Trail Runners

Dirty Trail Runners Monthly (Come One, Come All!) - Nov. 2009 (Read 598 times)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Folks -


    Nice pics, Flower.  Thanks for sharing.


    Participated in our 5k Turkey Trot this a.m.  My coach ran with me again, which always helps to push me.  I thought I had faster 5k than last year, but I was actually a couple of seconds slower.  I'm gonna chalk it up to tired legs from my great 10-miler yesterday.


    It's been a lazy day for us today.  Besides the run and making a big crock pot of beans, we've been slugs.  It's been really nice.


    Hope your Turkey Day went well -

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      No "Black Friday" here, except I'm working.  I volunteered, though.  Thursdays and Fridays I work for one of my old bosses, and the last couple of months it seems either he's been gone or I've been gone.  And since I'll be gone yet again from next Thursday afternoon through Monday, I told him I'd come in and work part of the day today.  I'll be out of here by 2:00/2:30, so that's not bad.


      Today's a rest day for me, and it felt oh so good to sleep in!  Although a cat fight erupted around 6:15, we kicked the offender out of the house, and I went back to sleep until almost 9:00.  The weather here is blustery, to say the least.  Winter has finally arrived!


      Here's some pics from yesterday's  Turkey Trot:


      Coach Bill and I are in the second row, toward the left of the picture.  I'm in the purple shirt and blue hat.  He's standing to my left (picture, right). The bald guy to the far right of the pic wearing #275 is Mike Pigg.  A former world class, world renowned triathlete:

      Scott Pesch, one of the guys who puts this whole thing together every year.  It benefits the local cross-country kids.  Two are going to the National Championships this weekend:

       And we're off!


      Me and Coach Bill approaching the finish line.  My bad habit showing: crossing my arms in front of my body.


      The Finish Line.  Don't know why the picture is so small.  I didn't edit or anything.  Love the sign, though!

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        Great Race Photos, Leslie!!!
        5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

        Ostrich runner

          I'm one week out from my first marathon & first marathon trail race--the Tecumseh Trail Marathon.  I have heard there might be some pretty wet stream crossings.  Anyone have any last minute advice?  I have run halfs on portions of the same trail before, so I'm reasonably familiar with the terrain.  In my last one a few weeks ago I had some strange post race calf pain that I can only attribute to electrolyte deficiency or maybe cold.  I hate tights, so I have been thinking about picking up some compression socks...but now hearing that the trail is likely going to be wet I'm thinking I should just use my normal thin two layer socks that don't absorb much. 



          MTA:  oh, and anyone who is interested in running has a brief chance to get in, some spots opened due to cancellations.

            I'd say don't stop when you run through the water.  Once you get across, no matter how much you may want to walk, find a point in front of you or pick a number of steps (like 40) and force yourself to run that far.  It'll help work the water out of your shoes and keep you going.


            If you're going to be in and out of water the whole time, I wouldn't worry about changing shoes or socks.  If you know you'll get a point where you won't be in the water anymore and there is a drop bag opportunity, you consider changing then.  But remember!  Trying to put dry socks on wet, cold feet is not an easy thing.  Have fun and don't forget to come back and tell us how it went!



            We decided to try a couple of different trails out at Headwaters today.  OMG.  Mud, mud, mud, and more mud and climbing, climbing, climbing.  And the mud was so frigging sticky and slippery.  So much for an easy 10!  It was fun, though, and as we all know, what goes up must go down, and I love running downhill.  Despite all the climbing, slipping, and sliding, I managed to complete it in a very respectable 2:39 (thank you, downhills).


            Off to look for a used dresser for all my running crap and to go watch "Where the Wild Things Are."  Have a good one!

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


              Today's run, while shorter and slugggish, was saved by a few cool experiences - orange and gold leaves blowing down on us along a narrow trail section.  A gorgeous coyote trotting towards me on the trail.  I though it was a dog at first, since there were so many people out today.  But it's owner never came and eventually, after I talked to it a bit, it ran down the hillside.  And lastly, my husband found a new trail to try on a future run.  We heard about it from one of his running buddies and wanted to run it today, looked for it on the way out, but didn't see it.  On his way back, he found it.  It's a newly cleared old railroad bed near No Hands Bridge (off of the Western States trail).  I love exploring new trails, so now we have something to look forward to for next weekend.
              Next up: A 50k in ? Done: California-Oregon-Arizona-Nevada (x2)-Wisconsin-Wyoming-Utah-Michigan-Colorado


                I'm one week out from my first marathon & first marathon trail race--the Tecumseh Trail Marathon.  I have heard there might be some pretty wet stream crossings.  Anyone have any last minute advice?  I have run halfs on portions of the same trail before, so I'm reasonably familiar with the terrain.  In my last one a few weeks ago I had some strange post race calf pain that I can only attribute to electrolyte deficiency or maybe cold.  I hate tights, so I have been thinking about picking up some compression socks...but now hearing that the trail is likely going to be wet I'm thinking I should just use my normal thin two layer socks that don't absorb much. 



                MTA:  oh, and anyone who is interested in running has a brief chance to get in, some spots opened due to cancellations.


                Hi Beef,

                Sounds like you are ready for your first marathon - I wish you all the best and look forward to a race report. It should be pretty out there - unfortunately, I can't help you with advice on water crossings as I haven't been in that situation. Leslie gave you some good advice. I will be running a marathon on Dec 12, it's my third. It's a road race. can't wait!!

                5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB


                  Today's run, while shorter and slugggish, was saved by a few cool experiences - orange and gold leaves blowing down on us along a narrow trail section.  A gorgeous coyote trotting towards me on the trail.  I though it was a dog at first, since there were so many people out today.  But it's owner never came and eventually, after I talked to it a bit, it ran down the hillside.  And lastly, my husband found a new trail to try on a future run.  We heard about it from one of his running buddies and wanted to run it today, looked for it on the way out, but didn't see it.  On his way back, he found it.  It's a newly cleared old railroad bed near No Hands Bridge (off of the Western States trail).  I love exploring new trails, so now we have something to look forward to for next weekend.


                  Trails2run, It should be a lot of fun exploring that new trail next week end. Do you and your husband run together? Sometimes I wish mine had an interest in running (long distance) - he is more of an explosive type (I would put a winking emoticon in here but they don't work for me - maybe I am over my quota?

                  Good luck and let us know what you find.

                  5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB


                    Anybody know any trails I could run in or around Simi Valley, CA?

                    San Francisco - 7/29/12

                    Warrior Dash Ohio II - 8/26/12

                    Chicago - 10/7/12


                      My run today:

                      Ran on the gym treadmill a paced workout - needed to get some faster paced work done in order to get away from slugdom. The entire past week I worked on sensible recovery from the Sunday 23 miler. As you know, I dealt with left achilles inflammation. Well, midweek I ran some 7 miles in my neighborhood and had to walk home due to pain in the right knee - BUMMER! I had felt the same pain during the 23 miler but it had gone away when I changed shoes and I didn't think much of it after the run. However, my body apparently remembered it. I took the rest of the week off from running until today, Sunday. I touched the achilles with my fingers when I got up this morning and noticed the inflammation was gone. It made me happy. As I started running on the treadmill I felt very good and healthy - this also made me feel happy. 


                      I ran 6 x 2000m at HM pace sandwiched by 1 mile wu and 1 mile cooldown. Total 10.5 miles.


                      It may have been on the 4th repeat I started to feel the right knee pain again. After that, it took some readjustment of my stride to feel comfortable running the remainder of the workout.


                      I am a little worried about this knee as normally I don't have knee pain or problems; is it caused by putting too many miles on my legs recently, I ask myself? Is it new shoes? If yes, then which one of the new pairs of shoes is causing it? Have I been compensating for the achilles on the left leg and developed a knee strain on the right leg? 


                      More rest is called for so I can recover from this and run again. This is putting a severe damper on an otherwise pretty good time for me with my running. My life has been and is extremely stressful all of November, and going forward it seems we have a very busy schedule - hopefully the next month while busy will be a lot less painful for my husband and give all of us some much needed relief and relaxation. 

                      5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB


                        Trails2run, It should be a lot of fun exploring that new trail next week end. Do you and your husband run together? Sometimes I wish mine had an interest in running (long distance) - he is more of an explosive type (I would put a winking emoticon in here but they don't work for me - maybe I am over my quota?

                        Good luck and let us know what you find.

                         Flower - Yes, my husband and I run together - kind of.  I run slowly, he usually sticks with me on longer runs, but if I feel comfortable on the trail alone I send him on at the end.  Like yesterdays, we were within sight of each other for 3 miles and then I told him I'd see him at the car.  Don't give up on your husband as a possible trail runner -mine wouldn't run with me (except in races) for almost 20 years.  Once I started trail running (versus road) and came home with tales of beautiful places in our area, he got interested, and finally started running trails about 3 years ago.  It is definately a plus having a running partner in the house to help keep me motivated.  And we almost went out to check out the new trail today, but we'll save it for next week.

                        Next up: A 50k in ? Done: California-Oregon-Arizona-Nevada (x2)-Wisconsin-Wyoming-Utah-Michigan-Colorado




                          Encouraging words from you - I like your description of how you and your husbands relationship has changed with respect to running. It's one of the added benefits of staying married to the same man for a long time - being part of how the relationship changes. All of those transitions form a strong bond and deepen the relationship.


                          OK, so I will give my man a chance to surprise me!


                          You mentioned that you would let him go ahead w/o you sometimes after the first 3 miles if you feel comfortable about being on the trail alone. What would make you feel uncomfortable about being on the trail alone?

                          I sometimes have an insecure feeling while on the trail alone - I mostly brush it off as something in my head. However, I have found I avoid a particular trail because dog owners like to let their big dogs run free w/o a leash in there - those a usually very big dogs and often more than one at the time. I guess the dog owners "own" that trail.....

                          5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB
                            Anybody know any trails I could run in or around Simi Valley, CA?


                            No.  You might Google the area for a running club.  Or go over to Kickrunners and see if anybody there has knowledge of trails in that area.


                            Is this a trip for business or pleasure?

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                              You mentioned that you would let him go ahead w/o you sometimes after the first 3 miles if you feel comfortable about being on the trail alone. What would make you feel uncomfortable about being on the trail alone?

                              Flower - In this area, mountain lions and rattlesnakes are the main concern.  I also don't know if i'd want to see a bear while I was alone.  I've seen and almost stepped on rattlesnakes several times. But I haven't see bears or mountain lions around Auburn, yet, but there is always the possibility (there was a runner killed in 1993? on a section of trail I have run several times). My husband saw a mountain lion when we were running "together" (he was about 2-3 minutes ahead of me at the time).


                              I am also always aware that a trip and fall could land me over the edge of cliff, or knocked unconscious from hitting my head.  The terrain I run is pretty steep, and I/we rarely don't see anyone else out there.  Cell service is usually non-existent, too.  So it's not people i'm afraid of, like being attacked or kidnapped, etc.  But rather wildlife and accidents.


                              I used to run alone or with my dog. My dog can't run anymore. And the more I run with people, the more afraid or tense I feel when I run on the trails alone, which is really too bad, because, honestly, while I need and apprciatte the motivationa running partner gives me, I really prefer to be alone, hearing the forest, creeks, river on my own, and running at my own pace. I have several friends and my husband to run with now, so I rarely go alone now. Good, overall, I guess.

                              Next up: A 50k in ? Done: California-Oregon-Arizona-Nevada (x2)-Wisconsin-Wyoming-Utah-Michigan-Colorado

                              Imminent Catastrophe

                                Sad stories like that of Meredith Emerson (Google her name if you're interested) have made it impossible for DW to run by herself on the great trails around here. Sad but true. And she had a dog.

                                Then there's Danelle Ballengee, whose story had a happy ending but is still a cautionary tale. If it hadn't been for her dog Taz it might have ended differently. BTW I named my dog Taz after hers. Great dog!

                                Bottom line, solo trail running is not without hazards, although I plan to do just that tomorrow. 

                                "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                                 "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                                "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                                √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                                Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                                Western States 100 June 2016