Trail Runners

Dirty Trail Runners Monthly (Come One, Come All!) - Nov. 2009 (Read 598 times)


    Leslie and Chris, - Thank you for all the support. I do have a couch and a guest bedroom (above the garage, no central heat but I can bundle up with some wool and down comforters. Last night was a lot better - he basically slept right through the night and I had a restful night too. I am feeling better today simply because I had some sleep. Still haven't been able to fit a run into this mess - but I have picked up my race package for tomorrow and I will be ready to roll when the gun goes off. That's going to be my run of the week! Trying to think positively of this is that my achilles and calves needed some rest/recovery so now they've had some of that and I should be healthier now.


    My husband has clearly had a better day today. Maybe it is just a lucky day; maybe it is a sign that things are moving in the right direction with his recovery. It feels like the last 9 days have been really long. I realize how good things are when they are normal. Things will soon be back to normal.


    I am so glad I have found you trail runners to communicate with. I've been thinking of what I want to do next year with my running and I know I want to do some more trail ultras. I have paid for the Kiawah Island Marathon long ago - race registration closes early due to the limited number of runners accepted so I had to make up my mind a while ago. I look forward to it as I have decided that I want to participate in races - not sit on the sideline injured. I care about how fast/slow I am but I am willing to run the events even if I run them slowly. I would rather do that than be injured. Being fast is highly over-rated anyway. I have one more local marathon in February, that I have also paid for. Other than that, everything is open. For a couple of years I have wanted to do a 50K run around a lake on a trail in North Carolina, it is called Frosty50K (I think). It's in the beginning of January. I used to think I couldn't race to marathons in the same season but I am now thinking a little differently about this. Kiawah Island marathon could be a warm-up race for the 50K in the beginning of January. I want to do it, if I can get there and not leave my husband with too much work w/o me. Wish he and the kids could go with me.


    Y'all Rock!


    Kitrin, how are you?

    5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

    Me, the Barbie version

      Kitrin the slacker here!


      It is good to know that there are others here who try to keep their running to three days per week or so.  Now I don't feel so un-extreme.   I ran on Monday night with my husband and our new house guest, but it was only one mile around the neighborhood.  I plan to run about three on a trail in the morning.  I really should be in bed.


      Flower, it is so difficult to function without a good night's sleep.  I hope the situation continues to get better and you can find a good schedule that includes some running.  I know that I generally feel more nervous when I do not run consistently.


      Kelly, good luck with your life changes.  I am sorry to hear about the end of a relationship.  It is never easy. 


      Chris, that stuff about the pillows and buttresses is FUNNY!  It is also good to hear that you walk and hike in addition to your running.  It makes me hope that I can increase my mileage.  Maybe I should try streaking?  That sounds so bad.


      I better get to sleep.  I will tell about the run and my new running partner tomorrow.  Goodnight.



        Sounds like you need a Tempurpedic mattress. You know, the wine glass and the jumping girl commercial?

        13 miles this morning, 11:00 miles, 2:00/mile slower than marathon pace. I'm following 4 Months to a 4 Hour Marathon.  I'll run the marathon in training, unless I can get to the Myrtle Beach marathon mid Feb. Figure if I can do that, then I'll lengthen the long runs while adding walk breaks and be good to go for a faster 50 miler. Figure I'll also have learned how to incorporate tempos and repeats into my schedule to get faster and raise VO2 I've never run a marathon or followed any formal training plan so I'm considering it an education. We'll see what happens. I'm in week 4. I've missed the last two 1/4 mile repeats though, this week and last week. I'll make up for it next week though. It's all good. See ya. 

        "Run slowly, run daily, drink in moderation, and don't eat like a pig" Dr. Ernst Van Aaken. Sorry ultrasteve.

        under a rock

          I did an 11k trail race in Greenville, SC this morning. It was lots of fun and brutal. My overall time was 1:17:33 for an average pace of 11:10. I placed 2nd in my age group. Mile three was a 16:28 min mile due to the steep and very rocky climb to the top of the mountain. The down hill after that was fun. There were some really steep and twisty descents that I had so much fun doing. Of course once it got back to being more flat I almost ate it. I'm so proud I managed to save myself. I just threw my arms out to the side and decided that running off the trail into the brush would save my balance and I was right! The runner behind me gave me big kudos for not falling.


          I'm absolutely pooped right now since this race was over a mile longer than I've done in training. My whole body is sore. I'm looking forward to a big dinner tonight and maybe a swim tomorrow to work out any stiffness.


          They have a 15k in May that I will definitely do and I'll make sure I'm prepared for that climb!


          I must say I feel extreme today!


            Runs - Congratulations on your AG placement!  And an average 11:10/mile?  Fantastic.


            Kitrin - Hope your 3-miler went well.


            Flower - How'd the marathon go?


            Greg - I'd love a tempurpedic mattress.  Heck, I'd just love a new mattress!


            The Hub came home from work, 2nd day in a row, with a bad headache.  If he's coming down with something . . .


            My 20-miler ended up being a 19.1 miler.  Out of fluids, out of food - done.  However, I felt MUCH better after today's run than I did even in the middle of my 14.4 miler last Saturday.  Amazing how much better you can do when you eat and drink properly.  Took in a little over 1180 cal/221.50 carbs over 5 hrs, plus 5 S-caps and a half a nausea pill, and I am still a bit nauseated.  I think I'm gonna have to start par boiling potatoes to take with me on my runs.  Obviously the Clif Mojo bars and Fig Newtons aren't doing the trick.  It may be all that sweetness is getting to me.


            Welp, 13 tomorrow.  Later!

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



            Me, the Barbie version

              I am not sure how far I ran today because my Garmin battery ran out.  I think I may need to replace it because I fully charged it on Monday and only ran for 15 minutes that day.  Should it run out of battery when it is off and sitting in a drawer for five days?  It doesn't sound right to me.


              My guess is that I ran close to 3-4 miles.  I ran on familiar trails, so I had a good gauge.  I started too fast, whether because I am out of practice in starting slow or because I ran with a friend I am not certain.  I finished strong and fast, but with a stitch in my side and gasping for breath.  My new running partner kept going.  I suppose the fact that he is a 23 year old male who worked with the military might have something to do with that. 


              For those who do not know, my husband served in the Army recently and deployed to Iraq during 2006-2007.  While he was there he worked with several Iraqi interpreters and became friends with them.  Some of them have immigrated to the US and we keep in touch.  They happen to be in Texas, coincidentally.  Last week, we received a call from our church about another interpreter immigrant who had no place to stay.  We took him in and he is already a part of our family.  In case you guys do not know, Iraqi interpreters do not receive the opportunity to immigrate unless they show incredible dedication or valor or both, so this young man has seen quite a bit of action during his service to our country.  In addition, he is Kurdish.  This means he suffered under the post-1991 persecution from Saddam Hussein (he was born in 1986).  Basically, he has never had happiness in his life.


              But you would never know it if you met him.  He is kind and funny and helpful.  He says he likes to cook and do laundry (he did all of ours this week) and more.  I wish I could adopt him.  Oh, and he likes to "train" as he calls it because he spent alot of time with marines and Special Forces soldiers when he was an interpreter.  He never ran on a trail, though, and he thought our run today was fun.  So, now I have a new trail running buddy (his name is Salar, by the way) and that is a new experience for me.  Talking while running, what a novel idea!


              I already made this too long, so I guess I will stop.  Happy trail, everyone.



                Garmin batteries can be fickle.  I've fully charged mine one day only to have it be dead the next day.  Then I can charge it again, and everything will be fine.  I'd give it a few more tries before replacing.

                Live the Adventure. Enjoy the Journey. Be Kind. Have Faith!

                under a rock

                  Kitrin- That's really cool about your new trail running partner. I just love his story. I run with partners every now and then and really like it, getting to chat helps take your mind off some of the tougher spots. I used to think that I didn't like to run with other people but it turns out I was wrong. I still do cherish my solo runs though.


                  Flower- I take it you live in/near the Carolinas? I'm in the Charlotte area. I've seen the Frosty 50k listed on some local race calendars. I'm not ready for that this year but I've book marked it just in case I'm up for it next year. I've also got my eye on the Triple Lakes Trail race held in Oct. They have a half marathon, full marathon, and 40 mile.

                    Runs - Congratulations on your AG placement!  And an average 11:10/mile?  Fantastic.


                    Kitrin - Hope your 3-miler went well.


                    Flower - How'd the marathon go?


                    Greg - I'd love a tempurpedic mattress.  Heck, I'd just love a new mattress!


                    The Hub came home from work, 2nd day in a row, with a bad headache.  If he's coming down with something . . .


                    My 20-miler ended up being a 19.1 miler.  Out of fluids, out of food - done.  However, I felt MUCH better after today's run than I did even in the middle of my 14.4 miler last Saturday.  Amazing how much better you can do when you eat and drink properly.  Took in a little over 1180 cal/221.50 carbs over 5 hrs, plus 5 S-caps and a half a nausea pill, and I am still a bit nauseated.  I think I'm gonna have to start par boiling potatoes to take with me on my runs.  Obviously the Clif Mojo bars and Fig Newtons aren't doing the trick.  It may be all that sweetness is getting to me.


                    Welp, 13 tomorrow.  Later!

                     You could try some pizza, or spaghetti. Or pancakes. 

                    "Run slowly, run daily, drink in moderation, and don't eat like a pig" Dr. Ernst Van Aaken. Sorry ultrasteve.

                       You could try some pizza, or spaghetti. Or pancakes. 


                      I actually thought about you the other day and your spaghetti and pancake runs!  But I'll probably go with boiled potatoes instead.


                      Kitrin - I think it's great that you guys have taken this young man into your home.  Not to start a political debate -  I think too often we forget about (and the media fails to report) the sacrifices these folks are making in an effort to keep their country safe and free.  I hope he finds the happiness he deserves.


                      13.1 road miles today.  My legs felt surprisingly sproinky after a few miles.  Didn't try to keep any HR range, but just a steady pace.  After the 1st hour, I practiced my 20/2 and again.  Also got to see 2 brand new calves.  They had to have been born within the last 24 hours or so 'cause they still had their umbilical cords and couldn't walk very well.  They were so cute!

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance




                        Yes, a little south of you in Columbia, SC. Did you run a Paris Mountain trail race? Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I am interested in the race you mentioned but October is a long way away. 40 miles....... 


                        I ran a Half Marathon Saturday, not a full. It was the Governor's Cup, you know, Governor Sanford...., fortunately he did not show up on raceday, he never does. My full marathon is in the middle of December so the half was a tune-up race. It went well - surprise, surprise! I ran it by feel and came in with pretty even splits over the entire course. It was hilly so there were a couple of miles that were a little slower than the others. Average pace was 9:50. I finished in 2:08:38 which was a personal worst for me for a half marathon. I still consider it a successful race for me. I am healthy enough to be able to participate in long distance races again, which is what I want. And also, I ran it a little faster than I had anticipated. I thought I would have run it 5-10 minutes slower so I am pleased. I now have some hard data to use for determining my marathon pace in a month. I would have liked to have made more progress over the summer and fall in terms of ability to maintain a faster pace but I am fine with where I am. As long as I stay healthy and am able to keep training and racing - that's what I ask.



                        Good work with your back to back longg days this week end. I am amazed that you can do it. 


                        Wow, lot's of action in this forum today - interesting news from you, Kitrin. That's a big responsibiity and impact on your family and personal life. 


                        My hubby has had one of his best post-surgery days yet today. I am so glad!! But I am also tired as he had a horrible night in which he kept me awake (again) most of the night. I moved to the couch as per your suggestion but I was so anxious I could not fall asleep and just lay there and listened to him moving around upstairs.

                        5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                          I moved to the couch as per your suggestion but I was so anxious I could not fall asleep and just lay there and listened to him moving around upstairs.


                          This is where drugs come in quite handy.   For you or him.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            LOL!!! Yes, gimme, gimme, gimme some drugs. Hubby just gave me Tylenol (for my headache) and says I need to go to bed; he will take care of the kitchen............ - a good turn of events?!
                            5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                            under a rock


                              Yes, a little south of you in Columbia, SC. Did you run a Paris Mountain trail race? Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I am interested in the race you mentioned but October is a long way away. 40 miles....... 

                              Yes, it was the Paris Mountain race. I'm definitely going back for the 15k in May.


                                Yes, it was the Paris Mountain race. I'm definitely going back for the 15k in May.


                                Wow, I have been scared by the description of it - why did you like it so much? Was it not that bad? I may be tempted to run it in May too.


                                5 miles at recovery pace this morning - walked the first mile, then mostly jogging. Good to be moving again. Some wear and tear from the race in my body so I need to take it easy.

                                5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB