Trailer Trash


Twisted Tuesdailies (Read 34 times)


Endless trails

    Is anyone else's forum page all twisted and messed up. C'mon, Mandy, didn't

    you pay the bill?


    I had a decent 5 miler this morning, it was wicked cold, the sweat turned to ice on my

    hat. I was daydreaming about running in shorts with temps in the 50's.


    QOTD: If you could chose to meet Mandy for a run in warm weather, where?


    Costa Rica


      Morning folks!

      Got in 5 last night at the track. About the same planned for tonight.


      I've noticed the pages are a little goofy occasionally lately when I'm using the home or work PC.


      QOTD: I think I'd fly her out to Southern Utah and let her run on some slick rock out here. It's going to be in the 70's  near my favorite trail later this week.

      As a bonus, she'd have to fly in and out of Las Vegas to get here.


      Wannabe Ultrarunner

        My forum page looks ok. Maybe yours just hadn't woken up yet. Or went for too long of a run yesterday.


        Have today and tomorrow off. We had unexpected house guests come into town last night, so will probably hang out with them this morning before they hit the road again. Most of the snow/ice has been rained into slush and mud, so I may need to go investigate the condition of the trails, and then, once I'm properly caked and splattered in mud, run some errands.


        The Internet has finally diagnosed my funked-up knee as pes anserine bursitis. Since it's now locking up on me and is painful 85% of the time, I think it's time to hit up PT. I want to find a magician PT who can tell me how to fix all my underlying bio mechanical issues so this crap'll stop happening. Everyone I've been to see in the past tells me I need orthotics and stronger glutes, but addressing those hasn't made a lick of difference in injury rate. I have mild scoliosis and a functional leg length discrepancy which leads to some really impressive asymmetry and am having a hard time finding advice, Internet or otherwise, on dealing with that. I have a recommendation for a running specific Pt here, who will hopefully help.


        QOTD: New Zealand. It's late summer there... Weather on the South Island should be perfect.

        Race schedule: a 50k. Sometime. This year. Maybe a 5k too. Maybe races in between as well. 


        flashlight and sidewalk

          Morning all!


          Plan is for 6 after work, bike, pushups.  Also watching Olympics.


          QOTD: A nice warm beach at low tide.


          **Ask me about streaking**



          Refurbished Hip

            Oh, sure, blame me, Jon!  I see how this works!  It's currently -2 degrees here, but is supposed to warm up a little, so I'll get my lazy ass out the door after work with the dog for a run.


            QOTD:  I like this question.    And I would be happy running anywhere that was 70-80 degrees.  Oh hell, I would be happy in 30 degrees.  If I had the money and the time, I would meet myself in Southern Chile for a run.  But any of your suggestions would be great too!

            Running is dumb.


              Good morning all.  We have freezing rain today on top of our snow which should make for some slippery slick conditions for my running commute home from work this evening.  I'm aiming for 5ish miles.


              QOTD:  Maybe Ecuador.  Sounds like a fascinating place to visit, so I'm sure running there would be pretty fun.


              Elfrunner:  Good luck with the injury.  Sometimes PT takes a long time to work.


                Rest again today.


                QOTD: She said it herself before I could, Southern Chile.



                  Yoga day today, maybe a run.  I bailed on my planned 5 miler yesterday, too.  My piriformis is acting up like a pain in the ass.  I laid off on some of the strength exercises and now I'm paying the price.  wah, wah.


                  qotd:  southern chile was going to be my suggestion,   Right now, I'm just hoping to get to New England for this weekend.


                  Faster Than Your Couch!

                    5 miles in the infamous ice-crusted snow yesterday. Underneath the ice crust, it's like lose, dry sand. Yay, does this count as strength training, too? Planning on a run after work, if I can get DH to take care of the boys. QOTD: Arches NP, or around that area, or the Alps in southern France.

                    Run for fun.


                      Due to all sorts of security "stuff" on my work laptop, whenever I'm not directly connected to the office network, RA it get's a little weird but still functions.  When I'm using the laptop in the office, or on my home computer, or on the iPhone everything is fine.  But this is all the time not just this morning.


                      Went to the doctor this morning after a bit of poking and prodding around my abdomen and groin there was no real conclusion.  Gonna get some sort of scan done to rule more stuff out.  BTW, went to a new doctor because my old doctor is just too busy and it's impossible to get appointments (sheesh just because it's only been 7 years since I last saw her).  The new Doc is a runner....  enough said, I like her.  In the meantime she said I can go for easy runs as long as it doesn't hurt.


                      qotd: We're supposed to be in the mid-70s this weekend so you guys should just come down here.  But I admit Chile or New Zealand sounds much much better to me.


                      Gator eye

                        8 this morning in the cold.  I think I'm turning part Canadian, last Saturday the wife and I took a nice walk, the sun was out with no wind it felt like a warm spring day. Got back to the house and noticed the temp was a nice warm18 degree's.


                        QOTD: I would meet Mandy for a run on any beach that was warm and had those neat little drinks with little paper umbrellas in them for a recovery drink.


                        Le professeur de trail

                          Nothing, nothing, nothing.  Had a f/u Dr. appt. to tell me that my MRI was fine - no ligaments torn or anything else.  I do have a "degenerated ACL" but the good doc could not tell me if that is running related or if it's been like that forever.  He also could not tell me if it will get worse.  But he did say it is not, most likely, the source of my pain.  Ok then.  What is the source of my pain? He didn't know.  But come back and see me if you have any further complications.  I'll be sure to do that.

                          Knee hasn't hurt the last two weeks.  I also have not run or biked the last two weeks.


                          QOTD: Anywhere that Mandy is, it is warm.  (but Hawaii sounds good right about now).


                          Have a great day!

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                            Got an 18.6 beautiful and sunny miles at Gettysburg battlefield. The temperatures in the mid-20s with almost no wind, just about perfect!


                            QOTD I I would go out to the southwest somewhere to run with Mandy.  Every winter I say want to use my vacation days up and go out for two weeks but I never do.

                            Queen of Nothing


                              I got in an itty bitty 3.4 yesterday and plan 6 tonight.


                              QOTD: I 'd fly her to my house and run one of my favorite trails along the Yuba River.  Audra and Barb would have to meet us.  Mandy has to meet Earl and bring Bella with her!  Only 55 and sunny here...Mandy. My running partner will need to show up to prove Mandy is not just a virtual friend.

                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                              Refurbished Hip

                                I got in an itty bitty 3.4 yesterday and plan 6 tonight.


                                QOTD: I 'd fly her to my house and run one of my favorite trails along the Yuba River.  Audra and Barb would have to meet us.  Mandy has to meet Earl and bring Bella with her!  Only 55 and sunny here...Mandy. My running partner will need to show up to prove Mandy is not just a virtual friend.


                                55 and sunny sounds delightful.  As well as running with you and Audra and Barb and the California gang!


                                I do appreciate these warm weather thoughts, guys.  They're helping!   It's still fucking cold here though.

                                Running is dumb.
