Circle North

Group runs (Read 975 times)


    Don't mean to double post, but I see this topic in two areas if not three area right now.


    Confirmed Bradford Block Bistro for Tuesday, February 18 @ 7pm. They can handle upto 40 together as a group. I indicated 10-15.





    Looks like we just found our new Julie McCoy. Congratulations on your new job. Thanks Jimbo


      I'm not running outdoors if it's snowing later today. sorry Mike. I will be the BBB at 7pm.

      Home Away From Home

        I'm not running outdoors if it's snowing later today. sorry Mike. I will be the BBB at 7pm.


        Pansy, but that is ok, if you can't hang then so be it, see you at dinner for sure.   PS- guess I should.d ask where this new place is by the way.


        "Anyone can do it in ideal conditions"- A quote from a true NE CN runner and friend.

        L Train

          Where Stugazzis and Luigi's used to be, if that helps.


          Home Away From Home

            It does, conve ie t, close to you. Hey, by the way L, I didn't even think till now but since I am no longer a Y member, can I bumm your shower before dinner?


            "Anyone can do it in ideal conditions"- A quote from a true NE CN runner and friend.

            L Train

              Sure. I'll get some monogrammed towels and a bathrobe and there will be complimentary snacks available.  I can probably even come up with a piece of candy for your pillow when you get back.  Oh, and you can park in the garage because of course you can.


              Actually you probably should if your car isn't a behemoth because the plow guy will take out your vehicle.


              Check out time 05:30.


              I'm just kidding.  But at 8:00 I tell you to get the hell out.



                I will not be running outside tonight.

                Me wimp.

                L Train

                  Thursday,  Eric/Steve pick a time.  I'll meet you at SIS parking lot in the middle of 11 miles hopefully.


                    1pm sharp.  I'll be dressed.  SIS-mall entrance.  (and not running 11 miles).  I have a race on Sunday.

                      6 miles.  Easy 9ish pace.  There is a possibility that I'll need a piggy back ride any time after 3.  And no discussion of labradoodles. 

                        Your math sucks.


                        ...... I'll meet you at SIS parking lot in the middle of 11 miles hopefully.

                        L Train



                          It's not my math, just my time management.


                            Not your math.  Right.

                              SIS-mall entrance.


                              Egad, L train, and I will be running 6 miles tomorrow from SIS @ 11:30am if anyone is interested.


                                i am but can't make this one