Trailer Trash


Miserable Monday (Read 21 times)


    Back at work today. I did a short tempo run this morning at 5AM so I could get to a good listening spot to try to find a turkey to hunt for the weekend (or maybe after work during this week). I did not hear anything, but I saw a huge boar cross the road about 20 yards ahead of me. He looked like a tank crossing that road, like he had armor on. He really does. The area around that shoulder is about as tough as kevlar.


    QOTD: Is there anything in the woods that you are afraid of that you think about when running?


    Most animals I come across are more interested in getting away from me than I am interested in getting away from them, including snakes. However, if there was one critter that scares me, it would be snakes. I know a lot of people are terrified of wild pigs, but I have never had any bad experiences with them.



      In between jobs right now.  I'd call off for this afternoon shift  but I'm trying to pick up enough time at this occasional gig to get a pay raise this year. Haven't had one from them for the past 5 years 'cause I don't work enough to qualify for one.


      Going to head out for 4-5 miles with DW in a little bit, but first I think I'll mix up some spray and go to war with the Dandelions in the yard. It's that time of the year again .


      So did anyone realize that this past weekend was the annual running of the race at Hyner???   Remember how that used to be a big event on here?  Multiple race reports and lots of discussion.  I miss the olden days .


      LB2 -  Sounds like time to go huntin for some bacon.  Always wanted to do a little hog hunting.  My wife's relatives in Texas were trying to make some connections for us to go but is seems like the land owners want to bitch about the problems they cause but don't want to allow hunting.


      QOTD:  There's not very much that scares me except when i get the "look" from DW .   In the woods I'm a little concerned about stepping on a rattler or a copperhead.  Ticks are probably my biggest concern in the animal kingdom because they are so hard to see and feel.


      The closest that I come to  truly being scared is running in the wind with a bunch of trees around.  There are so many dead and dying trees around that I get very nervous in the wind.  Especially after nearly having had dead tree branch for Christmas dinner in 2017.



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        Jim Demsko

        <abbr>April 19 at 7:27 PM</abbr>

        Best port-a-john tp ever. No expense spared, 2 ply for all.








        The above is copied from Facebook.


        Too bad Kelly couldn't be there to take advantage




        Are we there, yet?

          Thanks for all the input.  I'm now committed to the Lean Horse 30M, registered, flight and hotel reservations made, tentative itinerary being put together for sightseeing.


          qotd:  I'm more afraid of falling and breaking something than I am afraid of animals.  The only time I would be in an area where wild animals would be a concern is on vacation, usually in a national park.  In that case it would mostly be if I startled a bear because I wasn't being noisy enough.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






            No running today, but probably a bike ride on trainer later tonight. Really liking the bike trainer.  I've been doing scenic rides and the program changes the incline and resistance for you. Pretty cool how you see the hill coming and then BAM they up the incline on you.


            Had a local trail runner win the women's 50K at Hyner. She's 44 and goes up hills like they aren't there.  Locally, most are doing Ironmaster's now, since it' like Hyner with less traffic.


            QOTD:  As Marie pointed out the other day, the local rattlers have been adapting and don't always rattle when they are challenged. I see  several snakes each year and they are usually right on the trail, so they give me Big Eye Syndrome once I see one.  Our bears are black bears, and I like seeing them.  Only had 1 time where I had to turn around since I saw baby bear and had no idea where momma was and cautiously backtracked to get clear.   No hogs up here.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Le professeur de trail

              Two least that is what I am counting on until I can run.  I mean I probably could now but I will be a good boy and wait for the doc's ok.  Although I did a little yard work yesterday that was probably pushing it.  Oops.


              DD: I miss the trails at Hyner but not the crowds. Conga lines for half the race is not my idea of fun.  I may look into finally doing Iron Master's next year.


              QOTD: It's the animals that startle me that I don't like - the hidden rattler, the deer that wait until the last second to prance, the bear who is lurking in the under brush.


              Have a great Monday!

              My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                Head is still clogged from my cold.  I'm convinced that I got it while traveling home on the plane.  I spent the whole 3-day weekend in bed or laying on the couch. I ended up not doing a jog/walk yesterday but did go to the gym to sit in the steam room, that seemed to help a little.


                I'm feeling slightly better today.  I may try that jog/walk later.  This sucks.


                qotd: Around here only snakes, mostly worried about not seeing them and stepping too close to them. When I travel to the mountains I worry about cougars when on my early morning runs by myself, so I try to make a lot of noise.



                  So I went out this morning doing mile intervals. Nice warmup and eased into them and then after I had knocked out a couple of really fast but relaxed miles suddenly my old calf strain injury reared it's ugly self and that was it. Couldn't even do a joggy thing so I ended up with a 3 mile walk back to the car.  Applied some of that magical CBD cream so I should be all good in about 10 minutes I reckon.   Hope so anyway as I am entered in a 20k trail run in the Kettle Moraine Sunday and my road marathon is under 4 weeks out. Crap.


                  QOTD--Only creepy people.


                  Le professeur de trail





                    QOTD--Only creepy people.

                    My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                    Queen of Nothing


                      No run this am and no plan to run.  Will be doing pilates after work.  Man am I tired this morning..come on coffee kick in!!!


                      QOTD:  Men


                      Gatsby:  You asked me about Volcanic 50.  Looks pretty naked, not my favorite type of run.


                      DD;  Well even the folks on welfare get a yearly raise!

                      Jamie: Yea two weeks


                      Sandy:  I thought you would welcome a cougar sighting.  just there to say hi.


                      Northern:  Sounds like I need to get some of that magic cream.


                      Saturdays run..


                      a little ass in the morning...something I see on every run

                      Image may contain: dog, tree, sky, grass, outdoor and nature


                      Image may contain: dog, sky, outdoor, nature and water

                      Image may contain: cloud, sky, dog, grass, outdoor and nature

                      Image may contain: plant, sky, tree, flower, cloud, outdoor and nature








                        As Marie pointed out the other day, the local rattlers have been adapting and don't always rattle when they are challenged.


                        I've heard that several times now so I looked it up on the internet.  interesting how  the so called "experts" don't agree on this and seem to like slinging some mud back and forth over it.


                        Some "experts" say they are finding rattlers with atrophied tail muscles. They attribute this to the ones that can't rattle being alive to pass on their genes while the ones that rattle are more likely to get killed.   Other "experts"  throw crap all over that theory.


                        While it was somewhat interesting reading it was also frustrating that there seemed to be a big divide and no middle ground.


                          DD;  Well even the folks on welfare get a yearly raise!


                          Don't give me too many ideas, Sue. Some days welfare looks pretty good .  Imagine all the relaxing I could do .


                          Faster Than Your Couch!

                            Planning to go for an evening run. It should be nice!


                            Yes, the "rattler" controversy. As I understand it, until recently, it was assumed that practically all rattlesnakes rattle when they feel threatened, and now there are more reports about rattlesnakes not rattling, just striking. I am not even sure if this pertains to all types of rattlesnakes, or just a particular kind. "In the olden days", there were less reports about non-rattling snakes, but they might as well have been around, nobody knows for sure. So I assume either rattlers really rattle less often nowadays (because the "nice rattling" ones were eliminated early before they could significantly reproduce), or it is just a better known fact that not all rattlers rattle. In the end, unless you are looking more closely into biology, it does not matter anyway for practical purposes. One has to be very much aware of their presence and use caution, and accidents happen.


                            And DD1, yes, I miss the olden days, too (not only for the rattlesnakes rattles, but more the Hyner times). Seems most races have their early stages, prime time, and then either become less popular and disappear for various reasons, or they become overpopulated and a mass event.  Sometimes it is a snag in organization which would be overcome during prime time, where there is more support, but ends in the demise of the race once it is already in decline. Hyner, Eastern States, or the Megatransect are some examples that come to my mind there.


                            QOTD: Either falling and getting hurt, or stepping on a rattlesnake (which doesn't rattle). With falling, it follows a pattern: I run for several months without falling. Then I fall, and once the series has started, I keep falling more often, until, at some point, I don't care about it any more because I assume I will fall anyway. Then I don't fall any more, for several months, and the cycle repeats itself again. Wicked.

                            With rattlesnakes, I have had many close encounters, including jumping over one (scare of my life), and in the summer, I avoid some of my favorite trails on "Rattlesnake Mountain" (Bald Knob) because there are so many of them. I am not afraid that I might die from a bite (with medical help this is very rare), but I dread the local tissue damage.

                            Run for fun.



                              Perfect title...I had to get two fillings both right up one down.  My DD has an appt with a neurologist

                              May 2nd so that's good.


                              Qotd: people...drivers down our road specifically.