Trailer Trash


Eight Thousand Wednesdailies (Read 21 times)


I lost my rama

    Weather appears to be taking a turn for the better after Flo passed through.  At least not miserable.  Planning on 8 on hard trail tonight.


    QOTD:  Extending on yesterday's question, would you want to attempt to ascend any of the 8,000 meter peaks?  If so, of the 14 of them which one?  Forget the cost, since they're all freakin' expensive.


    I have no interest in Mt Everest, but K2 would be on top of my list.  Second would be Annapurna.  Any of them is on my lifetime bucket list, but the likelihood is pretty small (unless I win the lottery).

    3/17 - NYC Half

    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


      Sunshine here! Holy cow, it seems as if it has been weeks since we've had any significant sun showing. I'll head to rock creek shortly for a couple of miles. Did some yoga last night for the psoas and hip fliexors so I'll be feeling that for a couple of days. Necessary cross training for me if I want to keep running.


      qotd: Not even an inkling. Though traveling around that part of the world interests me. Seeing them from a distance would be enough for me. 


      running under the BigSky

        4.5 miles with Tiny yesterday- summer is gone here, highs in the 50-60's, lows 30-40's- perfect


        will get in some miles later


        qotd:  not really; something about ropes, oxygen, etc takes away the appeal for me- if I can't scramble to the top on my own, don't have a lot of desire to do it



        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          Today is a rest day. Normally, I would run on Wednesday, but I am doing Monday, Tuesday, Restday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week. My last week was just a downward spiral with my routine interrupted by a birthday party and a sleep over that had me up early to pick up the girls. Trying to get back on track.


          QOTD: I don't have much interest in the 8,000's, but of those, Everest would be my last choice because it has become such a disaster up there. Plus, that is way, way, way out of my price range. If I can't do it with a road trip fueled by honey buns and beer, I'm probably not going to do it. Fortunately, everything I want to do can be done in a road trip that is fueled by honey buns and beer.



            Good run last night, ~ 6 miles on the local trail with some zip and a CR for the latest revision of this loop. The sun was out and it was warm but not oppressively humid. Sunny today, a hint of fall in the air, but still warm. The air has that cooler/dryer feeling, and there was nice breeze when we walked the dogs this morning.


            QOTD: Nope. No desire. I am pretty minimalist, plus that shit is crazy and expensive.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Le professeur de trail

              Took a TURD yesterday.  Just too much going on.  And I think I am getting sick.  Let's hope not.  Slept like do-do last night.  Hot then cold, then hot.  Not feeling horrible right now but the day is young...


              Bert - you pictures from yesterday were great! Truly a nice compliment to Sue's penis rock picture.  Maybe that should give new meaning to the trail porn thread...


              QOTD: No desire for that.  I think the altitude would truly kill me.


              Have a great humpday!

              My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                (Dang it, I just closed my browser and lost my text and now I can't remember what I wrote...  here are the highlights.  I hate when that happens.)


                I took a TURD last night.


                This morning got up at 5am and did 4 mi.  It's officially Fall here...   sure it was 80 deg and 98% humidity this morning.


                qotd: the idea of doing an 8,000m peak would be cool as a physical challenge, but all the other crap like, logistics, dealing with other yahoos, red tape, money, etc., etc. add up to a big fat no!!  Disclaimer; I don't really know about all this junk, just what I read in "Into Thin Air".



                  5 miles this morning.


                  QOTD: Doesn't interest me at all. I like being in the mountains, but scaling a peak doesn't do anything for me. I worked in Northern Pakistan in '83 and saw Nanga Parbat (an eight-thousander) and Tirich Mir (close at 7700 m). They do look really cool when you stand there miles away and look up at them. Photo of me and Tirich Mir:


                  Refurbished Hip

                    I'm still resting.  Will probably just be lazy and do some walking this week.  I walk to the grocery store a lot now.  It's not good for my wallet, but this is the first time in my life I've been able to walk to the grocery store and it's been really convenient.


                    qotd:  not really; something about ropes, oxygen, etc takes away the appeal for me- if I can't scramble to the top on my own, don't have a lot of desire to do it


                    What Warden said.  If I need anything more than microspikes (and possibly an ice ax for safety), I'm out.

                    Running is dumb.



                      Taking a TURD today. Working on paper work over lunch to try and get caught up from vacation. Always makes me wonder why i go away. 


                      QOTD:  I've met Chris Warner (my brother is his attorney) several times and he told me any good ultrarunner can hike Everest. But he then says, any non-climber never should.  He runs tours there and his stories make me never want to go to Everest because he talks of the lack of cooperation between the many groups from different countries.


                      I'd rather go to Peru and hike some lesser mountains there.  I don't mind the ice, for me it wold be relying on an O2 bottle and what can go wrong.  I also fell if you have to rely on Sherpa's and fixed ropes that you are truly earning your way.

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                      Queen of Nothing


                        I ran 6 with the group this morning.  hmm only 94 more to go...


                        QOTD:  NO.


                        Jamie:  Hot, cold hot, cold...welcome to Menopause.

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                        I lost my rama

                          GC - really cool pic with that monstrous peak in the background.


                          Sandy - I was not a fan of "Into Thin Air" and thought Krakauer was unfairly biased, even though I really enjoyed his writing.


                          It's starting to sound like a TT Himalayan Expedition is not in the cards anytime soon.    Perhaps I can convince one or two to ascend Nanga Parbat (9th highest) once I win the lottery.  I mean, since when do you hear anyone say, "I want to climb Nanga Parbat."?


                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                          Refurbished Hip

                             "I want to climb Nanga Parbat."?


                            I ain't climbing anything named "Killer Mountain." !

                            Running is dumb.


                            I lost my rama


                              I ain't climbing anything named "Killer Mountain." !


                              LOL!  I thought "Naked Mountain" might have attracted at least one.  OK, we'll go to Annapurna then.  The 10th highest....


                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                              Are we there, yet?


                                I ain't climbing anything named "Killer Mountain." !


                                K2 is probably more dangerous. Roughly 25% of climbers attempting to summit K2 have died.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K
                                      05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



