Circle North

Maine Coast Marathon 2014 (Read 21 times)

    If there are any Boston runners out there who may want to give it another shot in exactly 19 days, the MCM wait list is empty. You can register for the wait list on their website.


        posted: 4/22/2014 at 6:39 PM

        If there are any Boston runners out there who may want to give it another shot in exactly 19 days, the MCM wait list is empty. You can register for the wait list on their website.





        This event is SOLD OUT. There are 9 people on the waitlist. To join the waitlist, You can register for the wait list on their website.

          Oh...the list was empty as of yesterday. stacy knight is still willing to transfer his entry to one of you if the RD will allow it past the deadline.

            So, Doug, what ya gonna do?

            A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

              Kentucky Derby may 3rd

                Doug, if you put your name on the waitlist I will too. You have to do it first, though.

                A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                L Train

                  Kentucky Derby may 3rd


                  I laughed.


                    Playing catch up on this thread...

                    all this talk about marathons and going down in flames is making me wonder what the heck I have gotten myself into.


                    Don't worry, unlike Lance you have talent.

                    What was I chasing again?

                      The only wind you are going feel will be when Alicia blows by us.


                      No wind last year, low level clouds and fog.


                      Or if you run behind Doug, He has such a sensitive digestive track.

                      What was I chasing again?

                        And finally...

                        Rob can we get an early line please.


                        As I prepare for the Kentucky Derby, I figured I better get to the early(ish) or late betting line:
                        I too was impressed by the missive of the early prognosticator Greg#1, so will break my race down by the favorites down to the long shots.

                        Andy        1/1
                        Egad         1/1

                        Clearly the two favorites.  
                        Egad may have the edge with the running experience but Andy does with life experience.  
                        I think Egad will have his hands full and I am going to put my money on Andy as I am a big believer of life experience.

                        This will help motivate Egad as he will likely post some wussy comment about not racing Andy.  Like his sire we all now he is full of...
                        Both will PR if they don't kill each other and finish.

                        Lance        7/2
                        Alicia Crosby     4/1
                        Mike L        9/2

                        This is where it gets interesting.  Lance should win this but when the pressure is on, we all know he sucks 83.33% of the time.
                        Based on that, the smart money is to bet he gets chicked.  I actually think both Lance and Mike will have huge PRs and still might get chicked. As someone who gets chicked on a regular bases, dont worry about it, it isnt that bad.  Usually the view is great.  

                        In the next tier:
                        Greg M.     5/1
                        Michelle    5/1
                        Tall Dave    5/1

                        In the next group here, again giving the nod to the filly (this is just a reference to gender and nothing else.).
                        Michelle's Iron-man experience and resiliency will allow her to recover and do the best of this group.  
                        I still think Greg is nursing to many injuries and his training has suffered to make any serious run at this.  

                        Gwen         10/1
                        Jim in Wells    10/1

                        Sorry Jim, but if going down flames is the norm, then again I have to give the nod to the ladies here.  
                        Gwen has been hanging out with Egad too much, and while normally that might impact people negatively, as for running it is going to be a positive for her.


                        Tom   20/1

                        Inspired by his son and being able to finish Boston, he could make a late entry and sneak into the field without telling anyone.  

                        If any of this has offended anyone, clearly your not tough enough to run a marathon, you might want to come sit with me on the sidelines.

                        What was I chasing again?

                          imATHLETE <>

                          8:51 AM (14 minutes ago)





                          This is to inform you that you are no longer on the waitlist for the Maine Coast Marathon. A space has opened up and you are officially confirmed as a participant. Congratulations !





                            Ya buddy!!! good for you.

                            L Train



                              This is to inform you that you are no longer on the waitlist for the Maine Coast Marathon. A space has opened up and you are officially confirmed as a participant. Congratulations !



                              This is fantastic.


                              That's a group of 4.  This makes me very happy.


                                I'm on the waitlist.

                                A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                                L Train

                                  Rob's whole post is a masterpiece.