Trailer Trash


Thundering Thursday (Read 13 times)


    The thundering ended late yesterday. We had not damaged. The weather was wonderful this morning with temps in the upper 40's at daybreak. I ran 2.5 miles at a nice, easy 9 minute pace on average. I did walk just a little bit to get around some limbs that were down from the storms yesterday.


    QOTD: Did your area have any issues with the storms that came across the country yesterday?


    We had a few tornadoes touch down just over the border in Mississippi, but we didn't have anything but some wind, rain, and lightning that lasted a couple of hours.




      Walked 3.1 on TM today. That's a new illness PR. Wanted to hit the 5k mark.


      Packing up to head South tomorrow.  DW"s dad will probably be in the rehab facility (after a hip replacement / infection) though the end of next week, so we might not even get to see him.  Plan is to help out DW's mom and get the house set up for his return.  We'll get in some beach time and a few bike rides as well and we'll make all of our usual gustatory stops on Hilton Head Island.


      QOTD:  Raining now but no bad weather here.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

        I got nuthin'.  Maybe sumpthin' later.


        Although I did get in about 45+ min of HIIT/core/ST yesterday after a vet visit for a constipated cat.  Good times were had by all (. . . not . . .), but appears to be clog-free given what happened after we got home yesterday and what I found in the cat box this morning.  Good for you, Wilson.  Good for you.


        QOTD: Not from your system, but we're supposed to be getting rain starting today and pretty much off and on over the next week.  It was supposed to have materialized around midnight, but so far nothing.  The Hub decided to take advantage of the predicted rain and headed to the beach for some agate-hunting.  I'm guessing he's pretty darn happy that so far he's staying dry. 

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          I did 2 mi this morning.  This morning we had the same beautiful 48 deg low humidity crisp air as LB.


          Just doing a bunch of e-mail (what else is new?) and then will pick up my DD and start driving north after work today.  We're going to take it easy and break up the 10 hour drive, do 5 tonight and then 5 tomorrow so we can do the race check-in stuff tomorrow and maybe even get to bed early tomorrow.  Anyway, how else would ya want to spend your birthday?


          qotd: Like I said yesterday, it was so dark yesterday morning that it looked like nighttime, but we just got a shit-ton of rain.  No damage (and the freshly painted house is still looking good).



            Ended up with 4 late yesterday. And today is still TBD. It's raining here and feels chilly. Thunder is in the forecast for tonight. Those storms are still on their way, I guess.


            Sandy-- Good luck with the race (and the drive).

            Fatozzig-- good to hear about he clog free cat.  


            qotd: see above. Calm here and any thunder will likely be brief.

            Queen of Nothing


              Little over 5 on the hood run...the two Mile neighborhood is getting harder...mentally that is.  

              Told my friend I would ski with her Saturday...and later reminders my hand.  She's ski patrol, so I ski for free with here so may just try poleless skiing.  

              qotd:  it snowed a bit yesterday....expecting 58 on Sunday

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                Did my stretching/push-up routine at lunch and will get in a few miles later. Just on the road today. I think the rain is forecast to stop for a bit later not that it matters. The run must go on (day 389).


                Had a pretty good 5 yesterday out on the hills of Coventry Woods with Baker. I ran my 2 loop route of the orange trail for something different. We flip the directions to keep it interesting. So instead of one huge climb with one little one we get 2 medium big climbs with 2 smaller ones. More elevation gain actually but mentally seems easier. No one out there yesterday. Last year about this time the quarantiners were about to take over the trails. Now, not so much.


                QOTD: I guess that is the cause of our rain today. We've been pretty dry since the snowmelt so finally the road salt will disperse.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.