Trail Runners

Trail Runners Extreme Team - September 2009 (Read 566 times)



    Thank you for your encouragement - always very welcomed!!!! 

    Sunday was my last Long Long-run before the 50K. I did 19.6 miles or something like that. I am pleased to see how quickly I am recovering from it; I ran this morning: 10miles - 6 miles at threshold pace. I did 1mile fast, then walked for recovery, another 1mile fast etc. It was sandwiched by some warming up at the beginning and a short cooldown jog at the end. I felt good but my legs were a little tired - I think mostly tired from some cross training drills I did yesterday. Nothing hurts or is painful - yahoo!!!


    Leslie, are you running the Big Sur Marathon? 

    5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB


      (yes, that's right world, I stretch before running and it's wonderful)


      {snicker}  Obviously, you, too, have been the subject of ridicule re stretching before running.   I used to do it all the time, but am now quite the slacker in that regard.  Actually, I've become quite the stretching slacker in any regard.


      Flowers - Yes, I'm running Big Sur this weekend. First time.  It's a minimum 8-hour drive from here, so I'm splitting it up over two days, going down and coming back.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        That's a long drive "just for a Marathon" - I could have related to driving that far for an ultra..... Just kidding.

        I wish you the very best - it should be a beautiful Marathon?! Is there a way to track you? Do you have a goal time or is this a training run for an ultra?

        5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

          I was suppose to run the Whiskeytown 50k in October, but we are going on vacation.  I didn't want to wait until December for my next race, and Big Sur was the only thing I could find that worked, time-wise.


           I don't think you can track it.  I would like to complete it in 5:00 to 5:15.  If I finished faster, I would be ecstatic.  It's hard for me to tell from the profile on the Internet just how bad the climbing is, but it can't be any worse than what we train on here.  I creep up the hills, but I can fly down the hills, so we'll see.


          I'm looking forward to seeing my brother and SIL on Thursday.  They've become a convenient halfway point for me for a few races.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            I was suppose to run the Whiskeytown 50k in October, but we are going on vacation.  I didn't want to wait until December for my next race, and Big Sur was the only thing I could find that worked, time-wise.


             I don't think you can track it.  I would like to complete it in 5:00 to 5:15.  If I finished faster, I would be ecstatic.  It's hard for me to tell from the profile on the Internet just how bad the climbing is, but it can't be any worse than what we train on here.  I creep up the hills, but I can fly down the hills, so we'll see.


            I'm looking forward to seeing my brother and SIL on Thursday.  They've become a convenient halfway point for me for a few races.


            Sounds like you have a plan - and a good one! It is also a good excuse to see your brother and SIL. The Big Sur sounds like a challenging course but also a very beautiful course. After having viewed some of the photos posted on this site from the trails that some of you are running I feel very envious - I will put those dramatic trails on my list of "wish to do trails" in the future. I am sure you are going to do very well, Leslie - besides, the big 50M is the main goal to have in mind and all else is preparation and conditioning for it, right?!

            5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

            Me, the Barbie version

              Flower, I am so glad you joined us here!  I love your insights and enthusiasm.


              I am taking a day off today because yesterday turned out differently than I expected.  I headed out the door early enough in the morning to enjoy the overnight cool temperatures and planned a short reconnaissance of the American River Canyon for Leslie.  My goal?  Find where the Last Gasp aid station might be located.


              It was what I sometimes call "another beautiful California morning" with distaste because the climate is so blasted unvarying out here (we weather nuts prefer a little variety).  However, I took pleasure yesterday as I set my Garmin and trotted along the canal.  I knew where I wanted to go because of my previous explorations when I lived here before, but I did not know exactly what I wanted to find.  I hoped someone along the way might help me in my quest.


              I reached what I thought might be the "Last Gasp" spot and looked at my Garmin.  It showed about 2.5 miles and that sounds close.  I also saw an older man walking down the road toward my location and headed to meet him.  I asked if he knows the route for AR50 and he said, "Yes, I ran the very first AR50.  In fact, I used to do alot of running, Western States and other races."  My eyes opened wider and I think I gaped a bit.  Then he told me that he does not run anymore.  "About ten years ago I was in a serious car accident and broke my femur and damaged my knees.  About two years ago, I was in an even more serious accident that broke both my femurs and left me with an artificial knee and two artificial hips.  Now I just get out to walk 2-3 hours every day."  JUST!  I looked at the steep road that he recently descended and the "Cardiac Bypass" trail that he headed toward and thought about my internal wussiness that kept me from pushing too hard.  This guy is practically walking on artificial legs and he walks these trails every day for 2-3 hours.  It sort of makes many of us look like pussies (myself especially).  Anyway, he gave me directions to the American River trail head and we went our separate ways.


              Following his instructions, I found the terminus of the official "American River Trail" and spend time taking pictures for a couple reasons.  First for Leslie, then simply because it is so beautiful.  Leslie, I think you will really enjoy your race, if you do not become distracted by the scenery and disappointed by your times.  I would have a hard time staying focused, but you guys know me.


              Back to the story . . . After calculating what my mileage might be for the morning and considering the ascents that were before me, I figured I better get moving.  That is when everything went awry.  Instead of taking the "known" trail back the way I came, I tried to discover the "gravel trail" that someone mentioned in a race report from an earlier year.  I found a gravel road, but it dead ended and I had to backtrack.  It was getting warm and I did not bring my water with me because this was going to be "short," remember?  I was not exactly tired, but I was thirsty and a little concerned, considering my ability to dehydrate at the drop of a hat.  I decided that pushing myself to finish (and drink water) was better than slowly working my way in.  Then my phone started ringing.  My mom, then my husband in TX, then my sister, all of them with good reasons to talk and I needed to stay in place where I could keep a cell signal.  The canyon has many dead zones.  Grrr. 


              In the end, I put in 8.5 miles and was out for over 2.5 hours.  My lips were tightening, my throat was dry, my legs were squashy, and my hips were sore.  Sheesh!  THAT was not what I expected.  Oh well, at least I have some good intel for Leslie.  I will email you pics and info when I am back in TX, Leslie.


              Today, I am tending to my sick sister (she is running a fever) and helping with the kids.  No running for me.  Hee hee.





                I loved your report and I feel inspired by it - sounds like you had a lot of fun and enjoyed your run. Fascinating story of the older man who is walking 2-3 hours per day - WOW! Scary accidents though. 


                Just be careful out there and don't take any shortcuts with your hydration and electrolytes.

                5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                Me, the Barbie version



                  I realize, upon rereading my post, that it seems like I referred to my fellow trail runners when I said "makes many of us look like pussies."  What I really meant was "many typical, lazy Americans."  I guess I should have written it that way. 


                  You guys are all hardcore!  I would never call you as pussies (or pansies or any other such derogatory term).



                    Good lord, Kitrin!! You report was better than a race report!  I cannot express to you just how grateful I am for the intel.  But next time - take water.  Please.   And the older gentleman you met - my eyes were bulging a bit by the time you finished.  Dang.


                    Well, since we're story telling today . . .


                    I had planned on leaving my brother's house around 7:00 this morning when he reminded me that leaving then would put me right smack dab in the middle of rush hour traffic through the Bay Area.  Ugh!  Soooo, on top of not sleeping very much at all last night, I was up and at 'em by 3:45 and on the road before 5:00.  Stopped for coffee (quite possibly the worse I have ever had) and gas, and didnt' stop again until I got on the other side of the Bay Area - far away from Oakland.


                    So I finally got to eat breakfast after about 3+ hours driving, and I'm humming along on 101, listening to the radio, thinking about the race, and I see a sign that says San Luis Obispo, 124 miles away.  WHAT?!?!?!?  I check my directions that I got off the Internet - and here is where I interject don't ever, ever, ever, Ever, EVer, EVEr, EVER, EVER, EVER follow the directions off (where I made my hotel reservations).  They forgot one minor, small, little, itty bitty thing - - - - LIKE GETTING FROM HWY 101 TO 1!!!!!!!!!  I ended up going over an hour out of my way.  Sure I was pi$$ed! 


                    Anyway, finally made it to Monterey, found my hotel, then headed down 1 again to Big Sur to find the staging area at Andrew Molera State Park.  Was able to drive a bit of the course (could've driven the whole thing) and confirmed that yep, it's all dirt road and yep, it's all exposed.  And if tomorrow is like today, it's gonna be a warm one.  I've already decided I'm carrying two bottles.


                    So now I'm sitting in my hotel room after eating a nice fattening, but oh so delicious, lunch (with enough leftovers for dinner), icing my shins and right knee, ready to zone out for the duration.


                    And now that I've put you through my saga . . . . have a great weekend!!

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      Miss Leslie - you are a great story teller - laughed pretty hard when I read it but I can see just how pi$$ed you were with the directions off the never to be mentioned by name terrible website! I would possibly have been even more pi$$ed had it been me especially considering the lack of sleep and the BAD coffee; I can't stand bad coffee. Why would anyone make bad coffee when you can make good coffee? I just don't get it.


                      I am glad to know that you were able to make some good decisions on your hydration and clothing needs for the race tomorrow. Will it be cold in the morning? We are having Indian Summer here in the South (East Coast) - I can't wait to run in cooler weather. I have all my fingers crossed for you - we look forward to more great reporting after the race. LOL!!

                      5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                      Me, the Barbie version

                        Leslie, let's hope that your race route is well marked, lol!  There appears to be a ghost of misdirection haunting us this week.

                          If I wasn't afraid of offending my friends, I'd use a plethora of 4-letter words to describe yesterday's race.  Instead, I'll say hot, brutally hot, and unrelenting.  I felt worse at a little over the halfway mark than I did at the end of SOB.  I'd say that for about 70%+ of the run we were either going up or going down, and 80% or more of the course was totally exposed.  We started at 9:20.  For 90% of the first 5.88 miles we were climbing in the direct sun.  Took me about 1:40 to get that far, and by the time I got to the aid station (2nd station, first one with food), it was probably in high 80s.  I was told it ended up being in the 90s.


                          One of the aid station workers told me that even the elite runners were having a hard time, which gladdened my heart a tad.   And when I got done, the paramedics had 2 people laying down, and one guy - who was a really good runner - ended up having to have oxygen. I don't know if any others had to have assistance.  I had to sit for almost an hour before I felt like I could drive.  The upside of that, had a really cute medic keeping watch over me.


                          There was no way I could drive back to Healdsburg last night, so I stayed in Monterey.  Had fantastic lasagna, and iced my poor shins.  And as bad as my feet felt, I'm surprised I ended up with only one blister.  I still feel like I could drink an entire gallon of water.


                          I was either DFL or second to DFL - but I finished!

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            Oh Leslie - Thank Goodness you are feeling good enough to be able to report back to us!! 

                            Sounds like you had a very hard time out there yesterday and not much fun at all. BLAH - there, that's a 4-letter word. Just spit it out, Leslie, you can't offend anyone here. I am sorry that things turned out this way for you - but you finished and we are proud of you! You had enough brains to sit down and gather yourself before you got in the car to drive anywhere. And only one blister - WOW; it's gonna be a piece of cake to recover from this race and get on with it...........

                            Drink some water and spoil yourself  - you deserve some pampering.

                            5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                              Thanks, Flower.  And I lifted from the ultra forum this question you had:

                              Which running shorts do yo use? I used my Race Ready with lots of pockets on the back at Lynch's Wood but my big zip-lock bag with dates made too much of a bounce in the pocket and I had to hold it in my hand for 6.5 miles while finishing that loop. The smaller pockets were good for the s-caps and my Clif Shotbloks. My Race Ready shorts are very short and I didn't have any problem with chafing on the run, however, yesterday, I ran 10.5 miles in a short Addidas track type split short and experienced chafed inner thighs for the first time ever. I had been running in a misty rain for a little while before I noticed that I was chafing - perhaps it was the moisture that made the skin more vulnerable, perhaps it is just my bulging adductor muscles In either event, I do not want to experience chafing while running an Ultra. Any advice as to which trail shorts to use? Compression shorts? Lots of pockets would be good.


                              The only thing I don't like about the shorts I wear is they're too short and I have problems with chafing on the inner thighs.  I'm a big user of Body Glide.  They have one small pocket that holds my inhaler.  I haven't tried compression shorts, but am leaning that direction.  I wear a waist pack that holds the rest of my things, including a water bottle.  If I want to bottles, I do a hand-held with a great strap set up so you don't have to grip the bottle.  It just kind of hangs in your hand.  With the waist pack, I take sandwich size baggy, put food in in at the aid stations, then split the food in half in the bag so I can hang it from the strap on my waist pack.  It bounces a bit, but at least I don't have to carry a sweaty baggy in my hand.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                                Oh, Hi Leslie -

                                I was just thinking of the race preparations for my first 50K - I am beginning to get a little nervous about it. I am very excited about it in a positive way though so the nervousness is a good thing. Just trying to figure out what I need to do to be well prepared. Last week I used a 20min run, 5 min walk break method on my 10 mile training run just to get a feel for how that would work during a longer run. I think it worked well in training. I was not much slower than w/o using the walk breaks. For a longer event (50K) I am sure I will end up walking quite a bit at the end of the race, like when I get above 20miles, so taking the walk breaks from the beginning may save a little energy for those last 10 miles so I can actually run part of the end of the course and not walk all of it. I liked how easy it was to eat and drink while walking rather than trying to chew and swallow while running. 

                                Another thing remains making decisions on the type of shorts to wear. I love short shorts of the regular track type split shorts because of how much air flow/cooling they allow. However, chafing is not a good thing. I think the temperatures are going to drop this week so I may be OK with wearing double layer - compression plus the split type Race Readies with all the pockets on the back. Race Ready actually makes a compression capri and tights that have all the pockets on the back - I don't own a pair (yet). Check the Race Ready web site it you are interested.


                                Leslie, in the small town I live in I can't find a store that carries the Nathan vest that I would like to try - I can order it online but I won't have enough time to test drive it before the trail event next Sunday so I am going to skip the vest for now. I will go with what I already own. I have some good hand held water bottles with the strap you described and a small zippered compartment for s-caps and shot bloks. I did end up running with a food baggie in my hand during part of Lynch's Wood - I didn't mind it much as it allowed me to munch on some dates while running but I was a little distracted and didn't feel free with both hands tied up. For the upcoming 50K I am thinking of holding two bottles while running as there is going to be 7 miles between some aid stations (I may need more water than that). I am going to read the description again of where the aid/water stations are going to be located so I can get a better grip on this.


                                Thanks for your help. How do you feel today?

                                5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB