Trailer Trash


Super Soaking Wet Sundays...and windy..did I mention windy. (Read 258 times)

Queen of Nothing


    East coasters are still in bed.  Well it's dumoing outside and the winds are gusting.  Waiting for pick up to head to CA International Marathon to run a leg of it.  Second leg and then we are going to find the bike path and run to the finish so should get 20.  Don't why I agreed to drive an hour to run a 7.6 leg on the roads and paid $40 bucks for it.  Oh well there should be beer at the finish.


    Lace Up: This must of been one of the races I agreed to while impaired and I do regret it.


    QOTD: Passing


    Happy December everyone...have a great day.







    Trail Dog

      Good morning! I woke up much earlier than usual so I could walk off some of the soreness that I know is settling in from yesterday's Tecumseh Trail Marathon. Holy shit, I had no idea they had hills like that in Indiana! From previous posts, it sounds like a race report is required - can I just do that within the dailies, or are you looking for a standalone thread? I'm not one to remember very many details other than the "big picture" - I even tried to remember when certain things happened in the course, but I've already forgotten.  LOL.


      QoN a few days ago you asked about Roxie. She is a rescue dog. Her mother was rescued pregnant, and she was so emaciated they could see the outline of all 12 puppies through her belly. She also had heartworms and a bullet in her hip. Sad My Roxie is one of the 12 puppies. I've met the mom, but obviously not the dad - best I can tell she is some sort of hound mix. Potentially mixed up with some greyhound.


      This is the first time I've tried to link a photo in RA, so forgive me if this does not work! Mandy has some photos of Roxie with Bella, hopefully she will post those.




        Pea soup fog with a little rain here.  Marley and I did a quick 3 mile trail run.


        Roxie is a cutie!  She looks like at least part plot hound to me.  If you are curious what mix she is you can get dog dna tests done for about $75 or maybe less since they run promotional sales sometimes.  I used They seem to be accurate since they got the parts of our dogs ancestry that we knew correct.  It turns out Marley is a german shepherd, rottweiller, welsh cardigan corgi mix.  We knew she was 1/4 german shepherd,


        Since others are posting dog pix, here is Marley:

        Marley airborn

        Someone please let me know if the picture posted OK or if they only show up for me.


        Tallahassee, Florida


          Got up early this morning for a flight.  So taking today as a SRD.  Plus my ankle is bugging me a litle from the longer run yesterday. 


          I'm now in Oslo, it's 4pm and already dark.  Tomorrow I have sort of a free day until a dinner meeting, so I'm planning to go a bit long again and hit a really nice trail that I know.  I'll bring the phone to take photos this time.  It's about 10 deg F here now so I may actually wear my long pants tomorrow. 


          QoN: hope you have fun in the relay.  I'm sure it'll be worth it.


          RR:  Cute pup.


          TT:  Is that a flying dog?  (Yes we can see the photos.)


          qotd:  pass.


          Uh oh... now what?

            TT .. good pics, tempting to say "All three of them", but I'll leave it at both of them.


            Roxie Runs... myths, tall tales, and race reports are to be done

            in their own title.  One picture per 287 words, cookies for all and

            straighten up the dish towel on the oven--and congratulations on

            the marathon in the flatlands (want a copy of Flatland?).




              Soaking wet & windy here too.  And I have a "race" in 2 hours.  Gonna be fun.  I hope. 


              Cool pooches.  We adopted a pooch from a shelter just a couple of months ago, a mutt named Bonny.  I was going to take her with me to today's race & run the first 5 miles with her, then give her to my SO who is running the aid station, but she busted a toe nail off on a walk yesterday & I don't want to hurt her foot or get stuck with her protesting and refusing to go.  So, she'll help pass out water & gatorade today.


              Refurbished Hip

                Rest day #27.  Feeling improvement -- yay!  It is supposed to be something like 50 degrees here in Wisconsin today, in December.  Crazy stuff!  Makes me want to go for a run, but I'll sit my butt on the couch and watch the Packer game instead.  First, however, Bella needs a walk!


                Amanda, you can write up a full race report or you can post a mini-RR in the dailies.  Either one works!


                Hope everyone has as beautiful weather as here and enjoys their time outside!

                QOTD: If you could live anywhere in the world, where you would live?  Would you stay where you are?  Move closer to family?  Say screw everything and go to Italy?


                Here are a few pictures from when Roxie and Bella had a play date:


                Running is dumb.

                Occasional Runner

                  Good morning trailers!


                  Got back to UT yesterday and am happy to be back in the mountains.


                  I ran 6 miles this morning and went to the gym. I'm lusting after a long run today but don't have time. I'm going to try to skip work later this week and sneak one in while planning something epic for next weekend.


                  QOTD: I'm planning to move to Honduras eventually. Jo will run a little tiki bar on the beach and I'm going to take tourists on hiking trips.


                    This is a test...  a few photos...  London at night. 


                    Blue lights, Blues Bar and "I'll have a Blue Christmas without you..." 







                    Thanks Weegee....


                      Morning everyone!  Great pics of the pups.  


                      Our forecast was for rain the entire weekend, but we lucked out (so far).  Had a great day on the trails yesterday, and I'm looking out at blue sky now.  Weegee and I are planning on heading to a local park for a couple of loops; hoping the weather remains the same.


                      qotd: we love it in Seattle so have no plans to move.  But I suppose when we're old and gray we may move to Costa Rica.


                        This is a test...  a few photos from London. 








                         I think you meant to write:


                        Judging from the HTML you inserted it looks like you used the URL in your browser window or something?  It looks like:

                        img src="!" alt=""


                         When it should look like:

                        img src="" 


                        The best way to get the right link in PhotoBucket is to click on the share icon (to the right of the little mail icon above the photo).  Then…

                        Click on the light blue "Links" link at the top of that window.

                        Then click on the "Direct Link" option and drop that into the HTML code for your post.


                        Your mileage may vary, as may mine today.  Going out for a few loops on a little local trail (Discovery Park, a.k.a. Disco Park) with the gal today, hoping the ankle won't be too wonky.  She convinced me to sign up for a 50K next weekend, so I gotta ramp up from a 4.5 mile week to a 31-mile day.  Piece of cake…


                        Thread killer ..

                          The same as QoN here , crazy rain like we are in PNW instead of the desert . The Truckee River will be at flood stage at some point today , my office is in the flood zone and did flood the last time,  2005 . I might go out later if it lets up at some point



                          This is Ray an ACD ( Australian Cattle Dog ) I got in January as my new running dog , this picture was at the top of Mt Rose in the summer Lake Tahoe in the background . He wasn't a true rescue but we are his 3rd and last home , he was only 18 months when I got him and a really good dog .




                          Now semi-retired at age 11 Duke who came to me through the Idaho Weimaraner Rescue also a super dog with no issues , not sure why someone didn't want him anymore .



                            URD today. Not the hip. Christmas party at the university last night. Oy.


                            Queen: What's dumoing?


                            Roxie: Looking forward to the race report! Tecumseh was my goal race for this year...until we ended up going to Finland for the fall instead. But I have a friend who's promised to do it with me next year. Can't wait.


                            TT: Love that pic of Marley airborne!


                            Sandy: Welcome to the dark north! Our sunset today was at 2:22.


                            Sugnim: Best of luck in the race!


                            Mandy: Good to hear you're improving!


                            lace_up: Looking forward to hearing about whatever brand of epic you come up with.


                            EDRW and Weegee: Have fun in the sun!


                            valerie: Hope you don't flood!


                            QOTD: I'd like to move back to the East at some point. Maybe Western Mass. I loved the 5-college area--lots going on, great vibe, plus it's close to my sister in Vermont and not terribly far from the Adirondacks (where I grew up, at least until I was 11).


                              After a super soaking Saturdaily, I am going to a short run in the Super duper Soaking Sundaily .... Alll the North Face races were cancelled today, so were luck to get the 50 mile/50k/marathon in yesterday. I am guessing that we left some of the trails (such as Rodeo Valley) in such a state the park service said no mas! Cal state parks said no mas from the outset.


                              QOTD: I love where I live, but it can be very stressful to live/work here. Yes, I would love to be near the Dolomites in Italy (in an Austrian/Ladin speaking area) or somewhere in Voralberg above lack Constance. Freiburg in the Black Forest would also rock my world ... One day, perhaps! 


                                Hello!! Just returned from my first ever trail race. Aside from 2 falls (ha!) and countless trips/ near falls, I finished! It was a lot of fun, even it was a record slow time for me (it wasn't chipped time, so I think I came in at around 2:30ish). I'll write up a short RR and show you my scars. It was a beautiful day. I think I'm hooked on trails now. Smile


                                Qotd: I would live in Seattle! My dream city. For now I'm in Richmond and will likely move back to NYC in a couple of years. But, Seattle is my hope for the long future.

