Trailer Trash


Good Fridaily (Read 22 times)

Queen of Nothing


    Fast Friday’s... well we are calling it that because we ran 5 miles under 50 minutes...runningall hills..only stop when the leashes dog needed to take a dump.


    Qotd: Raised Catholic ..went to Catholic School..Dad was Superindent of Catholic School.  Church ever Sunday and all special dates plus every Wednesday during school.  No matter where we were, Mom would find a church for Sunday.  Cool part was since we were camping we could wear play clothes.  I started hating the church in middle school.  Why can’t women be priest?  Or alter girls?  Sexist!  Plus all the stuff that priest did and church hide.  My gramma was a house keeper at a rectory, I knew she cooked for them but when I saw her making their beds I had enough!!!


    anywho the woods are my church and I am spiritual


    Mandy: my heel tendonitious was cured by getting shoes with a drop after years of suffering.

     05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

     08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








      OMG! It certainly is a good Friday...I went to the gym at lunch, was just doing 3 on the TM.  They have one that I like...does incline and decline.  I was playing around building pyramids (0%, 1% 2%, then 1% and 0%) when in between the first set I was feeling good, was up to 3.5 mph, HR was in the 90' I RAN!...I thought I'd never run again....wasn't long just 30-40 secs but I almost cried I was so happy.  My heart didn't explode and it came right back I did it twice more.  No pain anywhere.  I built 3 pyramids and tried the decline too...that's pretty cool.


      Awesome. That gave me a smile.


      DC - AWESOME pictures. Looks like a great place to run, and being alone is way more different than running in Rock Creek Park.


      Mandy - I forgot you were an Altra runner. I mix up my shoes, and yes, like Sue said having a little drop might help a bit. Still weird about tight shoe vs loose shoe, that sounds like a calcaneus issue like a sprain.


      Dreamer - I'm in Amish / Mennonite land as well. I have a few patients that use their horse and buggy to see me.  Also a lot of black cars.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        My 20 miler today ended up being only 16. I suck. At the pathetic pace I move at these days I should never get tired but I was whooped. Need some rest and better nutrition I think. Gonna pick up DW in 90 minutes and head towards northwoods therapy.


        Mandy--First off I ran some trails last night in Janesville's arboretum on the northwest side of that 3rd world town. Not very big but somewhat hilly with a pretty stream going thru. A section of the IAT goes thru there which wasn't bad. There were also some side trails that I checked out a little but ran out of daylight. Overall not bad and if you are ever stuck down there worth looking at but really not worth driving by all our good stuff to get there.


        I had a partially torn AT a couple years ago that put me on the shelf for 4 months. Had to have a custom AFO  brace made to keep things immobile but I also bought a couple other AFO braces off Amazon that helped me function for work. I didn't heed the early warning signs and just figured by reducing miles, etc. would be good enough but of course it made things much worse and cost me a lot of time. I agree on the need for shoes with a drop and being somewhat flexible but taking a little time off now could save a lot of time later.


        QOTD--Don't get me started..  My parents did a half assed job of trying to get us to go to our Lutheran church but gave up pretty much agreeing with what us kids were saying. My wife and I agreed from the get go we wouldn't put our child thru that nonsense. I guess if some people need the fear of God to live a decent life then maybe religion has some value and I know some churches do a lot of wonderful things for society but.... like I said, don't get me started.


        Refurbished Hip


          Mandy - I forgot you were an Altra runner. I mix up my shoes, and yes, like Sue said having a little drop might help a bit. Still weird about tight shoe vs loose shoe, that sounds like a calcaneus issue like a sprain.


          Well, I used to run in my Altras (road) and trail run in stuff with drop.  I walk in my Altras on the road now and hike in a mix of Topos (3mm drop), Montrails (8mm drop) and now Nikes (8mm drop).  I was in the Nikes when I started having issues. me.  I ordered a heel lift insert on Prime and will stick to walking to the store in shoes with drop.  I improvised at work today and took a pad of post it notes and cut it up and stuck it in my shoe.


          Thanks, Harrier.  I'm not usually in the Janesville area, so I probably won't head down there just to check things out.

          Running is dumb.


            I hiked through 4 miles of mud in search of a wild turkey. I never saw or heard one this morning. I have no idea where those birds were today. Where do they go? What are they doing? Anyway, I am more concerned with the distance I am hiking and/or running right now than getting another turkey. Honestly, I don't even care if I kill a turkey. I just like finding them and the whole process of calling them up. It is a lot of fun.


            QOTD: Great question. I grew up Southern Baptist. We went to church every Sunday morning, every Sunday evening, and on Wednesday nights. I am almost identical to Jamie in my view of things. My mother was a biology and chemistry teacher for many years. My dad has a background in science also. I don't have any problem reconciling my understanding of science and separating it from religion. Science is based on facts that can be reproduced. Religion is based on faith in something that you cannot see. As such, evolution and creation are two completely different things, and when some snake handler preacher tells me otherwise, I just ignore it. I could write a book on this. But I am cooking chicken on the grill.



            Are we there, yet?

              OMG! It certainly is a good Friday...I went to the gym at lunch, was just doing 3 on the TM.  They have one that I like...does incline and decline.  I was playing around building pyramids (0%, 1% 2%, then 1% and 0%) when in between the first set I was feeling good, was up to 3.5 mph, HR was in the 90' I RAN!...I thought I'd never run again....wasn't long just 30-40 secs but I almost cried I was so happy.  My heart didn't explode and it came right back I did it twice more.  No pain anywhere.  I built 3 pyramids and tried the decline too...that's pretty cool.


              Great news!

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              Are we there, yet?

                Mandy - no advice, but caution is definitely called for


                Sue - I just notice retirement was pushed back again.  You really need to stop that.


                LB2 - I think you can find wild turkey here

                qotd:  Church attendance as a kid was sporadic and my father never went.  Since then I;ve run the gamut from confirmed atheist to earning an M. Div.   Currently do not attend as I haven't found a church in the area that I'm comfortable in.  Either the theology is fine but the practices leave much to be desired or the opposite.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  SRD today.  I slept for 12 hrs last night!!  When I got off the plane yesterday I felt like I was coming down with a cold and today I have a clogged head.  Again the joys of travel.


                  mt - from yesterday, yeah the $113ish is for the run only.  My friend said I could stay at his house and he and his family would support me on the run.  His wife, who I have met a few times, volunteers at the race each year.  We have a meeting the following week in Mumbai so I could drop by the area on the way.  It just might work.


                  qotd: Like Bert-o I was raised Episcopalian. It never really stuck though and as soon as I could stopped and never went back. We also raised our kids without any organized religion but told them they could decide for themselves when older, they haven’t chosen anything as of yet...


                    I'd say it's an average Friday as opposed to good.     Rest day from running and I skipped kettlebells since I have a 50k tomorrow.   Going to my Dad's house on Sunday for Easter, nothing planned, just hanging out.


                    Mandy, lol on putting a stack of post-it notes in your shoe.


                    Berto-o, hope the eye and mouth issues clear up, sounds miserable!


                    WC, did you remember to get some wine for the weekend?


                    DHuff, yay for running pain-free.  From yesterday: hoping for good news on your daughter's prognosis.


                    runtrail, neat pics.  Volcanic stuff is so interesting and alien looking.


                    Queen, speaking of volcanic stuff, any interest in doing the Volcanic 50k on Mt St. Helens?  Go Beyond Racing puts it on. I know you like them and OR, but perhaps not the dusty, dry, volcanic part of OR....   It intrigues me.


                    Valerie, any interest in running around volcanic stuff?


                    Waving to everyone else.


                    QOTD: I'm like AT, Catholic schools all my life through college, but really more spiritual than religious now.  Interesting (and probably not a coincidence, given that this is a trail forum) that many of us have substituted nature for organized religion.

                    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                    Thread killer ..



                      Valerie, any interest in running around volcanic stuff?




                      Which one ? Mt St. Helens?


                        Which one ? Mt St. Helens?


                        I was looking at Mt St Helen’s, but now I’m thinking of Cool Moon in August.  I might spontaneously combust from the heat but it would be good time-on-feet training.

                        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                        Thread killer ..


                          I was looking at Mt St Helen’s, but now I’m thinking of Cool Moon in August.  I might spontaneously combust from the heat but it would be good time-on-feet training.


                          It might be hot . I've looked at it on and off for a couple years but haven't pushed the register button .
