Trailer Trash


Try it, its Tuesdaily (Read 43 times)


flashlight and sidewalk

    I did end up getting 5 miles at the nature center yesterday.  It was a "wintery mix".  I always feel strongest running in rain and picks me up a little bit.  Today I'm going to hit the Palisades Park 6 mile loop.


    QOTD: Have you ever participated in an event NOT as a runner (pacer, volounteer, RD, fan, etc)? What's it like from that side? Any good stories or experiences?


    [Edit] I didn't answer...I have never done anything except run in a race, but I am thinking about volounteering at a 100 miler this year just to witness it.


    **Ask me about streaking**



      Did 11.3 this morning. Legs felt blah and didn't want to run but did it anyways. Plan to do yoga later hopefully that'll help loosen me up.


      QOTD I have never actually helped in a race, However the summer race series is run on the local rail trail, which my son and I volunter to take care of that section.

        Good morning,


        Since last week was basically a bust running wise I'm now signed up for the Badger Mtn. 50K this coming Saturday (hubby is running the 100-mile and I was going over any way).  May not be the best idea given I have AR50 the following weekend, but it could also be a good confidence boost.  I'll be taking it as a slow training run.


        qotd: we put on two races a year; one of them was this past weekend (hence not much running for me).  It's a 12-hour race, so there's lots to do.  It's stressful, but very rewarding, especially when it's clear the runners had a great time.  We also try to volunteer at a couple of races a year as well.  I think it's a great way to see the race from a different perspective.  Last year I volunteered at mile 81 of the Cascade Crest 100, and it made my a bit nervous to see people who are normally VERY strong runners struggling so much.  But they all overcame the low points and finished the race.  It's good to remember that!


        Faster Than Your Couch!

          Still figuring out how to get my run in, I think I'll head out right away, before chores take over. It's my DD's birthday, so we'll celebrate with some cake - and I don't want to have to regret that second piece... Big grin


          Jamezilla: I also like the "wintery mix", once I have gotten my self out that door!


          QOTD: I have volunteered several times at local events, and always enjoyed it. I worked AS's at the Rothrock 30k, and I did packet pick-up, runner/vehicle check in, and "captaining" an AS at the Tussey Mountainback. It gave me a lot of insight into ultra running, I got to meet some celebrities in person and talk to them (Michael Wardian, Connie Gardner, Devon Crosby-Helms) and local runners, and I learned the courses.

          I always like volunteering!


          One interesting experience happened at the Rothrock 30k last year. The first aid station was run by teenagers, mostly girls, who had no experience and were not runners. They did not know what to do, and apparently they had not expected to be outside, exposed to the elements, working there for a couple hours, so they were not dressed for the occasion. It was maybe 45 degrees, cloudy, windy, and they were wearing shorts and tanks, shivering and freezing.

          Most cups were empty, being blown all over the place by the wind, gels still hidden under the table in boxes, the AS sure wasn't ready for the rush of several hundred runners who were about to blaze through in a few minutes.

          I had driven up to the AS to cheer on some friends who were running the race, but when I saw the disaster at the AS, I just jumped in. I had an extra jacket in my car, and a blanket, which I gave to the girls, who were already frozen stiff and virtually unable to keep up with the demands of filling up the cups of Gatorade and handing out gels. I assigned specific tasks to each of the girls, so that the AS ran smoothly, serving the runners and getting them out on their way again as quickly as possible.

          After the runners had come through (the field was still together, it was just mile 4) and business died down, I gathered up my things again and left. I felt sorry for the girls who had to finish up without the jacket and the blanket, but I had something else to do and could not stay longer.

          This has taught me to contact "my" volunteers if I get to know who they will be before the race and go through things with them, and to always bring extra jackets, rain gear, and blankets, just in case.

          Run for fun.


          running under the BigSky

            morning all, looks like our Arctic weather might be sliding off- talking 40's today!  of course that's the day I chose to strength train Big grin  (not to worry as it looks we may even see some low 50's)


            qotd: I haven't volunteered at any races yet, they're all far (far) away, but if I don't get drawn for the Bridger Ridge run- I might volunteer as it's a really fun and challenging course to be involved with (and it's sure way to get your ticket punched for the next year! Big grin)


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            Occasional Runner

              I'm ridiculously sick this morning. My head is manufacturing snot at record production rates. I'm sure this totally unnatural. Where does all this shit come from?!?!?!


              I was rolling the dice when I chose to run the 100 while I was sick. but I think I would regret a DNS far longer than the inconvenience of a mucus filled brain.


              QOTD: I volunteer as often as I can and I really enjoy it, especially working aid stations.

                I took another day off today to rest my right heel/ankle that was giving me some pain on Sunday and yesterday. It feels about 50% better today, so I hope by tomorrow it will be ok to run on again.


                QOTD: On Sunday I ran the wrong way through a small 5k in a local park. So that counts, I guess. People just gave me weird looks (mostly at my hydration pack.) I'm planning to volunteer at some races this year, just haven't picked them out yet.


                Le professeur de trail

                  Rest day for me today.  I enjoyed the extra time in bed.


                  Run Muppy - I know you said you live in central PA but where at?

                  EDRW - can you run the 50k at an easy pace and feel ok for the 50 miler?

                  Jam - i like running in snow but cold and rain not so much

                  Couch - i like you story re Rothrock.  I am a bit surprised because those races are usually very organized.


                  QOTD: Sadly I have not volunteered, paced, helped out or anything.  But I would like to.  We have very few local trail races.  I have heard of someone trying to organize one close by but I do not know the person.  I only heard through someone else who I asked to help connect me with the guy trying to organize a trail race.  I really do want to help with some local trail races.


                  I have a cool story to f/u on Couch's story.  I ran a 50k in 2011 where some of the Aid stations were manned by a group of local boys - I had assumed they were part of a youth detention center or something similar.  They really did not know much about running or what was needed but there were AS captians that helped them and taught them about what was going on.  The boys were cool to talk to and made the stations fun.  Some of them we got to se at multiple stations since they were driven to them by adults helping.  I think they were in awe that we were out there running for hours and hours.  Maybe not awe - they probably just thought we were crazy.


                  Have a great day!

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                  Faster Than Your Couch!

                    lace_up: Hope you'll be better soon, and your body will get over this without much of a hassle.


                    T&C: A 5k without a hydration pack - now thatwould be weird!


                    Jamie: When I captained the AS at the Tussey Mountainback, I had teenagers from a youth detention program as volunteers. First, they were not much interested, but I instructed them, supervised them closely, and praised them when they did a good job, and they were fairly easy to work with. Their motivation increased as they went along. But they still thought those ultra runners were just crazy!

                    Run for fun.


                    Refurbished Hip

                      Howdy gang!  Been running a little here and there...about 3 days a week now.  Slowly coming back from this injury, I hope.  Planning on around 4 miles after work tonight.  We need this snow and ice to melt so I can get my trails back.


                      QOTD: I have crewed and paced at a couple 100s - Burning River and Sawtooth Superior.  Crewed and paced at a 24 hour race.  Volunteered a few times and have two upcoming volunteer gigs this spring at Chippewa Moraine 50K and Ice Age Trail 50.  I'll also be crewing for a friend at the Kettle Moraine 100 in June.  I love crewing and pacing.  It's a great way to be involved without actually having to run a race yourself.

                      Running is dumb.

                        Another SRD (and long work day).  I'll be glad when I finish this two day per week stint and fully retire at the end of June.  At least I am off and free to run and do pretty much whatever I want 5 days a week.


                        QOTD: Nope, never.


                        Tallahassee, Florida


                          Morning trailers!

                          Walked into work this morning instead of running.  I'll test out the piriformis with  5 miles with the running group tonight.


                          qotd:  Yes, DS and I volunteered at an aid station at last year's stone mill 50.  We had a blast and it certainly seemed to have left an impression on DS.  We're helping with our running club's packet pick up in a few weeks.  Looking forward to it.

                            Drive by post-  Resting


                            QOTD-  I volunteered for a 70.3 Triathlon called Vineman.  Run mile 2/11 aid station.  Rewarding experience.  I recommend it.  I may get a chance to pace in May...We'll see.


                            Accompanying your kids in a 5k is more rewarding than running a good one by yourself.



                              Hey all. Been down in Ft. Jackson SC for a military school the past two weeks. Have not got much running in. Finishing up this Friday and heading down to Augusta, GA for the Bear Blaster 50K+.


                              Will probably get in 6 later.


                              qotd: I have not been a volounteer at an ultra but am planning on it for some races this summer.

                                EDRW - can you run the 50k at an easy pace and feel ok for the 50 miler?


                                I'll find out April 6 Big grin
