beyond the new air fresheners my wife plugged in after her last trip to the store. We normally don't get any real relief from the heat until around the first part of October, and that is almost always brief.


          QOTD 2: I answered that question in my head and forgot to type it. I had worked the night shift at Honeywell. I had gone to sleep in my recliner with the television on the NBC Today show. I was pretty much asleep but woke up between the first and second crashes. I was watching and didn't really think of it as an attack, just a tragic accident. Then, the second one hit. I knew it wasn't an accident when that happened. It does seem like it was just yesterday. In my view, it was the most significant event in American history since Pearl Harbor.



          running under the BigSky

            4 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis yesterday evening- in a light mist (upper 50’s) AND with my hunting boots and a 45-ish pound pack- hunting season draws near Smile


            something similar this evening (including boots/pack)


            qotd: our heat is over thankfully- 60’s and a few 70’s for the next couple of weeks; upper elevations already have some snow and good precipitation lower- fire danger is over and Fall is here Smile


            qotd 2: yup- distinctly remember that morning Sad


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              I got up and did 5 mi this morning.  Since it was still dark there was some impressive lightening on the southern horizon and it was headed my way, but I went for it anyway.  It was very warm and humid and had that pre-storm ozone smell.  It was quite "tropical" and muggy. No rain (and gladly no lightening too close), but I was drenched when I got done.


              runtrail and AT:  whatever I do it'll be the morning of Tues Oct 8th since that is a free day, I'll be at a hotel near Dulles since it's close to my meetings.  Thanks for the new info on starting/ending at Algonkian Park (TNF race info), I'll look into that (probably do that since it's closer to my hotel).  All runners at all paces are more than welcome!!!!  I was thinking about making it my last 20 miler before my 54K on Oct 19th, I'll be going really slowly. Anyway all this is to be finalized, stay tuned.


              qotd: See above, it's still hot and humid around here.  Like LB2 said, we've had some drought-type heat and some trees are stressed so some leaves are falling, but it ain't fall. We are now getting some thunderstorms are rain so who knows what'll happen.


              qotd 2: I sure remember, my morning run in Texas 18 years ago was really cool and crisp, the first cool morning that year (total opposite of this morning).  It felt so great, but then a little later while at work I got word about the WTC in NY, went to the company gym and watched the TV in horror since my company still had an office and 20 people in the WTC (92nd floor of the North tower).  We'd find out much later that they all got out ok.  Before I moved to Texas 2 years before, my office was on the 106th floor of the South Tower.




                We've had several weeks with no rain and it's still in the 90's and humid.  We get rain again Thur.  I did a mile and a half at lunch yesterday and then 5 miles when I got home.  Today is bodyweight strength training.  I was so sore after Mon I'm taking it easy and building back up.


                qotd: none yet but it'll be welcome when it does.  I am rather pissed that Walmart has Halloween stuff up already.


                qotd2:  I'll never forget that day or the day I watched the shuttle blow up over the Indian River.

                Gator eye

                  Oh jee-wizz Queen we really celebrated your B-day last night. Now I need a nap.


                  And a asprin


                  still no running for me. Couple more days off


                  qOTd1: chill has been in the air at night


                  QotD2: i was thinking about that morning earlier today and remember it like it was yesterday. Still quite



                  Le professeur de trail

                    No run last night.  I still like poo.  I think it's a combination of a med reaction and starting to get a head cold.  I may, or may not run tonight.


                    QOTD1: Leaves are falling although not many are turning colors yet.  Some cooler temps but as the title for today's daily states, it is back to the heat, hopefully temporary.


                    QOTD2: I was in a counseling session and someone interrupted.  I thought they were joking.  Obviously not.  That was a tough few days to sit and watch how it all unfolded.  I felt helpless.


                    Have a great day!

                    My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                    Gator eye

                      TMI Dr Jamie T. M. I. !!!


                      Le professeur de trail


                        Just an experiment to see if anyone really reads my posts! (gator eye does - check!)


                        No run last night.  I still FEEL like poo.  I think it's a combination of a med reaction and starting to get a head cold.  I may, or may not run tonight.


                        QOTD1: Leaves are falling although not many are turning colors yet.  Some cooler temps but as the title for today's daily states, it is back to the heat, hopefully temporary.


                        QOTD2: I was in a counseling session and someone interrupted.  I thought they were joking.  Obviously not.  That was a tough few days to sit and watch how it all unfolded.  I felt helpless.


                        Have a great day!

                        My favorite day of the week is RUNday





                          LOL I figured it was a person quirk of yours.  I'm sure though most people appreciate a good poo on a regular basis.  I know I do.  

                          Queen of Nothing


                             Good one.....


                            LOL I figured it was a person quirk of yours.  I'm sure though most people appreciate a good poo on a regular basis.  I know I do.  

                            Like Gator Eye a little on the slow side due to birthday celebration....had to do a cultural awareness training for our Camp Host job  yawn....can’t I just treat everyone with respect...regardless of their up bringing and how they like it in the sack!?!


                            No run...


                            QOTD:  no hot as huck.


                            qotd2:  i was at work and actually had a little b&w TV in my office.  Folks we’re scared and worried we would be attacked soon also.








                            Are we there, yet?

                              Intervals tonight, 5 x 800m @ 5K pace, 100m walk, 100m jog recovery


                              qotd:  starting to see leaves on the ground


                              qotd2: I was home when I got a call from my then wife to tell me to turn on the TV because a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. She didn't specify, so I assumed it was a small plane that had gotten caught in the wind currents around Manhattan.  I discovered my mistaken assumption and was glued to the TV for the rest of the day.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              Faster Than Your Couch!

                                I've been commuting to work by bike the past 4 days, at 4 in the morning. It's still dark then, but best thing is, there are NO CARS! I can use the road with the smooth pavement, and don't have to go on the bike path (where it's caboom-caboom every  10 feet), so I'm 15 minutes faster over the 7.5 miles, even though the roads and the bike paths are side by side all along. Wonderful. Biking back in the traffic and on the bike path (caboom-caboom) is a bit of a hassle, though. Today it was 90 degrees when I was biking back home, full sun, 16 mph headwind with gusts up to 21 mph, with a heat index of 94, and with all the hills, it was not pretty, but I made it (obviously).


                                So biking has replaced running on those days, but I'm planning for a nice trail run tomorrow on my day off.


                                Queen: Happy belated birthday!


                                QOTD1: Some leaves starting to turn color, a few leaves on the ground here and there, but not much yet.


                                QOTD2: I was in Austria, had just moved into my new condo. I was putting tiles on my kitchen backsplash when my sister called and told me about the attack on the first twin tower. I thought it was a hoax and did not pay any attention to it. She called again after the attack on the second tower, and I turned on the TV and watched in horror. We had just opened up the American subsidiary of the research center I was working for at the time, and I was responsible for supervising its business development and communication with the Austrian home base, so I felt more affected by the events than most people in Europe did.

                                Run for fun.
