Trailer Trash


Humpdaily (Read 21 times)



    Battlefield run over lunch break is planned. Town seems busier than usual for this time of year. When it gets too crowded with Tourons, my Battlefield runs end.


    From one of my favorite movies.


    QOTD: Do you have an all time favorite movie (or genre of movies)?  I like Dark Comedies, like Big Lebowski and Fargo.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



      Hello, is this thing on?


      Where is everyone, checking to see if Trump pardoned you for your past crimes?

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



        I normally just read since I'm not doing anything noteworthy.  I do have some sort of crud since last Thur and still feel awful.


        qotd: Tombstone and Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2.

          Pub run tonight.


          Favorite movies?hard to pick just one.


          Man from Snowy River

          Gallipoli (WWI movie)

          The Ranger the Cook and the Hole in the Sky (Based on a story USFS 1919 by Norman MacLean who wrote A River Runs Through It)

          Legends of the Fall

          The Ghost and the Darkness.




          Le professeur de trail

            Some semblance of a run and or workout tonight after 2 bball practices.  


            This documentary on the 2019 Barkley Marathons just came out

            I haven't watched yet but I know I will.  I love to see other people suffer survive the pain.


            QOTD: Hard to pick.  Always loved Saving Private Ryan, Goonies, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Better Off Dead,


            Have a great day!

            My favorite day of the week is RUNday




              Yay, I survived 2 days of audits by the EU. Came out fairly unscathed.


              I plan to run 5 after work tonight.  I'm waiting for the rain to start so I can really enjoy it.


              az2mn - from yesterday, yes I have done a bunch of Tejas Trails runs.  I have run with the original founder/RD (Joe) quite a few times, he's a really good guy. Although Joe sold TT to a guy named Chris, also a good guy, they still put on extremely well run events.


              qotd: Only thing that comes to mind right now is E.T., mostly because I have nice memories of when my DW first saw it and of when we watched it with our kiddos. I'd have to think more about this.



                Working at the Ford dealer here in FL this afternoon. I hope they finish up soon. It's warm and grey with rain showers and the trails are calling me for a few miles.


                QOTD: Caddy shack, Ferris Buehler's day off, Spinal Tap

                In dog beers, I've only had one.


                running under the BigSky

                  4 miles yesterday with Tiny Elvis; plan on something similar after work


                  I think we’re going to go snowshoeing and camp out tomorrow night; when the wife’ away 


                  qotd: Big Labowski and Fargo are definitely near the top, also other Cohen Brothers that I really like are No Country for Old Men and Inglorious Basterds.  The Godfather is right up there at the top; so many good movies!


                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                    No run yet today, and to be honest, probably not going to happen. I'll get in my daily strengthwork (yesterday was feet! that was hard, but much needed).


                    qotd: Hmm, these days, it needs to be comedy in some shape or form. Love the Cohen brothers, but I've gotten more squeamish with gory lately. Fargo is near the top, but I might need to look away at the woodchipper scene.

                    Queen of Nothing


                      • I did not run but our weather continues to be phenomenal     ..went kayaking on the ocean today...walked the dogs...drank a beeer...sufffering though this retirement thing!  

                        qotd:  Make me laugh it make me cry...those are the types of movies I like.  

                      • warden:  enjoy your private time with little e 

                      Tim:  Sorry we ignore you...

                      duffman:  Still say hi and answer the qotd.


                      rocky:  yes to pub runs!!! Still need to send you a



                      • XT working at Ford????? Or car getting worked on. 
                      • runtraildc:  first day of my 30 days of yoga challenge....umm failed already...maybe tonight 








                        I'll be the thread closer today...I have been trying to figure out what my favorite movie is before posting g...still not many movies.


                        No swim or hike today. It was my parents' 65th wedding anniversary today. I took some time from work to put together flowers for them  while they were at the casino with my sister.


                        Getti g ready to watch tonight's debate. With g to see if someone I can tolerate rises or at least maintains station.  I'm afraid....very afraid.


                        Queen and guys have like the best days! So jealous!

                        January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Sorry moonlight, my lagging behind everything today. Skipped my run. Just needed a mental break and a day or two off to freshen my legs.


                          qotd:  I tend to lean towards the classic movies of the '40s like Casablanca, also Hitchcock movies.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                            Hello, is this thing on?


                            Where is everyone, checking to see if Trump pardoned you for your past crimes?


                            Bueller?  Bueller?


                            (Stealing Dr. J's favorite movie there)


                            Queen, nice use of bullet points today.


                            XT, nice > 50k last weekend!


                            Moonlight, I can't bring myself to watch the debates.  Gives me too much anxiety.


                            WOTD: Total of 8.8 miles, included a couple 18 minute tempo intervals on hilly terrain per coach's orders.


                            QOTD: The Shawshank Redemption.  And pretty much anything with Tom Hanks.

                            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                            8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                            Queen of Nothing


                              I was using my phone and at the beach  and drinking a beer!  Did I also mention old and too inpatient to fix!!!   I miss a computer....With 3 screens.



                              Bueller?  Bueller?


                              (Stealing Dr. J's favorite movie there)


                              Queen, nice use of bullet points today.


                              XT, nice > 50k last weekend!


                              Moonlight, I can't bring myself to watch the debates.  Gives me too much anxiety.


                              WOTD: Total of 8.8 miles, included a couple 18 minute tempo intervals on hilly terrain per coach's orders.


                              QOTD: The Shawshank Redemption.  And pretty much anything with Tom Hanks.








                                I managed to get 2.5 in yesterday going from meeting to meeting. It was literally a run/walk thing because I was running between parking lots and buildings in the rain. This rain is killing my February mileage goals...


                                QOTD: The Big Lebowski is probably my favorite movie of all time.

