Trailer Trash


Monday Morning March!! (Read 15 times)


    Not much of a march this morning. Rolling out to the woods this morning before my meetings, face to face, in Baton Rouge. I don't like face to face meetings anymore, regardless of Covid. But these folks insisted on one for some reason. Whatever, I need to do the grocery store anyway. Depending on what time I get home, I may run this evening. I really just want to see if I can hear a turkey gobble this morning.


    QOTD: What does your week look like as far as work or play?


    Meetings, mostly zoom and early morning hunts. Maybe some running mixed in there during the middle of the day, but today, is going to be tough to get in a run because of the meeting I set at 1PM. I set it up before I killed my gobbler. I guess I figured my luck would not change much, and I would need a little time in the AM to hunt this week. The rest of the week is standing meetings and follow ups with schools. I'll be busy, but it is manageable again.



      SRD today. I'll probably do some light core stuff though, just to keep the back feeling good.


      qotd: a bunch of routine meetings, with large top management team meetings scheduled for Wed, Thurs and Friday mornings. The rest of the time in between will be spent on juggling e-mails and putting out fires.


      Then late Friday afternoon we'll drive out west to get to place where the run will be held and pitch the tent, it's about a 4+ hr drive. For pandemic reasons the run has a staggered start and you got to pick your starting window time, we chose the earliest window, 5:00 to 5:25am for cooler temps, miles in the dark are "free", and leaves more time to the daily cutoff time. Plus if I finish early enough on Saturday we might drive home. (DD is doing the 26 miler and another friend who is coming with us is volunteering, so one of them can drive on the way home.)



        I marched the dogs around the neighborhood this morning and that's it so far. Will do some weights, stretching, later plus a few miles out at the lake with Baker this evening. Thinking about pulling the plug on the pandemic running streak (60 weeks, 420 days) but am finding it to be mentally difficult.


        Weekend, crazy due to work on-call covering for 2 teams. I did get in a decent 5 miler with Baker yesterday at Birdsboro waters.


        QOTD: Well, this week is going to be a million percent better than last week. No on-call, and taking some time off tomorrow to take the missus over to Longwood gardens to see the spring tulip/flower displays. Always an enjoyable walk over there.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.


        running under the BigSky

          I’m happy to say our scouting in the Bob Marshall went well. We found a pass through a range that will be arduous, but not nearly as dangerous as the previous weekend’s. We also had two possible routes north of this pass and were able to rule out one in favor of the other. 14 miles and 4200’ on Friday, 15 miles and 2600’ on Saturday. Yesterday Tiny Elvis and I got in 5 miles and 900’. 

          Woke this morning to 3” of snow, a little late this time of year, but we’ll take the moisture. My guess is the mountains probably added triple that. 

          Probably strength train after work today. 

          qotd: I work every day this week, except Thursday. I keep telling myself that it’s helping pay off my sheep hunt 






          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            1 hr core/ST this a.m., doing my own thing instead of P90X.


            Friday I got a text to confirm our appt Monday (today) for our 2nd CV shot.    We thought it was scheduled for the 28th at 8:40 a.m.  I called and the lady said, nope, it's the 19th at 3:40.   I know someone on their end goofed because they initially wanted us to go back on the 21st, but we're taking that day off to celebrate The Hub's 10 yrs of sobriety.  Ten years!  It's amazing and wonderful all at the same time.


            QOTD: Work, the vaccination mentioned above, hopefully feel fine Tuesday, play day on Wednesday, and then more work.  Not to exciting.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            Gator eye

              Hi all it’s been a day or two. I’m finally back to work after two weeks of getting my butt kicked by COVID. I did get some decent miles in last weekend but still feel a little short of breath and drained. Hopefully it’s all down hill from here. 


              running under the BigSky

                Hi all it’s been a day or two. I’m finally back to work after two weeks of getting my butt kicked by COVID. I did get some decent miles in last weekend but still feel a little short of breath and drained. Hopefully it’s all down hill from here. 

                that sucks, hope you’re fully over it soon



                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  Hi all. Yesterday was a short streak run, but fast (for me). No run yet today, but will squeeze in a likely short one this afternoon.


                  Gator-- sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you get your breath back soon and are able to get out for a run soon.


                  qotd: Better be better than last week. Today is DS1's 21st birthday. Too bad for him that it's on a Monday at the beginning of finals . And the rest of us are heading on Friday to MN to see a college and family for the fist time in 1.5 years.  Chowder has to go to the kennel for a couple of nights while DS has ROTC. He will not be thrilled. So, getting some projects done and prep ready to be gone. And some running