Circle North

CN: At the Races (Read 1002 times)



    Did you powerwash anyone's house while down there?


    Ha Ha Actually brought a gatorade bottle.

      A Gadman sighting in the Yankee Homecoming results...


      363  3027 Tom Gadbois         1:19:35 1:19:15  7:56 58 273/696  M  17/63   M5559 ALFRED          ME WINNER'S CIR RUNNING CLUB


      It's gotta be the bacon beer.  Like deer antler spray but tastier.

        Yankee Homecoming 


        what is it about these 2 words put together that makes me want to spit venom?

        In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









          oh geez, i wouldn't want to be a wuss now.


          ok. i'll race a mile on sunday.

          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









            oh geez, i wouldn't want to be a wuss now.


            ok. i'll race a mile on sunday.


            Oh? The same one I am?

            A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.


              Oh? The same one I am?


              you're racing a mile on sunday? well good luck to you.


              and good luck to the b2b people/person.


              and anyone else...

              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                Mmm Hmmm.

                A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.



                  Video from the finish of the High Street Mile. Winner ran sub 4. I did not. Just past 2 minutes in you can see me getting outkicked by Peter Heslam. Yay!

                  A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                    Nice job.  Cool that it was filmed.

                      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                        i know some have some events coming up like saunders, breakaway and rooster. good luck people...especially to those with shit to run around.


                        and thanks to those who could make last nights BSG thing. love ya lots...bub-bye.

                        In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                          Good luck to you, Robin, and to Michelle!  You two have a really big race ahead of you.  It makes the smaller races that the rest of us do look like track work.  By "the rest of us," I do not mean to include the King of Ultras (Greg No. 1), Doug, Sailor, or others of that ilk.  They too are in the "really big race" league that you and Michelle have already succeeded in.  Hope you both get a PR.  Bring it on home!

                          Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.

                            Good luck Michelle and Robin!....and to the rest of you running this weekend.

                              First OA walker at Saunders 10K. Way to go Jimmie Walker. You're Dyn-O-Mite !


                              MALE WALKER ( 1 - 99 )
                              Place    Name              Age     City       St Chip Time
                                  1 JIM MACPHEE            492 50 SANFORD         ME   40:47

                              L Train
