Trailer Trash


Finally Fridaily (Read 21 times)


running under the BigSky

    first time I've had to work a full week in a long time Smile


    5 miles with Tiny E- 45# pack for me, 0# pack for Tiny E


    qotd: weekend plans?  we're heading to my oldest DD's house for our granddaughter's birthday, going to meet with a buddy for Arun Saturday morning and then we have a hike planned for later in the day


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √




      Hard rain it it cooled off last night, so looking forward to a nice long run tomorrow.  4# pack for me 3.5# pack for DW.  


      Mike 1 year ago today.

      Jess was the rose between 3 thorns.


      QOTD:  Should be getting last of Tiny House framed up and maybe install some windows. Long run and a shorter run.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      running under the BigSky

        thanks for posting that!  that was a fun and amazing trip, we need to do something like again soon Smile


        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



        Le professeur de trail

          Apparently I still like poo...cuz I still feel like it.  No run.  I will be calling this week a cut back week.  I had been ramping up pretty good and intended on a nice LR on Sunday.  But it's not happening now.


          Yay Tiny E!!!!


          QOTD: DW, DD and I are heading to Penn State tonight for a couple of volleyball games.  Sorry Marie, we won't have any time to stop and say hi.  We are in and out.  Tomorrow - depends how I feel but I have projects calling around the house.  Sunday I will probably just crash.


          Have a great weekend!

          My favorite day of the week is RUNday





            qotd: I'll probably spend the weekend pissed off as I was told we have an unexpected trip to KC starting Sun through Fri.  I'd just started getting back to consistent training and the hotel TM sucks and I don't trust walking around KC alone even on the MO side.  Other than that have the farrier coming and some 10 mile days Sat/Sun.


            Nice pic.  Course I don't know any of the people in




              Nice pic.  Course I don't know any of the people in


              Left to right.

              AT-runner, Northern Harrier, my DW, and then Warden.


              It's from our trip to CO when 1 year ago we ran in the Indian Peaks Wilderness and did the Pawnee-Buchanan Loop.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Morning all. Got up at 4:20 am to take the kiddo out to swim practice. I briefly thought 'oh, some people get up this early and run'. Dropped him off at the pool and went home and back to bed. I did get in 4 fast miles yesterday on the treadmill. It was 96 here and I was not running outside. Did get in a good hike in the woods with Chowder later, right before the winds and heavy rain came thru.


                qotd: Hmm, not sure yet. I do have a 5k tomorrow morning for the school. Inaugural run, so it'll be chaotic and small, but for a good cause. Long run on Sunday.


                  This has been a long, long week. I am only marginally happy about it being Friday because tomorrow I have to take my cheerleader to work at a fundraiser 45 minutes from the house. Then, we have to go get her and go to Baton Rouge to get a homecoming dress. So, it will be like a work day where I have to waste a bunch of time driving around to different meetings. I managed another short run this morning. I stayed up a little late last night to check out Bill Burr's Paper Tiger special on Netflix. I thought it was very funny. I felt the same way about Dave Chappelle's new one.


                  QOTD: On my way back from the fundraiser, I plan to stop off for about 5 miles on my favorite road route. Sunday is up in the air. I plan to go to church, but I also plan to run. We'll see what time I wake up.


                    Looked like a great trip to CO!


                    I’m coming down with a cold and feeling a bit poo-like myself. Not too surprised that I picked up a bug, with the run and traveling.


                    QOTD: volunteering as a course marshal at Headlands 100 this weekend for about 7 hours. Maybe I’ll bring a chair...

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                      I ended up not running last night, got busy at work and stayed too late.  I'll do 5 mi after work tonight for sure!!


                      Nice photo of a trio of trailer trash (+1). There's still something wrong with that photo though...


                      qotd: It looks like it'll be a quiet weekend. I'll run both mornings followed trips to the gym with my DW (for me that mainly means some stretching, core stuff, then soak in the hot/cool water).  I might go to the Asics outlet to get some running shoes and then DW and I will go out to dinner.





                        Nice photo of a trio of trailer trash (+1). There's still something wrong with that photo though...



                        Actually 2 things, Warden is smiling, and we're out of beer.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          3 miles so far today. 1 this morning during our 2 mile dog walk, and just got back from 2 more with Baker only. That is part of his solo training regimen, and also planned to tire him out some for the day. He does very well running on leash. I will get the dogs out this evening for some time on the trails. Probably another 3 or 4 miles.


                          AT, you asked about dog training the other day... Baker is starting to learn that cars are not that important and do not need to be obsessed over but still some work on that front. We are doing road running and walks around the neighborhood (no sidewalks, but quiet streets) and see cars a few times during our run. He's stopped leaping at them at least. Still hasn't quite caught on to the "sit" command. You'd think he would have been taught that with his previous owners? I've started invisible fence training now that he is responding to his name. I just have it on beep mode for now. He has a pretty good idea of property boundaries already. He gets into these feisty play modes a few times a day, nipping/jumping. He is too big for that. Foster parents showed us a water bottle trick and he lays down like a dime when he sees that. Now just need to correlate that with my voice. Other than that, he is well behaved, gentle and awesome. Sticks to me like glue.


                          QOTD: Tomorrow we are heading down to NJ for a birthday party of my nephew's daughter. They usually have a big shindig. We are taking the dogs so we won't stay that long. Probably drive time more than party time. Other than that, nothing much planned. Like to hit the links on Sunday and get in some trail time. Oh, and some yard/garden clean up.

                          In dog beers, I've only had one.


                          running under the BigSky


                            Actually 2 things, Warden is smiling, and we're out of beer.


                            I still remember that barmaid 


                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                            Queen of Nothing


                              No a Gas and Oil swap meet in SANTa Rosa as hell.  No run...heading back to the coast tomorrow.


                              Wotd: DH Birthday tomorrow...going to the coast where friends are currently camping...plan to kayak a river and party abit...again ..then back to our job as camp host








                              Are we there, yet?

                                7 miles "easy", the last mile was actually a bit tough but I'm running at paces I haven't seen in a long time


                                qotd: continue with taper, probably watch a bunch of football games

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



