Trailer Trash


Thursdailes (Read 20 times)


    Welp, I decided to do one of those "cleansing" diets that I've heard so much about over the years.  Started yesterday morning with just clear liquids.  Last evening decided to speed things up with one of them there powerful cleansing juices.  Gotta say that it had me feeling kinda washed out and flushed out .  But figured I better double down and get a early start on things this morning so I crawled out of bed and chugged some more juice.  Now later this morning I'll head off to a clinic so some guy can insert a camera into one of those "unspeakable" areas of my body  to take pictures and see how good this cleansing diet is working.  Hopefully, for them and me, they find nothing.


    So all this leads to a question?  What makes someone going through medical school decide they want to specialize in shoving cameras up peoples butts .  Which leads to the next question................


    The QOTD:   If you would be a Dr in the healing arts, what would you have chosen to practice in?


    I love cardiology.  For many years I thought it would have been really nice to be a Cardiologist.  But as time has went on and I've seen the medical field evolve I really think I would have picked internal medicine.  It's a little bit more broad then just Cardiology and some of the best diagnosticians that I've met are internal med docs.  Since I like to know a little bit about everything internal medicine would appeal to me.  A secondary choice would be pulmonary medicine.  Something really nice about being able to help people breathe better.


    Oh yea,  for Dr's J and AT and any other Dr's  that may stop by .  If you had to choose a non-medical type job, what would it be?


    I might decide to try a 4-5 mile walk this evening depending on how I feel.


      Good luck with procedure. Been there, done that. I had a Wendy's cheeseburger post-op.  Big grin


      A nice cool evening last night on the trails. Mid 50's in the spring seems real nice. Sometimes I notice in the month of Feb/March there is a bite in the air even when we get temps in the 50's. What's up with that? The Lady and I ran out at the lake last night, the more rugged south side or blue trails. Pretty quiet out there, meaning no people. Just saw one mountain biker. Easy dog jog with plenty of stops for the Lady to slurp some water. Smell of honeysuckle in the air in a few places plus multiple patches of blue bells.


      Might run a few miles at lunch at the local trail or might do the gym stuff today. I have a date with a pile of mulch tonight.


      QOTD: The only thing that comes to mind is being a physical therapist, probably because I've had interactions with them often enough.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


      Le professeur de trail

        It's Thursday and I am feeling pretty good today.  (So Tuesday was up, Wed was down, now up again - yup Queen & DD you were right ) Got a nice band concert tonight for DS 1 & 2.  I don't mind the band concerts.  It was the chorus concerts I hated but no more of those so all is good.


        FTYC - ouch is all I have to say for DS.  I took prednisone a bunch of times as a kid (probably explains a lot ).  But it was for allergic reactions to poison ivy so not much of a choice.  Hope he feels better soon.

        DD - hope all is clear.  I haven't had one of those yet but I think once I turn 50, I will have to.  But I have a few years.


        QOTD: Good question.  For a while I have wished I went into Physical Therapy instead of psychology.  But non healing arts stuff I would like to be a Ridge Runner on the AT.  Sounds like fun but I imagine there are plenty of headaches dealing with stupid people.


        Have a great day!

        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




          I sort of took the easy way out this morning, but I was tired. I did run, but I just ran a one mile portion of my loop because I stayed up watching an old episode of "24" last night, a couple of episodes actually. Anyway, it was a cheap way to keep the streak alive at 48 days. I do have my mileage where it needs to be; I was a little bit ahead of schdule, which has not been the norm for about a year.


          QOTD: I would probably be involved in the field of psychology. I think the human mind (the way it works and its capabilities) is the most interesting thing one can study. I am talking about the emotional aspects of the mind, not necessarily the brain.




            I did a hill workout on the TM at the gym at lunch yesterday and then 5 at home.  I have the wine and painting thing tonight.  Also going by the chiro this afternoon as the fall Sat did something and my back is still sore.


            I got lucky and just had to send in a poo sample through the mail...that was exciting.  DD had to do the full thing and it was no fun watching her deal with that.


            qotd: Never cared much for the  medical field.  Did want to be a veterinarian at one point or a marine biologist and study sharks.


              Don't really feel too excited about running in a cold drizzle so I'm waiting.... suppose I'll have to if it doesn't stop anytime soon. The plan is for a rather quick lap of lake Wingra (6.2 + a warmup) on the roads. Be heading north after that for the next week or so.



              DD--finding something is ok. Makes it all worth it as they'll just nick them out and biopsy them. I'm on the 5 year plan as they have found a couple polyps in the past. Gone thru the process 3x. No big deal. I do/did know a guy who died of colon cancer. Not a preferred way to go. So if going every 5 years keeps me around then no problem.



              QOTD--good question I guess but like dhuff never had any interest in the medical field so no answer for me.

              Queen of Nothing


                No run this morning...


                QOTD:  Gynecologist...but only to delivery babies not the rest of the job.  I really would rather be a nurse in a maternity ward than a doctor.


                DD:  Good luck DD.


                XT:  Sounds like quite the fine run my sir.


                dufman:  I did the poo thing too but than decided to have one since Gramma died from colon cancer.


                Northern:  Enjoy the roads and rain..not!  I would just call it a URD and wait to you get up to gods country.


                AT:   Share with your wife...the best advice the women gave in this RR is she wasted the first 40 miles worrying about the cutoffs.








                  Hello! My running miles have declined really have not been post-worthy. Between the weather (I have become somewhat of a wuss) and my ongoing battle with nausea...I ran little this week. But...tonight I leave for 3 days of running in Illinois and Wisconsin. I hope to get in many miles. Saturday afternoon we will wash off the trail dirt and attend a Kentucky Derby party.


                  DD: been there done that. Thankfully on the 10 year plan now. Hope all is well.


                  XT: it does not get much better than a nice run with a good dog.


                  DRJ: glad today is good. May Friday bring you two in a row!


                  LB: I will admit to missing a run while binge watching GoT. All caught up now.


                  DHUFF: I hope your back issue is temporary.


                  HARRIER: hope it gets better. I am tired of the cold also.


                  Queen: hope you have a great day.


                  QOTD: I have worked in the medical field a long time. I would not want to be any kind of practitioner. Really...I just am not interested in working any more. I want to be a wealthy retiree. Unfortunately, the wealthy part is unlikely. Just looking forward to the retired part.

                  January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                    Great run in central PA this morning.


                    The route.


                    Look who I bumped in to... she even put up with my uphill walking breaks!



                    I lost my rama

                      Daydreamer - I suppose the question could also be asked for someone in the profession as a plumber too, right?   In any case, I hope your "plumbing" is all clear and you don't need any draino or anything like that.  I love a good poop, btw, but that might be TMI.  Anywho....


                      XT - I love Wendy's!  The junior bacon cheeseburger is the best!  Enjoy the spring weather, as weird as it may be thus far.


                      FTYC - Hope DS is doing well.  I didn't think about steroids on kids, so good call in holding off, if the doc says so.


                      Dr J - At least with psychology, you'll have plenty of business from now until the end of time. 


                      LB2 - Is the 24 episodes you watched still with Keifer Sutherland? I miss that series, until it changed and went down hill.  Glad to hear you still got a run in this morning.


                      dhuffman / NH - Isn't any form of animal care still a form of medical care?  Different species, but the basic stuff is still the same, as far as I know.


                      Sue - I didn't think of that one.  you're a genius!


                      Sandy - There's no doubt she's faster than your couch!  Glad you were able to catch up!


                      QOTD:  The trouble with psychology or even psychiatry, IMO, is that you can't take a blood or pee test to determine you have this or that in the noggin.  Some diseases and disorders, sure, but it's pretty subjective for many others.  Personally, I know I suffer from mental disorders (either chemical imbalance, or personality disorder, or both, or more) but still there's no "test" other than professional opinion.  Having said that, I'll still go with Sue's answer. 

                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                      Le professeur de trail



                        Your route looks a little like a dead bird, no?


                        Great run in central PA this morning.


                        The route.


                        Look who I bumped in to... she even put up with my uphill walking breaks!

                        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                        Refurbished Hip

                          Love the photo, Sandy and Marie!  Smile

                          Running is dumb.


                            Got in 4 miles this morning. Mostly around the track for a speed workout. Definitely not as fun as a trek thru the woods, but something I need to work on.


                            Oh, and thanks to all the encouragement last month, I did sign up for the marathon training program to help me with a new goal and to get out of this rut. I'm planning on running the MDI marathon in Bar Harbor in October. It's a beautiful route and I will always find an excuse to go to Acadia.


                            Sandy & Marie-- great pic!


                            qotd: None of it. I wouldn't have the patience for folks not taking my professional advice. I.e. Lose weight, exercise more, etc. as a part of their health management. I know it is not as simple as just doing it, but when your life is on the line, is it really a choice?


                            Faster Than Your Couch!

                              A few miles through the woods with Sandy this morning. My legs were tired, as I haven't run this far in a while, and with all the uphill, but it was fun. Running with Sandy is always fun.

                              We took a splash in a creek after the run to clean our shoes and get the legs cooled down - it was cold, but very refreshing!


                              DD1: Good luck with the procedure, btdt. It's less dramatic than most people fear. And always a good thing to know you're in good shape, or to get suspicious growths removed right away.


                              XT: Have fun on your "date"!  The mulch pile has not arrived at our house yet, so I'll have some more time to mentally prepare for my "mulch date".


                              Jamie: Enjoy the concert tonight!


                              LB2: Binge watching vs running - glad your running "won". Yay for keeping the streak alive!


                              dhuff: Way to go on the dreadmill! Enjoy the wine and painting - especially the wine 


                              Harrier: Hopefully your waiting works out. BTW, heading north is not exactly known for getting into warmer weather.


                              Queen: You seem to be the "Queen of retaining fitness" - doing long runs at incredible speed out of nowhere. I wish I had your talent!


                              moonlight: You are always post-worthy, run or not!


                              Sandy: Nice map! Thanks again for the wonderful run, and for getting me into the long miles again!


                              Berto: Thanks, DS is doing better and improving. He went to school today and did not get sent home, so I assume he's on the mend.


                              Jamie: Strangely, all the routes in my area seem to be animal shapes. Dead bird (or alive?), and my run through the hood is often a camel shape, or a dachshund shape 


                              Mandy: Nice to see you around again!


                              traildc: Kudos for the speedwork!


                              QOTD: I wanted to become a trauma surgeon, but at the time, it was difficult for a woman to get into this, and my parents did not support me getting into the medical field at all, so I went into the technical field instead. Nowadays, after a few years having to deal with customer service, I am not sure if I really would want to be a doctor - I sometimes wonder if I would like (or dare) touching stranger's bodies and having to deal with all levels of personal care and behavioral issues involved in that.

                              Run for fun.




                                LB2 - Is the 24 episodes you watched still with Keifer Sutherland? I miss that series, until it changed and went down hill.  Glad to hear you still got a run in this morning.




                                I didn't know there was one without Keifer Sutherland. I have seen all the seasons, but it has been awhile. I just came across a couple of months ago and started watching it from the beginning. I am on season 6 now.

